Saturday, May 11, 2019

EC705 This is a REENTRY of re-edited
EC662 [Latvian version: “LIECINIEKS (Citas vēstures stāstam)”]s
The Life Review of Robin Ludd/ A Family Epic
By © Anton Vendamencsh, 2017

4 The Story of Father

Older brother
(By eight years)
The first born1884
Aka Karl

Died 1910
    Of syphillis
(According to
Unspoken rumor)
    He contracted
    As a student
    In St. Petersburg.
    The a ‘sin’
    Let Karl be forgot
    And his grave site be
    Forever hid.
Yet Kahrlis
Was the one
Who first brought
From St Petersburg
To Riga in Riga
Hard to come by
Printer’s ink
And in subsequent years
Ink was a tool
Of revolutionaries).

In its day
St Petersburg was
A relay junction
For new ideas
(From America including)
And the notion
That news
May be published
For pennies
If advertising
(Where to buy
The best boots in town)
Fills most of
The newspaper.

Having failed
As a playwright

[He was too much
Of a populist
And religious zealot
On behalf of obsolete
Catholic Christian
(It never would
Or could
Occur to him
That John the Baptist
Was the true Christ)]

Took the idea
And shared it
With his paramour
A failed actress
And a walking selfie
—Who (it happened)
Was selling ads
In Riga’s
German newspapers.

Mein liebes Schatz
(My dear treasure)
Said grandfather
(Who spoke German
Since childhood)
Let us start
A newspaper
You pimp ads
I will
Edit the news
And speak
Against the use
Of alcohol.
By making
Shopowners wealthy
We too will become wealthy.

The socialist poet Rainis
Who wants to be
Latvia’s president
And Aspazija
The virgin poetess
His bedmate
Our saintly exiles
Will legitimize us
By confirming us
Their antagonists*.
*The relationship between grandfather and Rainis is never mentioned in Latvia, though the Index files of Rainis Collected Works (25 vol.) give unmistakeble evidence that the relationship was antagonistic. This poet discovered the relationship only after a local library threw out its collection and one of the editions found its way to the hopper of country side john.

Intrigue saw
Her opportunity
And answered

    I will do it, dear
    I will massage
Your cock
If you trust me
Be the publisher
you pay off
Your creditors.

Until lately
Of a country school
Cuckolded by
The promises
Of his city born twirk
Agreed and

Staged a play
That would last
Two generations
And hear the Devil
Clap one hand
In God’s face
Until God awakened
To the dare
He had made
And asked me
If I had been good
And if I had chanted

To join an age
Which was inverting
All things born of
With trees erupting
As clumps of buildings
And cities
Stretching their fingers
all over
Everyone’s underwear.

Grandfather, laid back
And let the actress
Look in her black mirror
And do his shtick.

    The rest is history

    He and hisn
    Got fucked
    As Americans say
    By Intrigue
    Made up
As the First Lady
Of Latvia
And gigolo
Of her President

    To get away with it
All she had to do
Was kill
Her second husband’s
First wife

The President would
Keep his silence
The time and place was
Too complicated
To bear
A timely investigation

Her son and my father
Editor in chief
Of The Latest News
And responible
For the public Word
That held together
Two million Latvian ludds
Into a community
Was in no position
To move or tell
What he knew

Though the murder victim
Was to be
His father and mother
All he could do
Was hope
He would live
Long enough
To write a book.
About how life
Became staged
As a lie

And how the play
For this and that reason
Would efervesce
Before everyone’s eyes
And was soon forgot.*

My other grandmother
(My mother’s mother)
Could not forget
Her role in it
And wrote
Forty years later
A guilt filled confession
That tried to cover up
The sale
By her husband
Of their spoiled daughter
To grandfather

To cover
His son’s
Sexual peccadillos
And his own
Presented her
Nicely wrapped
In marriage
To his son.

    Wrote grandmother:

    ”How I prayed for you,
My dear
    When you
Were to be married
To John.”

Feeling excused
For her irresponsibilities
Did not protest
Said prayers
And for the sake
Of her Devil

And to keep
Confusion alive
Confession dead
And lies permanent
Kept silence,
But on her deathbed
Let it be known:
”I have forgiven God.”

My younger brother
Of our uncommon father
A Doctor of Psychology
Though aware of
The existential threat
Facing the family
Refused the traditional
Confession of his profesion
And upheld
Silence and the settling
Of chaotic times
Into a tradition, and

Kept conceit
Beyond its undoing
Except by
Poetic license.

*When truth becomes a lie, history is inverted. Nowhere is this more true than the poet’s country of birth, Latvia. Even in 2019 few Latvians are told that the origin of their country is to be sought in the pietist movement brought to Livonia from Bohemia and Moravia after the great Northern War that was fought between Sweden and Russia at the beginning of the 18th century, and that as a result of two hundred years of misleading lies many of their countrymen and women played a significant role in the 1905 and 1917 Russian Revolutions. Instead the post Soviet government of ‘renewed’ (but no longer ‘sovereign’) Latvia is explained as a more or less liberal movement arising out of a Russian and German educated atheist or Lutheran oriented student elite. Not surprisingly, this has created an uptight and guarded elite-led ‘culture’ that is as secretive in post-Soviet Latvia as it was in Soviet times.

Though the poet’s allegations of the murder of his paternal grandparents are circumstantial, the circumstances are telling and significant. Some significant dates and circumstances:

The infamous Molotov-Ribentrop Pact was signed on the 23rd of August, 1939.

The poet’s grandfather dies on the 14th of June, two months before the signing of the pact, allegedly as a consequence of gangrene that costs him one of his legs. Though it is not generally known that the Latvian ruling elite had foreknowlege of the coming occuption, this is highly questionble. For one,the poet remembers, his father and maternal grandfther (formerly ambssador to the Soviet Union) walking in the family garden following his sixth birthday (26 July, 1939) party, and dicusing both the coming German attack on Poland (1 September, 1939) and Soviet occupation of the Baltic states.

Among friends of Intrigue’s greater family was Ribentop; and his grandsons remain so to this day (see Sestdiena, 16-22 March, 2018). Hitler’s Foreign Minister Ribentrop allegedly arranged an interview for Intrigue with Himmler, who is said to have denied her the right to emmigrate to Germany as Baltic German. The reasons for the denial remain unclear, as Intrigue was known to be sympthetic to the German cause and had supported the cause in 1919, when Bermont-Avalov’s Baltic-German manned ‘Special Russian Corps’ occupied Riga

In 1939 Intrigue was also known as the First Lady of Latvia, an unofficial position that was complimentary to President K. Ulmanis. The latter is reason enough to suspect that my grandparents murder (for reasons of convenience) may have been a secret protected by the State of the time. Not least, grandmother died on the 17th of October,1939, only three months after the death of grandfather (her first and only husband). Interestingly, her death occurs at time when her daughters are planning to bring a suit against Intrigue (for unfair distribution of family inheritance); grandmother’s participation as a witness would, no doubt, have revealed many family (and other) secrets.

On the 6th October, 1939, Hitler gives a speech  that opens the way for Baltic Germans to leave Latvia for their ‘homeland’. It is after this date that Intrigue approaches Himmler (or Himmler is approched on her behalf). Failing a favorable outcome, the Swedish ambassador (Janson) offers to marry her as a way to escape the Soviets, but intrigue refuses the offer, because her 3rd marriage may not offer protection to her sister’s son whom she has adopted.

According to one of the late and last surviving editor of Jaunākās Ziņas (the Latest News) Rolands Ozols, the poet’s father approached Intrigue to ask for money to leave the country. His request was refused. The refusal to help raises many questions. Several of the most important:

1. Was it an attempt (by Intrigue) to get the poet’s father and family killed as well?

2. What assurance was Intrigue given that made her so sure that she would escape?

3. If the murders were a state secret known by then ruler of the State K. Ulmanis, did the Soviets occupy a legitimate State, and is the  PostSovietState of Latvia, a member of the European Union (EU), though no longer a sovereign State, indeed a legitimate state?

4. Since K. Ulmnis came to power by a coup d’etat, was he attempting to kill the legitimate democratic State of sovereign Latvia by killing the heirs of the first President of Latvia (of whom the poet’s aunt was a member through marriage), who did not support his reign, which would certainly forecloae an investigtion if and whenver Latvia was to be renewed. Indeed, the PostSoviet state of Latvia has turned the former dictator (whatever the merits or demerits of his regime) into a virtual saint simply because the Soviets arrested and deported him.

5. What ssecrets are hid in the Cheka files?

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