EC 460 GoveRment is an aLien
© Eso A.
How Ivan Became Peter 2
© Eso A.
How Ivan Became Peter 2
Historian R.I.
Moore points out in his book “The Formation of a Persecuting Society”, that Europe had not “exhibited the habit of persecution to
anything like the same degree before the eleventh century, but that it
continued to do so thereafter for the rest of its history, at least until the
middle of the twentieth century ”. I go professor Moore a step further: that the persecution
continues still, and as per blog 459, threatens the world, and seeks its
violent denouement in 2014 or 2015.
If I am correct,
and I dare say that I am at least in general outline*, it is because the lie or
‘false flag’ raised to its nth
in 1118 with the execution of John Basil by
Byzantine Emperor Alexis I, which western or Frankish Christianity rewrote and claimed
to have happened in the year 1 with the crucifixion of Jesus, whose death
roughly mirrors that of John.
While the death of
John differs in the given link from the death ascribed to him by Anna Comnena
(in a pit of fire) in her biography of
her father Emperor Alexis I, from the death in Matthew 14, where he is beheaded
by Herod, all descriptions are agreed that it was an event recorded for times
to come. Such a consensus could only be arrived at if the immediate centuries
that followed John’s death did indeed see the event as one where the sages (in
W.B, Yeats words) “perned in the gyre” and “consumed the hearts away” of long
established earlier generations.
It is possible
that John’s death by being thrust in the pit of fire is reflected in the Aztec
myth of their God Nanauatzin jumping into the fire to start the Sun
moving. While the historians of today
are not likely to ascribe it plausibility, it is not impossible to imagine that
early eastern Christians fled the system of taxation imposed on them by the
Franks across the ocean to Mexico .
This would explain the Jesuit say that the devil had implanted Christian
resemblances in Mayan culture, where the God Quetzalcoatl was said to
have been born of a Virgin and was believed he would return. In the legend of
Jesus, the death by fire is nearly lost, except for the fire in the court of
Herod likely kindled with the broken chairs of the Last Supper**. As the text reads
now (Mark14:53-65),
it is Peter “who followed him (Jesus) far off” who sits by the fire, but if we
remove the words “far off”, it is both Jesus and Peter who sit by the fire
where the high court and police interrogate Jesus, but failing to find fault
with him, turn and interrogate also Peter.
But the story
which seems to me a relatively straight forward one has been complicated beyond
belief by those who serve the government caste and the events that have evolved
out of its lies.
What is worse is
that the majority of humankind has come to believe the government version of
history and has become as if welded to it by many tragic turns in the story.
The first major
tragedy is, of course, the gradual introduction of taxation and rejection of
the idea that human society is able to live well without it. While the mature
adult generations suffered great tragedies resisting the encroachments of the
elitist classes, the young have taken to it with irresponsible glee of which
‘human rights’ is but the latest pop-elixir and black flag.
The list of
tragedies begins with the death of John Basil and reaches its mature stage with
Peter (so-called) tGrt, who sets the stage for the Revolution of those ignorant
of their history, which is led by Lenin and consummated by Stalin. The last
even confused the meaning of tragedy, because while instigated to violence by
the resentments against the West by his early Christian orthodox teachers in Georgia,
Stalin was misled by western educated Marx, who had no idea that at the root of
the problem was taxation and the civilization it wrought, but believed that the
fault lay with capitalism, which accumulated wealth at the expense of those who
were repressed and remained forever poor. The slaughter that resulted from Stalin’s
simplistic notions, edged on by no less
simplistic notions of capitalism promoted by Germany’s Hitler, brought into
being the present catastrophe at the end of ‘Dead End Street’ (where a U.S.
Secretary of Defense, no less ignorant of history than the ‘gay’ Defense
Secretary of Latvia) do what they can to promote WW3.
*As far as I know,
critics (myself including) of catholic or globalist history are calling for a
General Council of World Historians under the auspices of the United Nations to
reexamine historical records and other relevant materials to create a
universally acceptable permanent or temporary record of the history to
supersede the present chronology and interpretation given it.
**The name
‘Cathar’, name of early eastern Christians in prehistoric France , relates
to ‘cathedra’, chair, which along with weaving was the means of livelihood of
said caste of artisans. The name ‘caste’ as referring to social stratification
in India
is a western invention in the same manner as some Harvard and MIT professors
belittle the average Americans as ‘stupid’.
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