Eso’s Chronicles 339 / 15
Odds and Ends
© Eso A.B.
All comments appearing within brackets [ ] are editorial in origin.
As item 2. at the above link points out, serfs were last to disappear from Eastern Europe andRussia .
However, this is due not because other parts of the world had forms of
government less pyramidal in nature, but because it was in Russia and Eastern
Europe that the ‘tax system’ was first instituted, and had, for this reason,
become a ‘tradition’ just as taxes have become an institution today in the rest
of the world.
Odds and Ends
© Eso A.B.
All comments appearing within brackets [ ] are editorial in origin.
The advocates of
our pseudo-democracy are in the habit of stating that it is infinitely ‘better’
when comparing it to the ‘feudal system’, which they say preceded it. There are
various models of the feudal system, but the one that advocates of ‘democracy’
speak of most is where the peasants were forbidden to leave the land of the baron
in whose fiefdom their patch of wood was found. This factor made the people living
on the land serfs
As item 2. at the above link points out, serfs were last to disappear from Eastern Europe and
Inescapable as
“death and taxes” may be, along with ‘taxes’ comes a system of incarceration.
In America
jailing people is a common form of punishment
While a ‘debtors’
prison’ is no longer such a burden on society as in the previous centuries, it
persists for the simple reason that the debtor cannot escape into the wood as
in the days before deforestation had become a common form of disciplining
society. With video scanners and electronic tags, even a labyrinthine city does
not make it as a forest. According to one commentator, the debtors prison is on
its way back
and likely to first make its reappearance as a private institution in the U.S.
The recent
revelations of spying by the NSA on virtually everyone in the country by way of
the internet or cell phone, negates public space and makes government an
invasive agency that on the psychosomatic level causes society to think of it
as God.
On the positive
side, such an experience ought to make the public perceive that the greatest
enemy of nature and the environment is none other than government, because it
is clearly the wood rather than the Constitution that most protects individual
In spite of this
fact, the invasive nature of modern technology and the vulnerability of
internet programming to being hacked sets the present urban civilization as
inferior in nature to the ancient wood where life forms sprung up from an
“artifice of eternity” or Mind rather than a digital computer. It is this
‘sense’ of an attempt being made to feel it inferior that gives rise to the
cockles of the singular individual and creates mutual accusations of ‘terrorist’
between the government and the individual who opposes the government’s
digitized mindset.
Nevertheless, it
is this psychosomatic enmity that is the hope of the hominid to escape the
controls of kings, princes, oligarchs, bankers, and any system set up by any
‘elites’. It is this undigitizable artifice that makes a poet like Yeats write
of the human “soul” as “…a dying animal, it knows not what it is…” and want him
to escape “…from any natural thing” (such as computers) “…into the artifice of
So, to return to the theme
of not paying taxes or getting the government to abolish them! Though human
intelligence is slow to catch on to the workings of the Mind, it appears that
after much torturous turnings and bloodshed, it does GET IT.
If none of the ‘good
greens’ can succeed in stopping the Japanese from killing whales and the world
from deforestation, it will become obvious that at the bottom of the problem
are not ‘the People’, but the premises of government that deferred violence as
continuous armament is the institution that creates the space behind which a
once relatively ‘innocent’ Satan becomes a super monster, a Godzilla.
This writer’s guess is
that that the problem is uncritical urbanization. I am not speaking of ‘green
space’ as Lewis Mumford thought of it, but of urbanization at the basis of the
creation of a Mindset that is radically different from the Mindset that exists
in nature as an ‘artifice of eternity’ as Yeats sees it. To describe the image
in greater detail, when Yeats writes of “sages standing in God’s holy fire” and
presents that fire as the “artifice of eternity”, I understand nature itself to
be the artifice, or the Garden of Eden, or Heaven, or a ‘still life’.
, never mind that there are many kinds of still lives, including such as in
front of my door where there stands a huge birch tree with not a leaf moving
except those at the very top. There is
no way that I can think that a city-gen of a cityscape thinks of his-her
environment in the same way, nor can he-she think of nature as one who lives in
it. These are two separate worlds, of which post-modernity has chosen the
urbanscape as the superior one.
The consequence of this
‘the twain shall never meet’ is that nature is being destroyed by humankind,
which event occurs aphenomena is the result of taxation, which is the catalyst behind
the apparently unstoppable urbanization movement.
Terrifyingly, none of the
human beings, all the good and nice ones (think of the 100 million Chinese
about to be moved out of the countryside, or the Virginians and Marylanders who
have destroyed the Chessapeake Bay), have any perception that in spite of their
‘goodness’ and ‘niceness’ they are the very cause of destruction.
To test this thesis all
that needs to be done is for the United Nations to select a nation where
taxation ceases. I would make this nation Latvia , where taxation and a blind
and willful destruction of the countryside is making itself felt with the speed
of a wildfire.
Given that Latvia ’s
political elites are being directly or indirectly influenced by neo-capitalist
interests in the EU or further abroad, the UN would need to guarantee not only
a referendum, but an adequate length of time for the issues to be presented and
understood. I would (why not?) have a ‘veto’ over what represents an adequate
length of time of ‘understanding’. The guarantee that my vote is ‘just’ would
be that I would right thereafter step on the other side of the ‘quantum gap’.
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