EC 474 Hiermalgamated History
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© Eso A. B.
Should Putin Attend Davos? 1
Were attempts to remove Putin to succeed, it is likely the West (expecting Russia to become demoralized) will attack. If there is a ‘victory’, it will be used to balkanizeRussia
and let death seal the past as if it never was.
Change the World! Think It Through! Do not Vote!
You create the future. A future financed by taxes kills.
© Eso A. B.
Should Putin Attend Davos? 1
If we accept
the idea that violence has its beginnings in a catastrophe, which pushed the
human animal (used to easily access to bananas and cassava roots) into an
adverse climate where cold and hunger are the rule rather than exception,
history should tell that notwithstanding free and easy bananas conscious murder
is God’s will.
The current
anthropological description of our ancestors as “hunters and gatherers” serves
to mislead us into serving political and financial elite ever proficient at death
dealing devices and mind confounding lies.
The most disturbing
lie is about our history. It was invented by the globalists (originally going
under the name ‘catholics’) by way of the New Testament, Mark 3:10, New International Version, and
from Jesus himself: “And the gospel must
first be preached to all nations.” Did John and Jesus both
teach that government by taxation is the 1st and 11th Commandment?
Or did Jesus replace John to shut him up?
The nearest who
speak the Gospel Truth today are those who will be attending the upcoming World
Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland on January
21. What is interesting about this group is that among the attendees will
be many of those who a week before attended the anti-terrorist demonstration in
While there
is no proof that the terrorist act against ‘Charlie’ was solicited
by the secret services of the West, whoever planned the attack could not have
been unaware of the meeting at Davos, which—advertised as a World Economic
Forum—for the most part gathers leaders of the West, who, led by the U.S., are
engaged in an economic war against Russia.
It has been
assumed (as if it goes without further say), that the West possesses the Truth
of History. This is a false assumption, because the only ‘Truth’ the West has
is a political mythology derived from the fantasies of its leaders. The
existence of this unique Western History is confirmed by those who initiated this
fantasy (Scaliger
and Petavius in the 16th
century), who as the Russian mathematician-historian Anatoly Fomenko informs us:
adhered to the concept that “…a certain centre of world domination had existed
ever since the earliest days of human history—the capital of the Emperor.”*
Of course,
‘the Emperor’ is a Western invention coaxed by torture from the ancient concept
of sovereign King, which concept the Emperor then profaned by turning from a
keeper of Peace into a warrior-killer. Because the public of the West knows (at
least intuits) that the leadership of the West has thoroughly profaned itself,
those leaders are now attempting to stick that reputation onto the Russians.
Though some past
Russian rulers share in the shame, President Putin does not share in the
reputation of a war monger, the title of which goes to the GovRmnt of U.S.
‘Truth’ is doing its best to besmirch Russia ’s reputation by the likes of Pussy Riot. Because there
are enough Russians billionaires in the ‘democratic’ world, it is not for lack
of money that Putin cannot be removed from office as the Ukrainian Yanukovich was. Putin
is also among the last who can order a reexamination of the Truth as it was
known in the East before the Great Schism between the East and the West (both
which have long lost track of all of their false flag operations), so that the ailments
of Russia do not mislead as they misled Lenin.
Were attempts to remove Putin to succeed, it is likely the West (expecting Russia to become demoralized) will attack. If there is a ‘victory’, it will be used to balkanize
Fomenko, “History: Fiction or Science”, v.4, p 646).
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