Saturday, August 4, 2018

The Life Review of Robin Ludd—An epic of a sort
By © Anton Vendamencsh, 2017

10. *The Asterisk

When I returned
To Latvija
(after a 51 year absence)
I discovered
That Stalin’s heirs
Had spread
City bred virtual reality
Through out the country
And spiked it
With artificial inteligence
And overwhelmed
and unhinged
the community
I was born to
With hysterical
Of earthly life:

City born bolsheviks
In Russia
(just as
City born liberals
In America)
Had tainted
All souls
With political molasses.
Said government officials:
How can we not
Give them promises
To whatever it is
They desire?

Self-proclaimed Wisemen
From the West
(Europe, America,
And Australia)
Brought stories
Of marvels
And inevitable success
That were consumed
Or thieved
On the spot
By a love
And trinket starved
hysterical mob
wanting ‘more’
and more for ‘free’.

There was no such thing
As personal conscience
Or God or Goddess—
Unless it be
A blank stare
And vulturous magpies
Flying out
Of eye sockets
Upon mention
Of money.

Had become
a concerto of squeals
Played on the violin
Of every
Renewed Latvija
‘democratic’ politician.

No worse examle
Of a nation
As a community
Could be imagined.

Asked me:
What are you doing
Why are your here?
We want money.
We want to go
To America, England.
We wish to be anywhere
But here.

    For them
    My return was
And beyond
    I was a mystery.
    And a fool.

I had to
Let their questions
And opinions
Sink in
And percolate.

Only 20 years later
(after leaving Riga
And moving to live
In the countryside)
Did I come to understand
What the young
Questions meant.

    Indeed, the questioners

    (their atheist brains
Scarred and cauterized
By impenetrable tissue
when it came
to understanding
The meaning of
A sovereign community)

Saw no sense
    To ‘father’
Or ‘motherland’
Or to the loss
I nursed in my heart.

The youths
Made me stand
At the end of my bed
And watch
(As in a near death
The medics try
Rescuscitate me.

The Latvijan language
Once the Goddess’s own
(every word used to be
An endearment)
Had become
Lingua franka
Of medicalese
And bureaucrats.
No trace there
Of ancestors

    But of a conscience
    As dead
    As only science
    And a century
Of vivisectioning God
And hanging
Hunters’ trophies
On the wall
    Make the living

I saw no Latvija
That those
At the ‘baricades’
Claimed to have rescued
But Latvijans serving
And, of course, denying
Taking orders
From the American
Central Intelligence Agency
With the help of NATO
A New World Order
All over the planet.

The community’s
Was being
By hatemongering
Politicians serving
And pedling
The relative intelligence
Of liberalism
Sooner than
The bolsheviks
Had been able to do.

Quisling historians
Did all they could
To help Americans
Rage against Russia

And submit
The remains
Of a faked up
To the sound
Of fanfares
That blew
Into the pockets
Of fake ‘democratic’
Rich pensions
And cushy posts
As diplomats
Or deputies
In Brussels
Or sunny Italy.

Some such
Kakistocratic beast
Rules my country
To this day.

    In sum:
    The call to
‘The barricades’
Won a cheap

Alas! Cheap victories
Raise no Divinity,
But is midwife
To cheap results

Which make
Debt colllectors
Rich off alimony
From fucked-up men
Who cheat and fuck
And their own children
Who (when all is said)
Get less
Than appointees
Of the court
Serving a government
Alleged to be lawful.

The questions
Of Latvija’s fucked-up
Youths are no less
Than those of
Fucked-up Americans:
Or Russians
Or Chinese
Or Brazilians
Or Israelis.

Why is truth
So compromised
It cannot admit
That it has become
a lie?

Why are Palestinians
Unable to tell
That Zionist Jerusalem
Never was
Where it is said
To have always been?

Why did Russia
Take the land
From its Ludds
And replace
the ”Motherland”
With St. Peterburg
And belicose Moscow?

Why do
Only a few know
That 9/11
Was the first salvo
In a war
Of nuclear ‘devices’?

Who is questioning
The legitimacy
Of governments
That killed
100s of millions
Of Luddies?

Why was
A man born in Kenya
Elected as U.S. president?

Why is history
All faked-up?

And why
Do Latvijans
Fail to admit
They no longer

Why is poetry
No one reads
The only
Vehicle left
To tell
The truth
By presenting
As fiction?

The written word
Cements the word
To a lie.

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