Saturday, October 28, 2017

An Essay On The Origin Of Populist Kings
By © Anton Wendamenc, 2017

The Clock IS Turning Back

The stateless society on the Eurasian continent was in prehistoric times as apolitical as only a stateless society can get. It was a community of Populists, which is to say, of a People in their own care. Theirs was a regime of Nature, and the People understood themselves to be in the employ of Nature to the end of sustaining themselves. There was no God, but Life. There was no Afterlife, but Life held sacred in the Now by a People in the Now. The Past was of an experiential memory, which is why epics were remembered verbatim. The Future was Zero; it was not, because cities were not.
There were no hunters-killers, but herders-gatherers. There was no commandment “Thou shalt not kill”, because until the arrival of  Cain (arguably the second, not the first born of Adam and Eve) the agriculturalist, no one killed. It was unthinkable that one would kill the Now or in the Now. The worse sin of Cain was not that he killed Abel (which could be by accident), but that he also killed Abel’s flocks, a fact that goes unmentioned by our murderous civilization (of a never tomorrow) which Cain brought into being.
The stateless People were neither ‘worker bees’ or ‘wage earners’. Work does not make People ‘free’, rather it enslaves them. There was no King or Senate over the people of Eurasia. There were no authoritarian or democratic structures that determined their future. There were no ‘Jäger‘ (yaeger=German for hunter) who kept order over the taiga and killed wild pigs to feed a bastard king’s army. The Taiga was a sovereign country that was synonymous with Nature. It’s sovereignty was absolute. It was what the Bible calls the Garden of Eden. At the time of human origins, our Mother was Nature and our Father was God, the knowledge of Whom was born of Nature.
Then something—ultimately unavoidable—happened; something no mother or father can prevent. Maybe it was the eruption of a supervolcano. The ‘happening’ chases the People from the Garden of Eden. Like President Jack Kennedy’s death, the asassination is kept secret, because it predicts an assassin in charge of tomorrow. But then another near miracle happens: Jack’s missing brain grows back (if not for Jack, then for the People) = America awakens from its satiated slumber. California becomes an offshore island, and Catalonia, Occitania rise from ashes. At least we this could happen.
In the Bible (one of the most redacted books ever) God discovers Adam and Eve in the act of sin. The sin consists of Eve giving Adam an apple, which is handed her by a serpent. By eating the apple Adam and Eve come to consciousness. God drives the pair from the Primal Garden because it has become conscious of being naked, which God deems a sin. On the face of it, God acts as a stupid authoritarian and a Creator of a future for bozos.
In a previous book (“How They Shut Down Populist Latvians”) this author argued that the concept of God arises only when Adam and/or Eve became the People’s rulers out of the People’s need for a healer. The need for a Healer greatly increases after the People are driven from the wood and are herded into forts that became castles that became cities. Cities create futures that Nature needs not. The need for healing and protection, increases even more due to the fact that a centralized place became a kind o Fort Knox of wealth and increases the potential for corruption. It is out of corruption that Goddess or God the Healer became Warlords (Athena and/or Thor). As a general once put it: “War is a racket.”
While Adam has no powers as a Healer, he gains it from his mother Baba Taiga, by the fact that She eats the red capped mushroom. While the mushroom will make one dizzy, which is why most people fear it, it will also induce dreams and visions. It is such visions that enable Baba to perceive what ails those who come to her for help. In an emergency (such as an attack by marauders) the charisma of Baba Yaga, who may not have the physical strength required to deal with the attackers, passes to her son by association. In effect, the apple is the charismatic object (the Sceptre) of authority that Eve passes either to Adam or Abel.
Unfortunately, those who wrote the Bible already had a God and a concept about His role in the making of humankind. There is no mention that the Great Mother comes before God. In effect, history is already being rewritten. It appears that the writers of the Bible were obsessed with human sexuality. Apparently, the writers of the Bible lived in forts and cities, where sexuality no longer served the purpose of attracting men and women to each other for the purpose of birthing children, but was exploited by the lords and rich merchants as an alleviator of city borne boredom. For the idle, sex—this side of gonorrhea and syphilis—was like medicine.
At the time of the writing of the Bible the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah had already been built. Thus, God may not have had anything to do with driving Adam and Eve out of Nature. Rather, the events that forced human beings to leave the taiga evolved from unanticipated consequences once the village in the forest reach a certain density and a warlord takes advantage of the this. For one, the Sacrificial King, the God of the dwellers in the wood, when brought to the city transformed Himself into a moral God. God was recreated by those living in the city into an image that He did not have when He was living in the wood, where morality was taken for granted. He Who drove Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden (and Lot from Sodom and Gomorrah) had been transformed by city dwellers into a moralist. This raises the question: Whydoes a moralist God throw stones at the likes of Adam and Eve, not the likes of Cain?
In the beginning the connection between the Garden of Eden and Sodom and Gomorrah was only dimly perceived. Because complexity of thought develops only through words and human reflection upon their meaning, it is likely that up to the holocaust of the cities there had not occurred an event that could be called ‘a catastrophe’ great enough to compare with the catastrophic event that caused the expulsion of human beings (by human beings) from Nature. In this author’s opinion the deciding ‘event’ was the Great Fire of Sodom and Gomorrah. This event was more than likely the unmentioned Great Fire of Jerusalem, Jerusalem being the deliberately corrupted city from which evolved all cities of sin. 
As Jerusalem turned into a whorehouse, Baba Yaga was turned into a witch who rides the broom. Her Son Ivashka, aka Jeshua or John, is teased by Salome with the Dance of the Seven Veils and is decapitated for lecturing King Herod about about the undesirability of indulging in rape and fornication. Those who rewrote the story and replaced the name of John the Baptist with the name of Jesus, took the trouble to reimagine Salome as a woman caught in adultery, whom Jesus heals and who Jesus tells: “Sin no more”. Like it or not, the ‘facts’ of the story are changed: when John becomes Jesus, he forgives his decapitators. We are reminded of the occasion when Jesus, nailed to the Cross, tells God: “Father, forgive them, because they do not know what they do.” (Luke23:34)
Why is the Populist King and God turned into an impotent victim? Did He not—to appease the potential wrath of the Populist People of the city— once upon a time sacrifice his life for them? Was not Cain ‘marked’ so that anyone who saw the mark could spit on him and take from him his life—just as Cain had taken life from Abel and the forest?
Why should anyone propose that God grew fearfulf for Cain’s life? Is it not the Lords of cities who are the fearful ones? Is it not the resurrection of Nature and their impotence they fear?
The fact that the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2-3) and Lot fleeing with his wife and daughters from Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19) are stories found in the the same book is not an accident. In either instance sexuality is born of the city and has become a problem. In both instances sexuality has lost its primary procreational function and has become sensuality for its own sake.

(Next: Mt. Venus sans Kusa)

Saturday, October 21, 2017

An Essay On The Origin Of Populist Kings
By © Anton Wendamenc, 2017

Baba Yaga and The Mother of Jesus

Most people recreate life and themselves in the image of their environment. In the past for most people the image was created by their forebears, then transmitted through parents and grandparents to themselves. This is how it was since the beginning of time until in our time this natural sequence was broken. This author knows this from his own experience: after 50 years in Martian occupied United States of America, he returned to the country of his birth, and never met anyone who understood the country as it had been 50 years before. The past had gone with the wind. The present became anything the powers that be imagined and wanted. The abandoned and nearly starved cat who I found dead in my barn this morning reminded me of the cat and people who had to be abandoned 50 years ago. The memory, too, is become a wind. It brings tears to my eyes and a curse to my tongue for the Romanov tsars, of who Stalin was the worst of beasts. Strangely enough, they all are of a Virtual time.

The idea that “...God created man in his own image in the ismage of God He created him; male and female he created them...” (Genesis 1:27) is a hyped egotistical statement. Except for “male and female he created them”, the statement about man being created in the image of God has not been substantiated. Symbolically speaking, however, the idea is as true as the 1938 broadcast by Orson Welles: the invasion of the United States by Martians. While it never happened, Welles caught the tail of the wind. An attempt to rename the fact as fiction, is as true a lie as Hillary Clinton’s denial that she does not wish the current President Trump assassinated. It proves the state of mind that has captured American government: there can be no doubt its government is high on what the Latvijans call ‘gypsy’ (Psylocybin) mushrooms. It—not the mushroom—has become the Saturn Who eats his own.

Jesus is God is God created by an ecclesiastical bureaucracy at the Council of Nicea. As this author sees it, this is not the first time that God is seen as Son of Man born of Woman. Nevertheless, it is the first time that a Son of Man is made the ONLY man to ever become God. The assertion runs a close parallel to the United States of America claiming itself to be an exceptionalist nation. Needless to say, the U.S. believes itself to be the ONLY exceptionalist nation. No wonder its generals strut about the world stage as if they were Jesus Christ incarnate.

The why and how Jesus first became God among Gods on Earth is buried in the history of long ago. We no longer can recall any specific event that caused this. As illustrated by America, history is an invention of a violent ruling establishment. This is one reason why every so often we need to reconstruct history. Of course, America is not the only governmental regime that tries to create the world in its own image.

The first thing to note about Fomenko’s New Chronology is that as neoChristianity loses ground to Muslim rebels against neoChristian disbelief and materialist culture is that it does not make sense to pretend that Christianity arose in Bethlehem. Aside from fantasy, one has to assume that Christianity existed well before the birth of Jesus, who was but one of many Populist kings.

The designation ‘Populist King’ is what this author uses for what used to be called the Sacred King. Neither a Sacred or Populist King survives in our day, but they exist as a composite figure in mythology. Mythology, a short hand for encapsuling an ancient belief system, is contemporary with a time when human inhabitants of our planet practiced what may be called a self-sustaining economy known as Autarchy. While the link describes autarchy as a political system, it is also be a system that has no need of government and knows nothing of politics as we know it today.

A Populist King was a King of a population of autarchs that had no need of a government, but a people who nevertheless liked to be bonded as a community for reasons of security. A Populist King was a king of a Stateless nation or community. He gained the title ‘Sacred’ by offering his life as a ‘live’ sacrifice at the end of his reign. He gave His life to atone for his sins as Man. Jesus, like King Arthur is such a composite or mythological figure, and is the leader of a community that has no government. The Green Knight enacted the role of the Populist King or Jesus for the English people.

Autarks were Populists, though in their own day they never imagined themselves in political terms of our day. A Populist King, too, was an autarch. The mystery for our days is how did the Sacred or Populist King come into being?

It may come as a surprise to some that the answer points to Baba Taiga, the Mother of the Taiga, and the Healer of the People of the Wood. The answer also points to the beehive.

Thouh the Queen Bee bears no outward resemblance to Baba Yaga, Baba Yaga bears a close resemblance to the Queen Bee in that she is the medicine woman, the indispensible shamaness or  wood dwelling People. The wood is, so to speak, the hive; and the ‘working bees’ are the People who live in the wood, As a Medicine Woman, Baba Yaga not only gathers herbs and tests them for their medicinal value, but she also gathers the Amanita Mushroom, which she eats to gain the powers of a Seeress. When the illness of a person reaches a stage where herbal teas no longer help, Baba Yaga offers the ill person to drink her urine. The urine contains the healing substances of the mushroom. Because the urine has been diluted and filtered through the body of a shamaness, its weakened form is deemed of value as medicine. The medicated urine leaves the patient with immediate experiential effects, which, among other things, makes it a powerful placebo.

Because a healer is as essential for a human community as an egg laying queen is essential to the beehive, Baba Yaga, by extension, is the Queen of a community of humans. Her role increases exponentially when the community experiences a misfortune, such as an attack by marauders or their like. It is then that Baba Yaga’s son, Ivashka, aka Ivan, Jan, or John the Herder, comes into the picture. By extension, John has absorbed some of his mother’s harisma, enough so that he may become an effective leader of the men of the community who come to gather to repel the invaders. Whether it is Ivashka, John, Joshua, or Jezhu, they are all one and the same figure. All are associated with healing.

(The Clock IS Turning Back)