Saturday, April 14, 2018

Children Must Not Know or Remember
By © Anton Vendamencsh, 2017

Chapter 15/ On The Prophecy of Armageddon

When violence reaches the point where it can be opposed only with surrender, the victor’s march follows a route much like that of the United States of America: no matter how many crimes its leaders commit against foreign people and its own, the leaders predict that following death, they all will find themselves in a land of unconditional love. Please, no more questions about neo-liberalist rape of the Earth. Our export of ‘democracy’ is fully justified. ‘America first’ is best not only for America, but People everywhere.

The victims of violence have only chaos left to trust.

Though Harvard Divinity School gives no confirmation to the above, its silence on the matter confirms its general agreement with the conclusion. Since the time when one of Harvard trained brain surgeons came back from an nde experience with the conclusion that indeed death is followed by unending bliss and rapture, he has met with no contradiction from Harvard divines. Contradiction to the contraary, the world at large is let know that Harvard—if not necessarily God—is with blissed America first.

Accompanied by military drum rolls, the victor compromises decency and sings with consummate artistry any number of tear jerkers, such s ”God Bless Latvija”, ” Deutcshland uber alles”, ”Imagine’’, or ”Star spangled banner”. What is the dynamic that encourages such sacriledge? The answer is long winded, but worth a try.

The reader ought be familiar with this author’s thesis (On The Origin of Populist Kings, EC630-EC641) that God does not come to Earth from Heaven, but that He or She arises out of the human need to hold together as a community:because only as a community can humans survive. In order for one to gain power of persuasiveness that bonds, one needs great charisma. There is no human or divine being who has such charisma except through the assistance of Death. Death humbles all—even God. In effect, the notion of God arises from a communal need and a human being willing to sacrifice his or her life to enable the community to survive.

After the King makes his sacrifice, the community of conflicting individual interests is shamed into lerning selfs-denial. The community persuades itself to bear a sacriice. It tells itself something like the following: ”If he or she can sacrifice his-her life for our sake, why is it that I/we cannot control our anger when our neighbor comes to our house not along the trodden path, but through our rose garden?”

It is, thus, through the assistance of a big and little death that the successor of a Sacrificial King gains (on condition that he-she will follow suit) the authority to become a judge, both, to declare laws and punish those who refuse to respect them. This is illustrated by the story known as Judgment of King Solomon. The King offers to cut a baby in half if its true mother fails to reveal herself. Such a judgment and verdict is not of a human, but of one who is thought of as a God. While Solomon’s judgment may not always be right, the fact that at the end of his term he pays for his mistakes with his life is sufficient to calm those who took the brunt of mistaken decisions.

The earliest need for God arrived when human beings separated from their nearest cousins, the chimpanzees about 5 million years ago. Though a study of genes does not tell us if homo sapiens of that long ago posessed consciousness of the same kind as we in our own time, one may presume that consciousness was present  at least to the extent that individuals could identify themselves as an ”I” that separated them from other entities. I am reminded of a time when during an air raid in 1944, when I was eleven years old, though awake enough to be standing in bed, mother had to slap me awake to get me to put on my shoes so we could run for the basement. I remember taking mother’s hand, picking out her index finger, and after examening it carefully, handing it back to her with the words: ”It is yours”. In other words, I knew that that finger was not mine and that mother and I were two separate beings. The word ‘yours’ confirmed my ‘I’, which again confirmed me as a being with a body, which God’s ”I am” does not confirm.

With increasing awareness of body came the development of language and an increase in vocabulary. It may be that parallel to rising self-awareness came loss of body hair and development of dress. After learning to distinguish by name a linden tree from a pine tree, it necessarily occured to the universal ‘me’ to wonder in what way ‘I’ was different from other objects like ‘me’. Seeing myself as furry as my furry neighbors most likely encouraged me to hide my likeness to others with some decoration that made me look different—be it by wearing the skin of an animal, a bird, a hat like the head of a fish, or body paint. A fig leaf over female genitalia was an early form of the burka. A fig leaf (or penis sheath) over the genitals of men was ordered by the Sacred King, who—during his lifetime—was the father of all the children in the kingdom. Of course, a kingdom then did not have borders, but extended as far as the charismatic sway of a particular King. For this reason, early warfare was of a defensive nature, and was often decided by a wresling match  between two strong men.

The idea that God came out of the sky to visit and impregnated Mary, the wife of Joseph, is not as unique as Catholic Christian theology makes it out to be. Joseph was but Mary’s keeper. In return for Mary petting his cojones, Joseph gave her and her children room and board. This was a form of taxation ordered by the Father of All, the Sacred King. If we refuse to lock up our brain by the written word, the most likely father of Jesus was John the Baptist, the Man-God of the Desert. Old man Joseph was his uncle. And it is not that Salome danced for John in the court of Herod on the behest of Herod’s wife, but that Salome met John in the desert, where Herod had cut the palm trees so his rival had no place to hide, and he could more easily slay the King-God of the Wood, who Salome was bound by tradition to come tempt to sire her with child.

In short, Herod did not cut off John’s head before Salome had roused him to copulate with her. This is why in real life Magdalene is the sister of Jesus and why Michelangelo, ever smarter than the establishment and ready to pull the beard of cardinal and pope, portrayed her as such in his sculpture, the Pieta.

From such revised storylines, it becomes obvious that while it is possible for a community to turn a man into God through that man’s willingness to sacrifice himself for the sake of his community, it is not a sure thing that the creation of God-King will confirm the existence of God in Heaven or Quantum. The self-sacrifice of a King does, however, create faith that indeed God may exist. For why should Nature create consciousness just to create fools who believe that life is matter come to an end-all?

The notion that God is not cannot be denied. Even so, faith in God is justified, because it is more than evident that Atheism is a vandal virus that leaves in its wake a visibly destructive path, a trail of death.

May we remember that every one of us is born with faith that a mother and milk awaits us. Our ‘primitive’ ancestors knew this; our Atheists do not.

the brunt of mistaken decisions

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