16 How to Immobilize Living Flesh
The peace that sprang into being through violence has begun to break down. However, not everyone sees it that way. After all, the breakdown has not yet affected the upper class skiing down the remains of alpine glaciers and expecting the supersonic train that has run off the tracks to jump back on track.
Neither has the breakdown had much effect on the young and elderly generations, the first as flesh extruded from irresponsible and oversexed parents, the second unable to see that a time comes when the only activity that remains for a body to do is waiting for death. When that time of waiting comes, can one really do no more than wait? The late Picasso, a famous 20th century artist, counts among his last works a self-portrait in which he stares with stark and anxious eyes at death, his face enough to scare any child. Unlike a child, the artist appears to have forgotten that his parent is the universe, and that the spheres of the universe may sing a lullaby.
Though clearly one’s flesh and mind are codependent, the mind may nevertheless transcend the flesh it depends on by instituting a community. Such a community will outlast the individuals it is made of—just like a bee or ant colony may survive a bear come thieving for its honey. However, whereas an individual bee’s consciousness (as surmised by this author) makes the colony be one body of its queen, human consciousness is to each individual. For an individual to become part of a community, he-she has to make a voluntary decision to join one. Moreover, the joining of the community has to be convincing to its already existing members. The deed that convinces consists of two interlocking acts:
1) The individual gives an oath of allegiance to the community that contains the words “I will prove my oath by dying a self-sacrificial death, which I will dedicate to the community”; and
2) Such self-sacrificial death is an on-going practice at the community, which guarantees that the oath of the newcomers is guaranteed by its doability.
Breaking the oath by meeting death through an “act of god” dissolves the community if the majority of individuals decide to go along. On the other hand, once such a community institutes itself through a series of founding acts (a wonder of human perception and will to institute the perceived), it is strongly resistant to dissolution, simply because with the death of the community there must die all the individuals who contributed to its making.
Peace through violence was instituted by neo-Christianity, which usurped arch-Christianity about the time of the 11th century. The founding act of violence was the removal of self-sacrifice (symbolized by Johns of whom Jesus was one) from Earth to heaven. With no active religious act (self-sacrifice) to cause any second thoughts among those serving secular power, the top of the pyramid became the only power on Earth. The original motivation for the founding violence came from the power grab of medieval princes and barons, who then replaced resistant arch-Christianity with a pliable neo-Christianity. The so-called Ponzi or pyramid schemes illustrate the power and wealth grab perfectly.
While great power and wealth came to the princes, demoralization gripped and dumbed-down the populace. The dumbing-down of sexual responsibility is witnessed by the impossibility of stopping SPAM selling a thousand ways to have a sexual orgasm. Those who respond to this are mostly post-pubescents. In spite of having consciousness, self-control (let alone self-sacrifice) has never been taught them. This is not to say there are no exceptions, but the existing situation gives evidence of having been left to its “animal” tracks. As we know, animal communities are unable to transcend themselves for lack of consciousness.
The same may be said about aged flesh. When the neo-Christian church began its drive to oust John from Earth by renaming him Jesus, pushing him up into the clouds, and teaching that Jesus had put an end to further need for sacrifice, not everyone agreed with the “good news”. However, successful resistance at this early time was nigh impossible. Neo-Christianity came equipped with priests-psychologists paid and backed by the sword of princes. The “good news” proselytes soon persuaded all doubters that Jesus had “saved” everyone from further responsibility for having been born a human being. Humankind could relax and leave the job of providing social order to Jesus’ intermediaries, the priests and their supporter, the prince.
To cover the traces of their lies about the “resurrection” (it never happened), neo-Christianity began to distract the attention of the populace by preaching that “at the end of days” everyone was destined to rise from the dead. As if to prove that this was not fantasy, neo-Christian priests preached that material self-sacrifice—that is, death by one’s own will—was against the laws of God (Jesus, Spirit), and punished the relatives of those who took self-sacrifice to the limit by depriving them of the property of the one who had sacrificed him- or herself.
Over a period of time (the so-called middle ages until today) the mind became immobilized and as dead weight as the pound. Such a state of the mind affected the young as much as the old, and while the old bore the responsibility for this state of affairs, the young bore the babies. The wealthy, for their part, bore no burdens but fear. As we have noted, those who incinerated Basil (Johns-Jesus) got over their fears of revenge. After all, since the rulers had no inhibitions to turn their power into violence, they could and did resort to terrorism at their choosing.
There are many examples of state terror. In most cases, the state does not acknowledge any participation in repressions by staying silent. Sometimes the silence is all the greater, because the acts occur in small states whose language is not English and whose connections with the outside world are limited.
One such country with limited outreach is Latvia. It is easy in Latvia to keep things quiet and unknown. For example, one Adolfs Buķis, a Latvian national, who in 1993 took his life in front of the Latvian Freedom Monument in Riga to protest the rising corruption in Latvia. He was quickly declared mentally unbalanced, and the promised investigation of the motives for his self-sacrifice never occurred. Though a number of news articles about Buķis death did appear, these are now all buried in archival stacks (in 1993 the internet was not widely available in Latvia) and unavailable by searching the internet.
Another case of government violence is illustrated by the case of Ken Saro-Wiwa, a writer from Nigeria, who in 1995 was hanged by the Nigerian government for protesting the environmental damage caused by the Shell Company for the financial benefit of Shell and high Nigerian government officials. See
In 2006, Anna Politkovskaya, a Russian journalist, was killed for her criticism of President Vladimir Putin and his war against the Chechnya people. There are of course thousands of such cases.
Jesus’ death and his removal to heaven makes all self-sacrifices—according to the claims of neo-Christianity—irrelevant. because Jesus was the sacrifice to end all sacrifices.
16 How to Immobilize Living Flesh
The peace that sprang into being through violence has begun to break down. However, not everyone sees it that way. After all, the breakdown has not yet affected the upper class skiing down the remains of alpine glaciers and expecting the supersonic train that has run off the tracks to jump back on track.
Neither has the breakdown had much effect on the young and elderly generations, the first as flesh extruded from irresponsible and oversexed parents, the second unable to see that a time comes when the only activity that remains for a body to do is waiting for death. When that time of waiting comes, can one really do no more than wait? The late Picasso, a famous 20th century artist, counts among his last works a self-portrait in which he stares with stark and anxious eyes at death, his face enough to scare any child. Unlike a child, the artist appears to have forgotten that his parent is the universe, and that the spheres of the universe may sing a lullaby.
Though clearly one’s flesh and mind are codependent, the mind may nevertheless transcend the flesh it depends on by instituting a community. Such a community will outlast the individuals it is made of—just like a bee or ant colony may survive a bear come thieving for its honey. However, whereas an individual bee’s consciousness (as surmised by this author) makes the colony be one body of its queen, human consciousness is to each individual. For an individual to become part of a community, he-she has to make a voluntary decision to join one. Moreover, the joining of the community has to be convincing to its already existing members. The deed that convinces consists of two interlocking acts:
1) The individual gives an oath of allegiance to the community that contains the words “I will prove my oath by dying a self-sacrificial death, which I will dedicate to the community”; and
2) Such self-sacrificial death is an on-going practice at the community, which guarantees that the oath of the newcomers is guaranteed by its doability.
Breaking the oath by meeting death through an “act of god” dissolves the community if the majority of individuals decide to go along. On the other hand, once such a community institutes itself through a series of founding acts (a wonder of human perception and will to institute the perceived), it is strongly resistant to dissolution, simply because with the death of the community there must die all the individuals who contributed to its making.
Peace through violence was instituted by neo-Christianity, which usurped arch-Christianity about the time of the 11th century. The founding act of violence was the removal of self-sacrifice (symbolized by Johns of whom Jesus was one) from Earth to heaven. With no active religious act (self-sacrifice) to cause any second thoughts among those serving secular power, the top of the pyramid became the only power on Earth. The original motivation for the founding violence came from the power grab of medieval princes and barons, who then replaced resistant arch-Christianity with a pliable neo-Christianity. The so-called Ponzi or pyramid schemes illustrate the power and wealth grab perfectly.
While great power and wealth came to the princes, demoralization gripped and dumbed-down the populace. The dumbing-down of sexual responsibility is witnessed by the impossibility of stopping SPAM selling a thousand ways to have a sexual orgasm. Those who respond to this are mostly post-pubescents. In spite of having consciousness, self-control (let alone self-sacrifice) has never been taught them. This is not to say there are no exceptions, but the existing situation gives evidence of having been left to its “animal” tracks. As we know, animal communities are unable to transcend themselves for lack of consciousness.
The same may be said about aged flesh. When the neo-Christian church began its drive to oust John from Earth by renaming him Jesus, pushing him up into the clouds, and teaching that Jesus had put an end to further need for sacrifice, not everyone agreed with the “good news”. However, successful resistance at this early time was nigh impossible. Neo-Christianity came equipped with priests-psychologists paid and backed by the sword of princes. The “good news” proselytes soon persuaded all doubters that Jesus had “saved” everyone from further responsibility for having been born a human being. Humankind could relax and leave the job of providing social order to Jesus’ intermediaries, the priests and their supporter, the prince.
To cover the traces of their lies about the “resurrection” (it never happened), neo-Christianity began to distract the attention of the populace by preaching that “at the end of days” everyone was destined to rise from the dead. As if to prove that this was not fantasy, neo-Christian priests preached that material self-sacrifice—that is, death by one’s own will—was against the laws of God (Jesus, Spirit), and punished the relatives of those who took self-sacrifice to the limit by depriving them of the property of the one who had sacrificed him- or herself.
Over a period of time (the so-called middle ages until today) the mind became immobilized and as dead weight as the pound. Such a state of the mind affected the young as much as the old, and while the old bore the responsibility for this state of affairs, the young bore the babies. The wealthy, for their part, bore no burdens but fear. As we have noted, those who incinerated Basil (Johns-Jesus) got over their fears of revenge. After all, since the rulers had no inhibitions to turn their power into violence, they could and did resort to terrorism at their choosing.
There are many examples of state terror. In most cases, the state does not acknowledge any participation in repressions by staying silent. Sometimes the silence is all the greater, because the acts occur in small states whose language is not English and whose connections with the outside world are limited.
One such country with limited outreach is Latvia. It is easy in Latvia to keep things quiet and unknown. For example, one Adolfs Buķis, a Latvian national, who in 1993 took his life in front of the Latvian Freedom Monument in Riga to protest the rising corruption in Latvia. He was quickly declared mentally unbalanced, and the promised investigation of the motives for his self-sacrifice never occurred. Though a number of news articles about Buķis death did appear, these are now all buried in archival stacks (in 1993 the internet was not widely available in Latvia) and unavailable by searching the internet.
Another case of government violence is illustrated by the case of Ken Saro-Wiwa, a writer from Nigeria, who in 1995 was hanged by the Nigerian government for protesting the environmental damage caused by the Shell Company for the financial benefit of Shell and high Nigerian government officials. See
In 2006, Anna Politkovskaya, a Russian journalist, was killed for her criticism of President Vladimir Putin and his war against the Chechnya people. There are of course thousands of such cases.
Jesus’ death and his removal to heaven makes all self-sacrifices—according to the claims of neo-Christianity—irrelevant. because Jesus was the sacrifice to end all sacrifices.