Saturday, April 28, 2018

Children Must Not Know or Remember
By © Anton Vendamencsh, 2017

Chapter 17/ On The Prophecy of Armageddon 3

The axis of the East-West conflict is not North to South as interpreters of Revelation of John are wont to tell. The false interpreters have swallowed the  bait cast by Rome, hook and sinker. The West has poisoned itself with the lead that sank the hook that was hooked to the bait of the written word. Hook and written law are now sinking fast. War will no longer protect society from its enemies. Law is destined to become a farce exercised by a secular eclesia known as government. At last, history as we know it, is coming to a time when attempts will be made to retell it in truth. What follows is a sketch of the Thousand Year Reich, we are about to exit from. In short, the First World War did not occur in 1914. Rather ...

...The First World War (~1054) was against universal Christianity as practiced in Eastern Europe and led by its Sacred Kings. This First World War, currently known as the Great Schism, was initiated by then nascent secular Catholic Church. The latter was most likely established by Viking** princes in opposition to the Christian beliefs of a people living in the wood and field. History books misname this war as the  Peloponnesian War, which was fought in and about what is now Greece and the hoof of Italy. The losers in the war were the Athenians (or Anathemanians), while the winners were Spartans* or what we call Westerners. The war was over what kind of Christianity would the heirs of the Vikings be guided by. Clearly (for reasons worth closer investigation), they chose to have no Sacred King of their own. The reasons for rejecting a Sacred King of their own are not clear, but the story of Moses coming down from the mountain and discovering his people dancing around a golden calf is an early attempt at explaining it.

*Spartans from the word ‘spalts’/ sparts. In my native Latvijan the word means ‘handle’ or hilt, like the hilt of a sword. ‘Spalts’ in turn may have evolved from ‘spaits’, the ray of the sun, probably as a romantic interpretation of the glint of a sword.

**Vikings (meaning waders of rivers) likely originated from herders of ‘reindeer’ from the Black Sea reģions who were trapped by a cataclysmic event in northern Europe in relatively recent times. When these herders (originally named gans/ gens/ jans from which the name John) returned to the lands of their origin by way of the Volga, Dniepr, and Donau rivers, they had turned from Herders into warriors.

The Second World War (1202-1204) was what is now known as the Fourth Crusade. The crusade was a no holds barred attack by Western Vikings against the city of Jerusalem (also known as Byzantium, Constantinople, Istanbul). Though today historians give any number of weak explanations why the crusade did not end up in the Jerusalem of today, the reason is that the city of Jerusalem today never was where it is now, but was established by the British only after Napoleons campaign in Palestine (1799). The French campaign, a long time in planning, caused the British to became anxious that the French would gain the upper hand in Palestine, which is why the Brits turned to the Jews to check the French. For all the lies about the Fourth Crusade, it is generally acknowledged, that it was the first war of Christians against Christians. It is obvious that the aim of the war was to try impose on Eastern patriarhs the dictatorship of the Pope by erasing Jerusalem from the map and replacing it with Rome*. The story that Rome had outgrown itself and therefore needed to established another Rome or Constantinople is pure fiction and reversal of historic fact.

*Rome like Jerusalem comes from a word meaning ‘nest’ in the wood. The story of Romulus and Remus (two brothers suckled by a wolf) attests to the words origin in the wood. In my Latvija, many homesteads of old and in the wood were named ‘Roma’. Some of these nests retain their name still. The so-called Roma or gypsies are not migrants from long ago India come to Europe, but homeless former byzantines surviving by their wits in a witless Europe.

The Third World War (1453) was an attack of the East against the West—the so-called Ottoman attack against Western Christian Jerusalem. In 1204 Jerusalem was renamed Constantinople. The fall of Constantinople was the beginning of a seventy-six year long war that consisted of a series of wars, which culminated in the siege of Vienna in 1529*. For all their trying, the Ottomans, led by Suleiman the Magnificent,  failed to seize Vienna. Still, the wars went on and continue to this day. We ought to remind ourselves that the Ottomans or Muslims—contrary to the lies of historians—were an offshoot of early Christendom that remained, more or less, intact. Its ‘truth’ was in observing the notion that self-discipline (and sacrifice) is necessary to good government.

*The fall of Constantinople and the long series of wars that followed it may, in retrospect, be seen as an attack by the precursors of ISIS against a West that had usurped the Christianity of its forebeas. For this reason, it cannot be denied that unless Western Christianity returns to its Eastern roots, many Christians will eventually convert to Islam.

The Fourth World War (1700-1721) is known as the Great Northern War and involved Sweden and Russia. Sweden lost the war. Though this was not the only war against Russia that the Swedes (and Poles and Lithuanians) were involved in, it was something of a last gasp effort by the Swedes (former Vikings) to replace Eastern Christendom with their own mystical version of it (Swedenborg).

WW4 was a test of tsar Peter I’s  (aka Peter the Great) policy of modernization of Russia according to the example set by the West. Born a Romanov (or Romanizer), Peter I Romanized and westernized Russia by the back door, so to speak. When the Swedish King Charles XII was defeated in the lands formerly known as Livonia, the Swedes retreated from the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea and left them to Peter I, who was followed by Catherine the Great (possibly a Latvijan country girl forced by circumstances of war to become a harlot for Russian military officers) took a giant step in turning the Natural world into a city-led Virtual world. While this was a major tragedy for the Natural world and the East, and led to the westernization of Russia and universalization of the ideology of globalization, the recovery from the war offered the long repressed Balts* a chance at renascence.

*According to the Lithuanian anthropologist Marija Gimbutas, the Balts originate from the inhabitants of the basin of the Dniepr River. It was Viking aggression that forced the Balts (Belorussians, Lithuanians, Latvijans, Poles, the Roma, and Israelites) to move north, northwest. Unfortunately, the geographical position found the Balts between the West and the East, which over a period of time forced them to submit to the one or the other.

The renascence of the Balts began with the introduction of the pietist movement that followed the murder by the Globalists of Jan Hus (1370-1415). The post-Hussite Christian movement evolved into a number of factions, major branch of which were the Herrnhuters and the Lutherans. The Herrnhuters (preceding the Lutherans by a century) were invited into the ‘pagan’ countryside of former Livonia by the German barons, who served as bureaucrats for the Russian tsar. The reason for the invitation of pietists was to revive a peasantry demoralized by war and to rebuild the work force for the Russian-German bureaucracy. The step was regretted almost immediately and repressive measures were taken almost immediately.

The Fifth World War was Napoleon’s Invasion of Russia in 1812. Some 700 years had passed since the Great Schism. Nevertheless, for all the compromises it had to make, Russia had managed to maintain an identity of its own. This made the West uneasy.

Though compromised, the East had managed to maintain much of its ancient character and was still bound to the land. All the same, the court nobility of the romanizers, who had settled in St. Petersburg, was no less eager than the West to deprive God of His power.* The difference between the East and the West, at this stage of history, was that while the religious pietists in the East—following the repression of the pietist movement West and East—metamorphosed itself into a secular-atheist-communist ideology, the same in the West took a mystic route, which surrendered religion into the hands of virtualists. In effect, while the pietists transgressed against Faith and made God personal and Real**, the same in the West played into the hands of the materilists by turning to mysticism and becoming obscurantist.

*God’s power or Eastern Christianity was exposed to constant duress by the secular powers, the latter of which was represented by the anti-Christs Nikon and Peter I, and in recent times by Stalin. The demonization of Stalin by the West in our times is true only to the extent that he mirrors Christ as Pantocrator. Looking into the eyes of Jesus of today and Jesus as Pantocratr tell the difference between Jesus then and now: it is the difference between those who are meek and who look into the eyes of the ruler with conviction and authority.

**the Real is demonized  and ridiculed in the West. The ridicule is best summarized in the novel by Arthur Koestler, re Darkness at Noon. Perhaps because Koestler writes the novel as a communist disappointed in Stalin’s show trials of 1938, his portrayal of the victim, Rubashov, an old Bolshevik, correctly reflects the respect such victims had toward the Pantocrator’s, i.e., Sacred King’s judgment.

Sensing, if not quite understanding, the danger brewing in the East (the Swedish Nobels were manufacturing arms in the West as well as the East), Napoleon was determined to take advantage of chaos stirred up by the French Revoluution and seize Russia for the materialists. This led to a most devastating war a hundred years later.

The Sixth World War was what we call the First World War. The spark for the war was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand—heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire—by a Serb nationalist, whose ambitions for a free Serbia were supported by Russia.

The Western powers, raised in the tradition of Napoleon, imagined—all over again—that here was an opportunity to settle the Serbian (Russian) question once and for all. As suggested above—the ‘question’ had metamorphosed (over a periof of 700 years) by way of a Christianity practiced by forest and country dwellers into a city dweller or worker, aka Bolshevik, led Communist movement. The Bolshviks were the by-product of taxation, which originally had been designed to keep the city princes in power. Given that the nature of human character is more persuasive than princely power, city-workers were threatening the princes with rebellion. While rebellion had not yet broken into the open at the beginning of the war, in Russia it virtually exploded by the end of it.

Contrary to Western (and western influenced Eastern) historians, the Russian Revolution (1917) was in fact an Eastern peasant revolution, which had transmuted itself from an earlier religious rebellion into a secular one. Because the battle ground was no longer the countryside but the city, and factory workers were easier accessible and made into soldiers than the peasantry, academic historians (mostly city dwellers) continue to preach that the Russian Revolution was in the name of Virtual or city led rather than Natural society.

The Seventh World War, aka World War Two (1939-1945), was—as all here listed wars have been—a continuation of the previous wars between two Christian factions. The division of the spheres of influence between Hitler and Stalin (via the infamous Molotov-Ribentrop Pact) was another fake treaty to settle the schism that has separated the world since the Great Schism. On the later occasion the major victims were not the people of southeastern, but of northeastern Europe (the author’s birthplace of Latvija among them), who had succumbed to Western Catholic-Globalist propaganda. Not surprisingly, the atheist chekists of Latvija, descended from the Hussite faction known as Taborites, were in the forefront among those who revenged their pietist Moravian forebears. Sadly, the revenge hurt their own countrymen and the supporters of the Ultraquist faction most. The history of the Latvijan Cheka (a secular Taborite faction) is history hid from present-day Latvijans most.

Because the United States of America is an island continent separated from the European-Asian landmass by the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, its strategy vis a vis Eastern Christianity and Russia has followed a different path. Unlike the Europeans, it has no ax to grind with the Russian orthodox. One obvious reason for the indifference is because the Russian Orthodox long ago adopted the Catholic and Western originated story of Christian history, to which the secularist U.S. subscribes whole heartedly.

Much like the entry of Russia into war with Japan at the end of WW2, the U.S. entry into the European war was opportunistic. Neither WW1 or 2 (WWs5 and 6) threatened the U.S. directly. In retrospect, the major objectives of the U.S. government in entering these wars were 1) to establish the State of Israel as a foothold in the Middle East oil region; and 2) to intimidate the European states—with the assistance of military power (NATO)—into a European Military Union. U.S.entries into the Eurasian geopolitical wars were not to check the Eastern Church, but to check its descendants, turned secular communists, from spreading their influence among the Catholic-globalist world arena. The establishment of the U.S. Federal Reserve in 1913 is no accident, but an event led by city princes (J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., et al) in response to the rising tide of Populist opposition to their exploitation of human and commodity resources.

The Eighth World War is what everyone is now waiting for. The cause of the war, likely of an unanticipated spark in an unanticipated location, is over whether the future belongs to globalists of the city or populists-ludies* of the countryside. While this writer bets that the countryside will win by default, the question is whether the countryside will return to the people of the wood from whom it was taken by the princes and city-zens or be taken over by migrants from Africa after the unholy city goes up in smoke.

*Ludies from Ludites, German Leute, whence kings Louis, Ludwig, Judah.

A long time in the planning
WW5, Napoleon’s Invasion of Russia

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Children Must Not Know or Remember
By © Anton Vendamencsh, 2017

Chapter 16/ On The Prophecy of Armageddon 2

The fact that the texts of so-called ‘sacred’ Scriptures have gone little changed for so many centuries attests not to their sacredness (or to someone’s faultsless memory), but the violence with which secular powers, whether of religious or secular institutions, have defended their questionable credibility. In large part the violence is attributable to the invention of the written word, which was introduced by violent men and their supporters living in forts, castles, and cities.

Whereas in non-violent societies the city was a sacred site—attested to by numerous Jerusalems (not always known by that name)—where Sacred Kings, dedicated and sacrificed their lives to their community, in our violent times the city and its dwellers remain the primary instigators of violence. As Western nations of today prove, if there is no justification for violence, some pretext (like use of gas against civilians) will be lied into existence by government and government bureaucrats known as ‘journalists’.

Following the murder of the Sacred King, the Sacred City* became any city (London, New York, Bruessels, Moscow, Beijing, etc.), and the Sacred King became anyone who promised ‘more’.

*In my native Latvija, the sacred city of Jersika (its Sacred King chased into the wood and secretly slain there) was replaced by the current secular comercial center of Riga. Of course, Latvian historians and anthropologists deny that ‘Jersika’ was the pronunciation our forebears gave to Jerusalem. As usual, academics chase the tails of their academic forerunners and regurgitate the same rfalsehoods century after century.

Thereafter, all rulers who hoped to reinstate a just rule (as Stalin in our times) were ridiculed for suffering from grandiose delusions or of having a ‘Jesus complex’—and murdered. Such murder was widely praised in capitalist countries. The Revolutions that tried to remove the violent capitalist order and return humans to Nature were belied and sabotaged. As the two-faced Trump (see lied into existence) indicates, he will be happy enough to see the Russian president Putin dead.

It is unlikely that the transition from Sacred City to Secular City happened without resistance orall at once. As the stories of three Sacred Kings (John the Baptist, Jesus, and Montezuma) attest, the change occurred over a period of time and followed the deforestation of a significant area inhabited by humans. The people who thereafter inhabited the once sacred cities were mostly from a bureaucracy of eunuchs who once served the Sacred King and His wives*. The eunuchs were, so to speak, of homeless forest people who had taken refuge along the walls of the fortresses of the violent princes and barons who had dispossessed them of their forest homes. The homeless were soon cowed into obedience by their secular oppressors. Stories of eunuch bureaucracies survive from many parts of the world. Among other things, eunuchs were ordered to retell and rewrite the Sacred stories and teach the People that secular governents were working for God.

*The so-called harems or “holding pens of women for the King’s fucking” were places where women from the countryside waited their turn to be seeded by the Sacred King. The concept of ‘harem’ as it is known today is an invention of city pornographers.

As the Ottoman Empire proves, once the sacred function of the King has been dismissed, the bureaucracies of cities explode into  powerful secular ‘cultural’ phenomenon (consumerism, re: fashion, gluttony, tourism, etc.) all their own. It does not matter that eunuchs cannot have children. In the Christian tradition the last boys castrated to fill the ranks of choirs of secularized bureaucrat operated churches* ended only in the 19th century. In short, traditions established during the era of the Sacred King persisted for some 800 years after the crucifixion (or auto-da-fe) of Jesus. Indeed, auto-da-fe was the transitional and founding ceremony of our so-called ‘civilization’ of the West.

One of the last of famous Italian castrati was the Italian opera singer Benjamino Gigli (1899-1957). Gigli is famously remembered for his song “Mamma” (the lyrics seem to ask: Mamma, why did you let them castrate me?). Gigle of course forgets that mothers were threatened with rape and being sent to the nunnery as punishment for not letting the priests and powers that be persuade them to castrate their sons.

When the fake tradition was overturned, at last (after WW1/WW6) it happened without anyone being told the roots of it (history was to remain hid in Vatican archives). For this reason, the release of young males from authoritarian captivity occurred without forethought. Sexual chaos ensued. It ought not surprise that today society is plagued by young students violently fantasizing a society of their own. Having not been taught of their origin in Nature, and finding the nature of cities grim, young males perform (in fantasy or in real) orgiastic acts of shooting their classmates for reasons they know not.

*Churches—(the name originates in the word ‘kulicha’, sacred bread, in the Eastern Cristian tradition; alternate spelling according to Grim’s Law: churicha) were built as Coronation Halls and burial tombs of Sacred Kings. With the aid of the Inquisition the church came to be used as the place where city-zens/johns were tought how to remain silent while a minister read the latest Bull (of fake news or laws) issued by the State. The Churicha (Body of Christ) was also the place where prototypical anthems of many a Reichstag and Diet were sung.

With self-rule by means of a Sacred King dead and forgotten for a thousand years and remembered only by a few (certainly no one in government), it becomes obvious why Renaissance and post-Renaissance society represents chaos and is in the hands of the immature . . . whether young or old. While there is no shortage of people who perceive that their community has collapsed and has been replaced by an ever more violent authority, none of the solutions profered have substance. When it comes to those who look into the past, their enemy (quite rightly) is an invert stuck-in academia, whereas those who look to the future continue to seek salvation from extra terrestials—whether Jesus Christ Second coming on a cloud or from anonymous drifters about the universe in celestial machines. Young women (once comforters of old men) are now taken from their uncles by young men simply for the sake of ‘a fuck’. Young men (once taught the art of gentling by older women), are now turned into gigolos, who meet their aunts on the beach for their money. In effect, the rough beast of the poet has hatched (in Bethlehem) from its coo-coo egg, and has become a false king of cities.

From the time of Moses to the Revelation of John to Nostradamus to George Orwell to our own there have been men who have predicted that all efforts to escape Nature will result in living hell. In all cases war paved the way. What we now face is not WW8, aka WW3.