The Origin
© Anton Wendamenc, 2017
An Essay On The
Origin Of Populist Kings
By © Anton Wendamenc,
Baba Yaga and Red Riding Hood
Baba Yaga is not a witch
with iron teeth as some stories tell (which would place her origin in the Iron Age, not to say
the age of knives), but when analyzed and understood, She is the Mother of
Jesus. As the readers of this author’s previous blogs know, he believes that
Jesus represents the Sacred God of the wood come to the city, where He is killed
by Virtual men.
The name ‘Baba’ (when applying Grimm’s Law of
consonant shift) may also be pronounced as Vava or Dada. Both pronunciations
correspond to sounds a baby may make when responding to his-her mother.
The name Yaga—sometimes written
Iaga, a name that puzzles orthodox etymologists, is really nothing other than
the slavic name for the wood, taiga, the forest
that once upon a time stretched from England to Kamchatka and on to Alaska. The
reason ‘taiga’ came to be pronounced ‘yaga’ is that Baba Yaga is easier for a
baby to say than Baba Taiga.
The taiga is also the home of the
sacred mushroom Fly Agaric, also known as Amanita
Muscaria. The Fly Agaric, sometimes called Red
Riding Hood was popularized in our days by the biblical scholar John
Allegro in his book The
Sacred Muhroom and The Cross. The book scandalized the orthodox neoChristian and simplistic
minded neoChristian fundamentsalist world, and Allegro’s career as a biblical
scholar was cruelly ruined. Nevertheless, Allegro’s thesis took root. One who
the book influenced was this writer.
As per numerous past blogs, this
writer is of the belief that history as it is known today was deliberately
falsified. One who initiated the falsification theses in our day is the Russian
mathematician (topography his specialty) Anatoly Fomenko through his seven
volume series ”History: Fiction or Science”. Fomenko propounds and proves to this
writer’s satisfaction that Western history is much more recent than historians
present it, which is why the crucifiction
of Jesus (perhaps an execution by auto-da-fe, the executioners
being the infamous Inquisition) may have occured as recently as the 11th or
12th centuries.
The rise of the Catholic
(globalist) Inquisition, is necessarily tied—by acts of will and violence—to
the rise of individualism (over community), private property (over communal
property), virtual reality (over reality of Nature), the city (over the
countryside), and not least concrete over wood and grass.
Contemporary humankind, is altogether
a creature of the city, which extends its influence over the countryside
through the ubiquitous and inescapable presence of television and other media. While
pretending intelligence, the tentacles are Virtual Intelligence at its worst—if
only because true intelligence comes to mime it at several removes.
As for the story of Baba Yaga and
her shack in the wood that stands on one leg of a chicken, the first thing we
ought to note is that the door of the shack always faces the wood. The
shack turns around whenever it receives a visitor. The symbology of this is
plain: Baba Yaga is a creature of the wood, but her visitors come from the
virtual world ‘outside’ the wood, wherever the outside may be. In the story at
above link, the object of the story is to scare city children of the wood. The Wild
Things make unnaturally cute all who live there.
As for the story of Little Red Riding
Hood, the object of it is to make the wood and the world of Nature
scary as well. Little Red Riding Hood comes to visit her grandmother who lives
in the wood—and (oh Dear!) awful things begin to happen.
It is unlikely that the original intention
of the stories of Baba Yaga and Red Riding Hood, both stories so very similar,
was to entertain. We can deduce this if we are a little sceptical and note that
the food the witch and grandmother eat is not ‘cake’ and ‘dainties’, but the
Amanita Muscaria, the pretty looking mushroom that is so ubigitous in the
forest, and that is so unpredictable in its effects to the neoChristian city
folk who happen to eat it just because it is so pretty.
When in the conventional version
of the story Red Riding Hood tells the wolf: „Grandmother what big eyes you
have”, and the wolf replies „The better to see you, dear,” the answer of the
wolf is clearly a fairy-tale lie. In the real or wild world the answer is: „So
that I can better see the nice mushrooms you bring me, dear. I so love to eat
them”. So, in another version of the fairytale, the wolf eats the mushrooms
before he eats Red Riding Hood’s grandmother. Or the wolf steals from Red
Riding Hood her mushrooms and brings them to her grandmother before Red Riding
Hood arrives. This is how the wolf persuades grandmother that he is Red Riding
Hood. After grandmother eats the Amanita Muscarias, the wolf eats the mushrooms
by eating grandmother. The grandmother then screams in the wolve’s stomach as
loudly as she can, which screams the wolf hides by burping loudly as Red Riding
Hood comes up to the bed.
The hunter who rescues grandmother
and Red Riding Hood from the wolf’s stomach is a new addition to the story. In
the story of Baba Yaga, the black smith who forges Baba Yaga her iron teeth, is
still part of her forest community, where his main job is to make hooves for
horses. A horse’s hoof fits Baba Yaga’s jaws perfectly. But by the time the
story becomes that of Little Red Riding Hood, the blacksmith has been turned
into a hunter, the lord of the manor, the bored man from the city come to the
bosom of Nature all the better to kill her. The alien nature of the hunter is
never noted by psychologists who interpret the story. This is because
psychologists, too, are men and women of the city who take a stand against
Nature. Their role is not to restore the mentally disturbed to nature, but to
restore them as wheels in the engine that is of the city. Instead of sending
their patients off to the wood in a ‘vision quest’, the
psychologists precribe pills that render the patient a zombie.
The psychologists are not the only
witches and warlocks of our times. In so many city originated stories one can
hear the nature alienated anthropologists (so called professors) continue
issuing the mantra that humankind originates with ”hunters-gatherers”, rather
than herders-gatherers”. There is no
shortage of examples for the latter. Indeed, a herder is a near perfect example
of one who practices the economy of self-sufficiency of our ancestors.
Humankind’s alienation from Nature expresses itself in the desire of so many of
humankind to kill animals. Nevertheless,
the blame for our sick civilization goes to the mushroom. Why? Because the good
news is, so the NeoChristian chaplains tell the soldiers, Jesus came to forgive
you your sins (1 John 1:7).
(Next: Baba Yaga and The Mother of Jesus.)
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