Wednesday, December 17, 2014

EC 461 GoveRment is an aLien People
© Eso A.
How Ivan Became Peter 3
© Translation Eso A.B.

The self-righteousness of the United States of America, which it calls ‘’exceptionalism’, justifies itself by telescoping itself over and over again  to top the desperate resistance offered its aggressions by those it humiliates and destroys. Blithe monsters such as Dick Chaney and Joe Biden, and former President Bush Jr., ‘happily’ seconded by the entire U.S. government bureaucracy orchestrate weaponized maelstroms of terror and torture, which, apparently, no one in government can tell one from the other as to our short-term, and only a life-long  present, it all seems the same\ (Click 11:24: “War crimes are defined by the winners,” and, so far, so is history.)

While Karl Marx describes workers in the capitalist system as alienated from their work due to the monotony of work in factories, the opposite view prevailed under the artisan caste system, which existed before the institutionalization ot taxation and government as a mashine. To be a worker in a caste of cart makers was not only a matter of pride in one’s skills, but an adventure. Artisans in the days when humankind lived in the wood and field often were ‘traveling servicemen’. Distant memories of these artisans may be found in stories, for example, the traveling actors in Ingmar Bergman’s movie “Seventh Seal” (see 1:22), and such names as ‘Johnny Appleseed’ (a traveling seed salesman in Pensylvania), or tailors, or barbers, the latter now making house calls for well to do clients.

While the word ‘caste’ is now almost exclusively interpreted to refer to social stratification, the original meaning is still remembered in such words as German “Kunst” (Art), which profession continues to retain elements  of an informal association.

Yet when man was not burdened with having to keep a shop, an account book, and a cash register, the castes or kunsts were many: musicians, knife sharpeners, rope makers, healers, fortune telling gypsies, wood cutters, carpenters, and many who traveled with knights or samurai, such as weapons’ carriers and comfort women. To say the least, such a life was ‘on the move’, always challenging, with few dull moments, and blessed by not having to trouble itself with taxes.

It appears that as the next to the last caste, came bands of hunters, who were created by barons, boyars, princes, various lords, and not least kings, whose authority gave them special protection. This is where begins the story of the evolution of government bureaucracy. After the hunters had collected great wealth for their Lords by means of the slaughter of animals to collect the fur tax, the repetitiousness and sameness of the task (whether in Kamchatka or South Dakota) facilitated the development of factory methods (slaughter houses were the among the first factories). This also facilitated the introduction of money as a universal tool of exchange. Thereafter, the only castes that remained were the tax collectors and ‘comfort women’. Interestingly, the last often escaped taxation due to the privacy of the transaction and its secretive back alley location.

While there are many disputes of just who the ‘tax collectors’ were (today they are likely to be a nameless bureaucrat, lawyers and the police), it appears their origin is to be sought among a caste of loggers, who at one time were recruited in great numbers by princes building forts and castles of wood. Because the loggers were indispensible and often transported logs from far upstream along river routes, and were familiar with territories far away from their immediate homes, they were in a position to be hired as the first hunters, and fur-tax collectors, which earned them considerable resentment (along with secreted wealth). Because the tax collectors had not created themselves (unless their origin is to be sought abong bands of robbers), but were brought into being by an elite, their business of killing and depriving the herders of many of their beloved reindeer, they were much resented. This is why the same princely elite, in order to deflect blame from themselves, transferred the blame for taxation on the hunters and tax collectors.

As it happened, many of these came from Khazaria, once a heavily wooded land, which wood is the source of the famouns black soil of the Ukraine. In short, this is the land that was the home of a people who today we know as Hebrews, a proto-Germanic people, possibly once herders of reindeer as the rest of their neighbors. Perhaps their fate did noot much differ from the Frankish Vikings, who were trapped in the tundras and swamps of Scandinavia prior to the Storrega landslide off the coast of Norway, that swamped Doggerland and separated the north of Europe from its southern mainland.

This writer suggests that it is sometime during the recovery period (from approximately 8000 BC forward) that followed the catastrophe, as he reindeer herders from Khazaria and other Black and Caspitan seas areas gradually found their way back to the lands of their origin that hardships unknwn in earlier times created great changes in what had earlier been a relatively peaceful life style. The innovation was the introduction of casual violence against the animal herds, which previously had served mostly as milking animals, with only older and dying animals providing the pelts for a personal wardrobe and lining of tents in winter.

The Khazarian Yiddish and the Baltic Zhids had for a long time intermingled with the Germans, the Slavs, and the Mongolian people of the East. Nevertheless, these same people were held together by the longue duree effects of history enhanced by the bonds of the artisan caste systems. This is how the Lithuanians, under attack by the knights of Teuton (T=Tau), recognized their former self in the Polish people, and the Livonians heard familiar echoes in the Herrnhuters, who brought with them a renewed interest in the secrets of the Hebrew Kabala.

Not least, the calamity experienced by the khazarians, who were forced to become a caste of tax collectors, was likely recognized early on, when the earliest parts of the Bible were written by the woodsmen as they whiled away the long winter nights in log shelters in the wood (Genesis 4): “ Cain* said to the Lord, “My punishment** is more than I can bear. Today you are driving me from the land, and I will be hidden from your presence; I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me…. But the Lord said to him, “Not so[e]; anyone who kills Cain will suffer vengeance seven times over.” Then the Lord put a mark [?T=stretching rack for skin] on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him.* So Cain went out from the Lord’s presence and lived in the land of Nod,[f] east of Eden….”***

*Is Cain’s life to be spared 7x because he is a tax collector for the King?
**Could it be that Cain did not slay Abel, but that Abel stands for Cain’s slaughter of reindeer and other wild life? Why is the serpent replacing the traditional reindeer or guardian lions in the Biblical scene by the Apple Tree? Is the Serpent the last wild creature left alive?
***If Marija Gimbutas, the late Lithuanian anthropologist is right in identifying the shores of the Dnieper River as former lands of the Balts, it is possible that the Garden of Eden stands for a Garden of Plenty, re: ‘ēdene in Latvian to this day means an ‘eating place’.







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