EC 488 A Hiermalgamated History
Change the World! Think It
Through! Do not Vote! Remember:
What if they declared war and
no one came? Don’t go.
© Eso A. B.
A Brief History of Prehistory 6
Hieros Gamos means Holy
Marriage, and ‘hiermalgamy’ means a forced unholy marriage by secular
authorities of people to governments through the act of taxation or other
violent and unnatural join-tings or divorces.
If Marija
Gimbutiene, the renowned Lithuanian archeogist, is correct and the Balts
original home was along the shores of the Dnieper River and its lowlands, it ought
to be evident that autocephalic govRmnt stems from the life style of the Balts,
for whom—a forest people— autocephaly was a way to insure independence of their
small communities, help them keep their traditions their own, and as a collective
assure itself continuity through the charisma of a sacrificial King. Unfortunately,
their present governments and elites have lost all connection with projecting
trust, let alone as an absolute.
A similar autocephaly
existed among the Six
Nations of American Indians, the Iroquois, that Jefferson
took as an example for the American govRmnt, which today’s Imperial Washington violently
and insultingly rejects. We hear nothing of govRmnt led by self-sacrificial
men, because the govRmnt (committed to perceiving life as a dead-end that may arrive
before our eyes at any time) denies itself ‘soul’, which in former times dwelt
in the liver of God. But our civilization denies that God is Psyche, which we
are told not to see as anything else than transparent air. But it is Psyche that
projects charisma, which used to manifest itself through—cannibalism
if that is what it takes to make soul real. The vulgar images that our govRmnnt
propaganda projects make goveRmnt led by a king unimaginable—though our own vulgarity
is hard to beat.
The gravity of a
self-sacrificial King centres on the empathy he/she exudes and their
autocephalic communities extract during orgiastic festivals, when on a given
day of the year, the sacred King or Queen go to their death. Generally, this
‘given day’ occurred on Midsummer (day or eve), an astronomically significant
day, because it is when the Sun is at its highest point in the sky or night
when it is at its shortest. While today the idea of cannibalism issues from the
religious perception that divinity
dwells in every aspect of nature, which spirit then animates everyone (male and
female) with a spiritual erection (expressed by a word of endearing: kalado*: greening). Such a divine-being was the Sacred King. Following
his self-sacrifice, his liver (not his entire body) was eaten to partake in the
divinity (God, too, must die to prove Himself equal to human courage). This
tradition was taken over by hunters, who prized the liver of their victims,
especially of a wild boar or stag.
When people lived in the
wood, Midsummer’s Eve communicated its presence by fires lit and raised high
either on mountain tops or made of a stork’s nest (or the imitation of one), raised
on a pole. Arrows with torches of petrified but flaming amber attached to their
tips were sent to ignite the underside of such a sun born of the night.
In the western part of Latvia (Kurland ),
the stork is still called ‘svetulis’.
If the word were to be spelled with an ē, instead of an e, svētulis comes to mean
‘the holy one’. The reason it is written with a short e is because Catholic
Christianity did not wish that St.-Orks nests were offered to the Sun (feminine
gender) every Midsummer’s Eve, because that would keep the proto-Christian
sacred tradition alive for too long. Instead, the Church taught that Sacred
King John, came but once in all eternity, and changed his name from John (aka D’Ionysus)
to Jesus (the latter from ‘ezel’, aka Jeze-bella (the mare of an ass). It is no
accident that Jeze rides into ‘Jerusalem ’
on a donkey that
ever follows his erection, the goal of which is a Virgin, ever out of sight,
ever but in the mind’s eye.
Epistemologists ought be
interested that the Latvian name for ‘stork-Storch’ (English and Germani) is
‘stārķis’’. If we remember that the consonant L began to be pronounced in late
Middle Ages as an R, we will understand how ‘stork’
came from the word ‘stolk or Stolch’. In German ‘stolz’ means proud, erect,
dignified—which is what the bearing of storks projects. Going back into the
past further still, the word derives from a word for divine love and refers to the
Sacred (Saintly) King and Queen of the Wood, both of whom—because love and
saintliness are so vulnerable—guard it in the niche of their laps from time
Somewhat analogous to the
placement of our human sexual organs is the story of the Promethean
myth, which stands for the fate of the Sacrificial King, who must sacrifice his
liver every time he comes to rule, because while Gods and men are, both, born
of the same mother, ever since the arrival of taxation, they must live in a
divided society: one of elites, one of the impoverished. Prometheus closes the
gap between the two by suffering the loss of his liver, which stands for his
life. Prometheus is, so to speak, the priest of Hieros Gamos or Sacred Marriage,
because only through his self-sacrifice can he join opposites:
The joys of love (Plaisir D’amour) ne’re
quickly do depart,
Its sorrows keeper to a lifetime is bound/blessed/doomed.
Its sorrows keeper to a lifetime is bound/blessed/doomed.
All three words (bound-blessed-doomed) make
sense, but only ‘blessed’ or ‘doomed’—depending on which one we choose—tell us whether
our prize is everlasting joy or sorrow.
* Kalado—we need to change
the consonant K to S, thence the word will read as salado, re salad. The sprout (or salad) of an unfolding plant was
in ancient times thought of as erectile tissue, which is why the Balts thought
of an erection as that of an unfolding
fern that was said to come to bloom on Midsummer’s Eve or Johns Night. Equally
the sprout
of a cucumber belies its later phallic shape by originating as an image
that presents female erectile tissue. ‘Salado ’
may, by means of pareidolia be easily translated to ‘karalo’, which echoes to
the word ‘carol’ or ‘karol’, i.e., King. The arrival of western Christianity,
which was controlled by secular forces, changed tbe choral shout: “Kaledo,
kaledo!” (Karel! Karel! King! King!) to “Ligo! Ligo!” which is represented by
the image of a swing
, which by the magic of secularism has became our pornographic, f*ck.
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