Saturday, February 3, 2018

The Glass Ele-phant
By © Anton Vendamencsh, 2017

Chapter 5/Putin’s Comment on Christianity 3

It ought not be a surprise that in our current social system there is no place for either God, King, or Jesus –their representative in our civilization. This is, of course, because Jesus is a threat to governments led by robber barons, who pretend to a self-proclaimed messianic mission to bring everyone ”democracy’’. Mind you, this democracy is not a ‘direct’ democracy as our ancestors practiced it when they lived in the wood, but a Republican democracy, which is led by a select group of contemporary property owners.

A critical errors President Putin’s commits is that he fails to note that early Christianity arises at a time when the people are still living in the wood. Indeed, this was the case when the first Russian and Baltic Christians arose in the Dnieper River watershed in what is now Ukraine. The error is understandable, because it has been seared and attached to our brain by means of fire by a doctrine created by a spiritual mafija of select elites—a Catholic clergy (the Pope and Cardinals) and its republican oriented theology. As is known, the Catholics eradicated the forest based Populists (the Cathar or Carpenter artisans who specialized in making thrones and chairs; re: Cathedral = seat of the Cathars) of whom Jesus was a likely member. Instead of acknowledging that the Cathars preceded the existence of Catholics, the Vatican continues to falsify history by insisting that the Cathers were Jonny come lately heretics. This is why history, largely written from a Catholic perspective, is a fairytale beyond any sense of reality. Unfortunately, the information in the links gives only a hint of what happened. As in the case of Kings John (the Christener/ Baptist) and Jesus, who were murdered by a city bred Christian called Pilate (Pirate), the history of Christianity as it is presented today must be read as a fabrication.

President Putin’s error originates with the Orthodox Church, which was forced to accept Catholic theology from the year 1054 (the date of the so-called Great Schism) on. Because the actual Schism likely occurs earlier, the conflict between East and West is at least a thousand years. Today, of course, he violence against the East is not led by the Crusaders from Avignon (Avi=sheep/ gnon=John=shepherd) or Rome (nest), but from Washington and Brussels where the leadership has transmigrated to. The recent meeting between the Russian Orthodoc patriarch Kiril and Pope Francis perverts and perpetuates the idea that the theology of  Rome is superior and binds both East and West. One reason for this misconception is that the East has mired itself so deep in the quagmire of Western ideas of government that it sees no way of returning to what it was at the time of the Cathars or Jesus without causing the death of billions. In order to avoid such a cayastrophy, both East and West are ready to drop nuclear bombs into the fiery cracks of the fault.

A most interesting consequence of the fake history perpetuated by East and West historians, governments, and churches is how the lie has influenced current U.S. politics, even to the point that it may result in bringing down America’s allegedly democratic government and reinstate government by a King.

Far fetched as the idea may seem, and grotesque as the Catholic theology of Fundamntalist Christian is, Fundamentalism has preserved among its faithful the notion that Jesus is God and King. Moreover, just as the Russian Orthodox praise President Putin for helping rebuild the Russian Church nearly destroyed by the Soviet government, many American Christians look to President Trump as something of a savior of a secularist and atheist beset faith in America. As the release of the FISA memo shows, America was being dragged into sucjection by an Islamist Obama and urbanist Hillary Clinton.

The disintegration of society as a result of materialism and virtual reality introduces not only palpable, but self-evident evidence that the wasp has invaded the body of nature’s caterpillar. Heretofore, the caterpillar had been protected from reality by a glass wall it has sheathed itself in. Nevertheless, the glass is about to shatter.

The foremost evidence of social disintegration is the hysteria that is now gripping the left and the virtual democrats in the U.S. Though for a long period the ‘left’ or progressive orientation had been in the forefront of society, the same factors blinded society to its inbred myopia, which is failure to notice that progressivity of human intelligence leads to an increasingly virtual reality. This is most notable among urban populations and the countrysides peripheral to it. A notable role in this Dead End play ‘feminists’, who have metamorphosed themselves into a hysterical mob of non-women-anti-men creatures. Needless to say, this has little to do with the Women’s Rights movement, but indicates an absence of issues except for turning such into caprice, which is typical of those caught up in the ‘beautiful’ spider’s web of virtual reality*. No matter how energetically the fly may shake the web, it cannot get free of it.

*Virtual reality is always of a fantasy and the result of idealization. Though it comes of the reality of Nature, the fact that it has moved to the virtual reality of an urban environment, results in a thought process necessarily obsequious yet pretentiously superior with regards to Nature. While urbanites are entirely dependent on countryfolk for their existence, they call the latter ‘peons’ and the like. The American political elites call them “deplorabls”.

The shackles that Virtual reality imposes on its victims is also noticeable among all who believe that buying ‘gold’ or Bitcoin will somehow rescue them from the economic collapse now in progress. The presumption is a consequence of the illusion that Virtual reality has displaced Nature for ever. Then why is our civilization being maintained by violence? Indeed, by nothing other than violence?

Answer: Because violence replaces self-sacrifice. No dictionary includes the notion that self-sacrifice may include the sacrifice of life. Thus, self-sacrifice of life is seen as suicide, even though government may order thousands of soldiers to sacrifice their lives for the state, i.e., the death of a soldier is not recognized as self-sacrifice, but a right of the government to allow him to commit suicide by joining military service.

‘beautiful’ spider’s web

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