Friday, January 31, 2014

Eso’s Chronicles 290 / 3  
A Civilization of Persecution
© Eso A.B.
All comments appearing within brackets [ ] are editorial in origin.


The camera and the photograph have realized the fears of so-called ‘primitive’ men who feared being ‘shot’ by a photographer and thereby have their spirit taken from them.

These fears are, of course, based on the importance of subjectivism to all of us hominem*. As this video link shows , subjectivity is a jealously guarded matter by all ancient tribes.

As the video shows (and proves), our subjectivity in former times was often projected by imagery. This imagery was projected by body paint and face or head mask. The end result may be described as a form of self-portraiture.

While subjectivity is a singularity or personal matter for us, it lends itself, nevertheless, to the creation of traditions, which are created to honour our ancestors. Such an honour to those who have died is given because we identify with the experience of death that took them away. And because the dead are clearly gone, we wonder just where it is that they went. Perhaps this is why the Spirit is so often identified with Water, because the body, once a full pitcher, is now an empty pitcher . It makes sense to imagine that it has gone to the ‘other’ (or nether) world below the sea or horizon with everyone’s mother, the Sun.

The objective nature of a tradition is not, however, experienced as oppressive, but is, instead, treated with great reverence, because we inherit it with our mother’s milk. Unfortunately, the modern nation State, which presumes to rule over us through the means of ‘law’, and enforce the ‘law’ with the tools of violence, sees subjectivity as an enemy of the ‘law’.

Indeed, the modern ‘federalized’ State, which became such through the disarming of localized territories, threatens to disarm all hominems by identifying itself with fearsome violence, which is nothing short of Death personified. The federalized State appears to believe that the fear of death will immobilise the subjectivity of the being of hominem altogether.

As those of us who follow the news with more than a passing interest know, the ‘faith’ of the federalized State in its capacity to intimidate has been put on notice by strong winds of doubt.

At this time, the doubt is being most strongly projected by so-called ‘Muslims’, who profess not to fear death, because death according to their faith is a gateway to the Great Spirit (God, Allah), or as the secularized might say—the Great Whole Whatever It Is.

The spying presently conducted by the National Security Agency (NSA) and its justifications [‘…The terrorist threat to this country is real. We need to do everything possible to make our nation safe…’ (see 8th ‘talking point’ ], significantly contributes to making the modern hominem an ever more ‘naked’ individual and, thus, ever more, to use legal language, homo sacer—one who cannot be sacrificed, but may be killed by anyone without fear of being accused of murder . The infamous detention centre of non-persons, Guantanamo, administered by the U.S. government, implements this persecution of hominems.

It may surprise some readers that we have arrived at the same justifications for violence used by the early Catholic Church against so-called ‘heretics’.

The reasons why some early Christians were called ‘heretics’ by the Catholic Church was not because the accused were in any way ‘heretics’, but simply because the Church wanted to consolidate its power in territories, where it was new, but the ‘heretics’ were of old and probably from the days before Western Crusaders had destroyed the seat of early Christianity in 1204 or Fourth Crusade against Constantinople.

Writes R.I. Moore, a scholar on medieval history, in his book “The Foundation of a Persecuting Society” (Blackwell, PB; p. 11) : “So I began to think of Western Europe in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries as a persecuting society. It also seemed to me… that Europe had not exhibited the habit of persecution to anything like the same degree before the eleventh century, but it continued to do so thereafter for the rest of its history….”

This leads me to the question: Can a persecutor make of him- or herself a self-portrait unless it is a photograph?

I will venture to answer my own question with a “no!” and a “yes!” Heinrich did shave off his moustache:
And why would Europe become a persecuting society? Again R.I. Moore:

“Neither the theory nor the practice of persecution was the invention of the twelfth century. On the contrary the danger, or at least the fear, of schism had attended the church since its infancy.,,, ‘The factious man (hereticum hominem) ’after the first and second correction avoid,’ wrote Paul**, ‘knowing that he is perverted and sinful and condemned by our judgement’ (Titus 3, 10-11).”

What stands out among R.I. Moore’s words are: “…the fear, of schism had attended the church since its infancy”.

Why should this be so? Once again, R.I. Moore: “After his conversion [313 AD ] the Emperor Constantine made it clear that the privileges which he conferred on Christians ‘must benefit only adherents of the Catholic faith’—that is, adherents of the Nicean creed and of the bishop of Rome….”

Do we have a self-portrait of Emperor Constantine? No, but plenty of portraits:

But why should the church fear a schism since its infancy? It is at this point that I (not a scholar) diverge from Moore and other historians.

*hominem—to replace the awkward name of ‘human being’, which replaced ‘man’ for its exclusion of the feminine sex, I have chosen the old Latin form of ‘hominem’  to replace, both, ‘human being’ (for its awkwardness) and ‘homo’ (for its autoerotic) connotations.
**Paul—likely Paul of St. Pere of Chartres, “the apologist for the winning side in what was a highly political affair (Moore, “Birth of Popular Heresy, p. 10-21), who greatly contributed to the burning of fourteen ‘heretics’ in Orleans.”

Save the Wood!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Eso’s Chronicles 289 / 2  
A Civilization of Persecution
© Eso A.B.
All comments appearing within brackets [ ] are editorial in origin.


At the ‘Soklehni’ household, it was the women who did most of the work around the house—from milking cows to gardening. The men were around the house when in the carpentry room, when the household needed a new water bucket or barrel for pickling, or shoeing a horse, or beekeeping. Women took care of the cows, the sheep, the pigs, and the chickens, while the men looked after the horses; the men also ploughed the fields, did logging, and did (except for the chickens) most of the slauthtering of animals. Except for smithy work, both sexes knew how to do each other’s part if the need arose. Both went into the wood to do mushrooming and berry picking, and both knew how to milk cows. The head of the household, my aunt (and her husband), did all cooking and baking, made the dough and baked the bread, and prepared the animal parts for cooking and baking (“haven’t you seen a rams balls before?”/ “This is a cow’s udder!” ) A neighbor, whose farm was named “Skroderi” (Dress Maker), cut our hair and used it in horse collars that he made.

The children did most of the animal herding and did what the heads of the household told them to do: join the men in crayfishing, go fishing with them, pick the berries, pick up the eggs in the chicken coup in the morning, ride the horses who pulled the hay load to the hayloft. The old folks (including men) did most of the knitting, spinning of wool and cotton yarn.

In the fall and winter months, all spent time at the loom . The children mostly observed.

Because there was no electricity, the household sat around a petroleum or carbide lamp in the evening and sang, read stories from books or newspapers, or worked at knitting or spinning, perhaps braiding onions to a pole, which were later hung close to the ceiling.

Before the days of the printed letters arrived, most of the evenings were spent singing, which often led to singing ‘wars’—if the singers grew restless. It was as a consequence of these long and ‘boring’ evenings with ‘nothing to do’ that the Latvian language and culture evolved. It was a female dominated culture of which the dominant Goddess was the Sun.

The Sun meant warmth, a welcoming smile, the dawn of the day, the mysterious ‘non-event’ of the noon hour (when anything could happen).  The Sun lived in the ‘other land’ (vinya Saule), where the dead went to live out whatever there was to the rest of their lives.

The Sun also became translated into other Goddesses, the chief of who was Laima, the Goddess of Fate and Fortune. When at an earlier time, I had to translate the name of the Goddess into English, and had not yet thought to associated Her with the Sun, I simply called Her the Dearest Goddess. It was She who was the midwife called for when a child was born: it was Laima who picked him-her up in a white towel and foretold what was to come. Marija Gimbutas, the late anthropologist, once wrote me a note in which she regretted that there was no way to make a more direct translation of Laima’s name, and that it was being lost.

While the official translation of the word for the ‘Sun’ is ‘Saule’, unofficially and on the subjective level, She was called ‘Saulihte’, which translates into English as ‘Dear’ or ‘Dearest Sun’—the latter manifest through a grammatical form used for endearments. Since before the introduction of letters and writing, Latvian (and all other languages) was an oral language, it was the subjective level that prevailed and dominated our forebears’ culture.

From what I understand, the Chinese letters may retain some of the subjhective nature of Chinese .

As proud as people of modern times may be of their literature, literature does not stand equal to the oral culture’s ability to form culture: the subjective ‘endearing word’ creates a cultural world that stands on the opposite of the cultural world of the written and ‘legalized’ (officialised) word. Whereas in the subjective cultural world the ‘official’ or ‘straight’ word stands for the inflection of ‘naked’ reality into one’s language, the subjective cultural world never does without the ‘endearing word’.

We should make note, that the language used by our contemporary media and in our literature is always ‘officialese’, the culture it creates and maintains is plainly ‘scientific’ at best. As an example, when the Westernized homus (from homo) speaks of a ‘sunset’, which by now is as trite an image they come, my forebears used to say: “Dear Sun, wherever Thou goest, take with Thee a hundred endearments to my dear mother.”

It is unfortunate that today linguists and philosophers never point out this difference between subjective and officialise languages; and if any of these is ever primitive, it is the latter version. It is the denial of subjectivity that gives modern reality its secularist orientation.

Saw Cross

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Eso’s Chronicles 288 / 1  
A Civilization of  Persecution
© Eso A.B.  (A new series of blogs)
All comments appearing within brackets [ ] are editorial in origin.


I live in a deserted countryside and a deserted country. Curious as it may be, ‘deserts’ are an evaluation that attest to a way (my way) of looking at things that has little to do with our day. (A friend just sent me a picture of her two Zen teachers in Mexico, who obviously are ‘nice’ Americans.)

How do I tell that I live in a desert?

There are a lot of things that point to it.

The word ‘sokle’ (the ‘o’ pronounced as in oak) has now been changed to the word ‘lot’. The ‘lot’ can be seen by looking off to the side of the road and taking note of a feature that stands in a field of grass or grain—a clump of trees that forms a square. Somewhere in the middle of the clump of trees may be seen the ruin of what was once a house or a barn.

That is all that is left of the ‘sokle’, a peculiar word not well known even among my own countrymen, the Latvians. Nevertheless, the sokle bespeaks of their original home, the wood.

Once upon a time, this whole countryside was covered by a wood. I imagine that there were no roads then, but paths, or what the natives called ‘takas’, a word that derives from the word for moving along—teceht, tek—just as water does. (The original entry into the wood was not by land paths, but by water paths; and early settlements were along river sides and the lakes the flowed into.) Perhaps an English derivative of it is the word for ‘tackle’, in the sense of moving fast and seizing an object in the sense of ‘getting there’.
Roads, more or less as we know them today, came with the arrival of the horse. Trees were felled along the path (taka) to make it wide enough to let a horse with a wagon pass.

That was in the days when the entire area of ancient Livonia, out of which in later years the countries of Estonia and Latvia were to be carved, were covered by wood. If you wanted to go west, you had to walk through the wood and try to remember which direction the sun set the evening before.

In those far off days, the most desirable direction to go was south or up river, the Dvina [Daugava (? perhaps our local version of the Danube) or (with the help of verbal paradolia—Jaunava (Virgin)]. This was because the weather south was warmer and life there easier. Therefore, adventurous spirits usually paddled up river, then portaged to the great rivers flowing south . The Volga, for example. My paternal grandmother’s maiden name is Yuryahn, the equivalent of which==after a long search on the map—I found on the far south east coast of the Caspitan Sea, now part of Iran—Gorgan . Who knows how long ago the family came up the Volga and arrived in Livonia? Today all genetic remnants of the source are that the women’s hair turns into tiny dark curls at their temples.

In any event, a ‘sokle’ was a spot in the forest, often somewhat elevated from the rest of the surrounding ground, which was cleared of trees. Another desirable feature was a brook or a natural well nearby.

The cleared trees were then used to build a simple dwelling resembling what the American Indians call a ‘tepee’. The tepee was then walled with animal skins, perhaps daubed with clay. In later years the tepee became a simple log house .

The ground around the tepee was cleared of roots, the roots were burned, and the ashes were thrown about a small plot that we call a garden. The garden then received some precious seeds: wild onions, carrots, anything that was edible and sprouted easily. If clay vessels were scarce, the first harvest of mushrooms and berries was dried, strung on grasses, and hung along the tepee’s ‘wall’ and eaten during inclement weather or winter months. Teas of raspberry and wild strawberries were similarly preserved. I am reluctant to call my forebears ‘hunters’ as has become common among anthropologists today, because their occupation was more than likely that of herders. A herder tends to be attached with sentient ties to his-her animals and will kill them only under emergency conditions and treat the ‘kill’ as a sacrifice.

Over hundreds of years of time, the ‘sokle’ was joined by others, and gradually the wood became populated by many people. If and when someone brought in a new seed of an easily grown edible, such as cucumbers or pumpkins, these were soon added to the garden. Another prized garden item was the apple tree and the currant shrub. In the course of time, hollow tree stumps that housed wild bees were added to the dwelling place. This is also when the favourite tree that was planted and grew around a ‘sokle’ became the linden tree. Besides the linden blossoms being used by bees to gather honey, the bark of the linden was soft and could be bent and woven into rough sandals.

When I was a child, I lived at a farm that belonged to my aunt. It had a curious name: “Soklehni”. As far as I know, no one knew what the name meant. I discovered its meaning only when I was grown up, asked around  and looked it up in a dictionary. This is where I found the word ‘sokle’; the other half of the word, re: ‘lehni’ in the Latvian language means ‘slow’.

This makes one think that whoever first cut the ‘sokle’ (thick spruce woods still surrounded the farm house, which by my time was also surrounded by fields) and named it “Soklehni”, he=she did so because one had to work the soil diligently in order to gain a decent harvest. The root ‘sok’ for ‘sokas’ (it means==is coming along) may also be at the root of the word ‘soc’ of ‘society’.

Today, most of the wood in northwestern Latvia is being cut down and sold to cover debt to the banks, so that the 50% of native Latvians who remain in the country, may remain and reseed their country rather than become economic refugees to England or elsewhere.

Saw Cross

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Eso’s Chronicles 287 / 13  
The ‘Knellen’ of EU Nations
© Eso A.B.
All comments appearing within brackets [ ] are editorial in origin.


One of the better essays as to why the E.U. will fail as a federation and as a federated ‘empire’ is by Julius Evola (1898-1974) , an Italian writer, in his book “Men Among The Ruins”. The essay, one of the book’s last, is titled “Form and Presuppositions of a United Europe”.

Evola differentiates between three Europes: 1) ‘Nation Europa’; 2) ‘European Fatherland’; and 3) ‘European Empire’.

‘Nation Europa’ is rejected by Evola, because “The concept of the nation can never be applied to an organic supernational type of unity….”

‘Europe of Fatherlands’ is rejected because it is “…a mere federation of European nations….”

However, when he comes to ‘European Empire’, Evola sees the potential of  “…partial organic units…” that “…gravitate around a unum quod non est pars…” (‘a one that is not a part’ to use Dante’s expression )—namely, a principle of unity, authority, and sovereignty of a different nature from that which is proper to each particular State….”

The readers who have read my preceding twelve essays of this series will, I think, agree that my notion of the ‘nation’ is not a fascist one, and that the ‘one that is not a part’, too, fits with the notion of the King, whom I replace with the ’47 Drones’, who I borrow from the Japanese story of the ’47 Ronin’.

Evola and I are also in agreement about the need of Europe to exit the United Nations and become emancipated from the U.S. to which it is tied by way of NATO. My reasons for exiting the UN and NATO are slightly different from Evola’s, but not that different that we would not agree as to the reasons that could move it and justify the move toward becoming the Empire of Europe.

My objection to the United Nations centre on its Security Council , which I concur with Evola, is illegitimate, promiscuous, and hypocritical because its members are chosen not by lottery, but on the ability of violence to rule by dictat (veto).

NATO is, of course, nothing more than the self-perpetuation of an alliance that has seen the end of its reasons for being (block the expansion of the SSR), though it is striving hard to create new ones, i.e., the globalization of our planet under the aegis of the U.S. and its NATO alliance members. Its latest violent intrusion is in the Ukraine, where it is attempting to separate that ‘partial organic nation’ from its connection to one of the few erstwhile opponents to Western imperialism, Russia.

What is interesting about the situation in Ukraine is that it is supported by the NATO countries of Europe, my country of birth, Latvia including . At this time I am opposed to the ‘revolution’ because it appears to be orchestrated by hysterical romantics. One of the leaders in the violent demonstrations in Kiev is the “Batkivschina” (Fatherland) party, precisely the kind of nationalist organization that reeks of fascism of   that is not motivated and has no guiding light in any transcendent authority, except in its own deadly histrionics.
Twenty-three years ago (1991) Latvia went through a similarly emotion wrought ‘awakening’ from the controls of the Soviet Union. Once its ‘singing revolution’ demanding ‘sovereignty’ was given its day, the country was soon surrendered by its emerging government to an “economic shock” regime controlled by the U.S. and NATO, and the ‘good will’ of the European Central Bank (ECB). Just a month ago, the government ‘freely’ (it refused to hold a referendum) chose to abandon its own currency and accept the untested euro, thus, definitively submitting itself to the ‘EU Empire’ run by a hypocritical ‘democracy’ if there ever was one. Meanwhile, it is rumoured that Latvia has lost 50% (about 900,000 out of about 2.2 mil.) of its population due to outmigration caused by a deliberately collapsed economy by Harvard Business school experts.

[The government admits to losing 300,000 of its population to outmigration, but never held a believable census of its population, certainly not any time recently. The eastern region of the country, Latgale, is generally spoken of as being “empty”. Riga, the capital city alone has lost about 300,000, going from over 800,000 to 500,000. The majority of the people appear to have gone to England, the very country that the Vice President of the EU commission, Viviane Reding, is now slamming for opposing an influx of economic refugees (see blog 275). Well, talking about an ‘elite’ leadership (the establishment of Western Europe) ‘knelling’ ‘historical’ Europe!].

None of the above is to say that Ukraine should not try to go its own way, except not by the way of joining the Federation of the EU. Territorially speaking, Ukraine is a huge country. It also consists of more than two regions who like those in Spain (Basque and Catalonia) would eventually go the way of their own Kingdom, which makes Ukraine an interesting test case for, both, my and Evola’s understanding of what a ‘nation’ is about and what makes it work as a largely autarchic community.

If Ukraine chooses to join the E.U., the way other East European countries decided to join Europe, I am sure that we will soon be listening to such podcasts from it, as the following one from BBC on the Homeless of Hungary .

Based on my experience in Latvia (I returned to live in Latvia after spending the greater half of my life in the U.S.), my bet is that if the Western regions of Ukraine split off and join the EU ‘democracy’, but the Eastern Region form a kingdom governed by the charisma of the 47 Drones, Western Ukraine will soon ask to rejoin the East.

P.S. To those who say that the ‘’47 Drones’ will never happen ought to consider what will happen when the pensioners the world over are hit with a ‘reset’ of our currency values. The following link, though in Dutch (with subtitles) is enlightening .
P.P.S. One of the themes in these blogs is the usurpation by Federal State power of small sovereignties. The following link argues that the states of the U.S., too, originally had military power that has been usurped by Washington

Saw Cross

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Eso’s Chronicles 286 / 12  
The ‘Knellen’ of EU Nations
© Eso A.B.
All comments appearing within brackets [ ] are editorial in origin.


It is not well known that the name ‘America’ derives from a Bristol, England merchant (Richard Amerike), that the design of the American flag derives from his coat or arms , and that the name of America was known in Bristol before 1500. As surprising as this may be, it fits in well with ‘America’ as a land not fully aware of itself.

I say “not fully aware”, not because the founding fathers of America were not serious about America, but because subsequent to the founding fathers (John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, …), those who came after them, especially the northern industrialists who won the Civil War (which was waged on behalf of Capitalism , not for the sake of liberating black slaves) took the country lightly, acted superciliously, and had no hesitations about running it into the ground as we are witnessing it at this time.

The ‘slave issue’ played the same role in the Civil War (1861-1865) as the issue of ‘freedom’ plays in the current supercilious effort to globalize our planet on behalf of the descendants of that same Capitalism, which cares not a whit about ‘freedom’ or ‘life’, though it has increased its size by forming an alliance with the European Capitalists, which for diversionary purposes call themselves NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) countries.

As a resut, Capitalism has become more dangerous, at the same time as it is more vulnerable.

The dangers of Capitalism today are best seen in the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea theatre of its operations. At the time of this writing, it is spreading its doctrine of ‘freedom from slavery’, now modified to ‘human rights first’ doctrine, to Syria and the Ukraine, and is preparing to begin a war against Iran.

The trouble with Capitalism is that it has proven a failure by the happenstance that puts control of the materialist philosophy into the hands of the rich. Nevertheless, Capitalism must now fight against enemies for whom industrialism is no novelty and who are better educated and mentally more disciplined than those forced to grow up in a society under capitalist dominion where the desire to consume is at a more intense level than is the ability of capitalists to dominate. To give it a technical explanation: Capitalism overextended itself, and now drains its accumulated wealth as water elevated to higher ground, given a start, siphons the water from the barrel of its own accord.

The centralized (federalized) government of the U.S. facilitated the siphoning process of its own power by overreacting to the 9/11 event, when it sought to make use of it to further the ends of some private individuals in government at the time. The attack against Afghanistan snow-balled (siphoned) into direct or indirect (proxy) attacks on Iraq, Libya, Syria, encouraged civil unrest in Egypt, the Ukraine, and there is no end in sight short of the barrel draining empty and the wind blowing it off its high perch.

One may argue that what the U.S. did was only logical, because the said countries sit, so to speak, above ground level (rather than be allowed to seek ground level), where they were put by the artifice of the colonial governments of England and France in an earlier day.

The United States however belatedly remembered that it is not a single nation, but a federation of over fifty States, which gave up their sovereignty for the alleged benefits of a Union. Unfortunately, the Union did not ‘work’ for the benefit of the potential of its nations, but for private corporate capital. All too often, State governments became springboards to ambitious governors who wished to become Presidents of the Federation.

Not surprisingly, once the Federal Government had destabilized the all too uncertain balance of Capitalist interests vs Community interests, and once it realized that it lacked unifying charisma, it began to arm the local police force as if it were to become an occupying army of the States .

One always wants to fantasize that peace will prevail and that destabilization will not reach tremors above 8 on the Richter scale.

Though America claims to have a ‘charismatic’ government as a result of being a freely elected ‘democracy’, it is no secret that this ‘democracy’ is an illusion held up by a media that gets paid to advertise the consumerist fairy-tale ad infinitum, even as it denies a charismatic King, his wood, and true democracy the right to life, but panders it to the likes of urban environment protection groups that never suffer a martyr.

To put it bluntly, the U.S. government goes without charisma even among its own. How can we expect it to impose its imperialism on Europe?

It is obvious that the present EU is the consequence of a militaristic coup imposed through the barrel of the gun by NATO, which is to say, the present vision of the EU as an empire of European nations or ‘fatherlands’, which may provide some of its present leaders the Presidency of an Empire and, inspire them with the initiative to fool their own people (as the above mentioned U.S. State governors use their office as a stepping stone to the Presidency of the U.S.) is a grossly inadequate bonding mechanism.

Saw Cross


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Eso’s Chronicles 285 / 11   
The ‘Knellen’ of EU Nations
© Eso A.B.
All comments appearing within brackets [ ] are editorial in origin.


During the winter a year ago, a distant neighbour lost ten beehives. He said it was due to the cold (there was lots of snow, but not all that cold as I remember), his daughter told me that he did not have enough money to buy sugar to feed them, but another acquaintance told me that he had probably drawn down too much honey. The acquaintance said that her own father, who had kept bees, never took honey from them after the month of August. I was told that bees need a certain amount of honey they have gathered for themselves--to stay healthy and survive. Since I knew the man as poor and with an alcohol problem, I blamed his demoralization for the tragic end of the bees.

In the previous blog, I also told how young Latvian women from at least one region stand on the highways to the nation’s capital ‘hitching’ rides. Over the past ten years, I have picked up five such women myself, two of them no longer young. I played dumb in all cases, which certainly was not fair to the women. The most interesting response was from two who travelled together to ‘a party’, then asked to be let out half way to Riga. Another woman in her late forties told me how difficult life was and that she was ‘almost’ ready to prostitute herself. Yet another drew her forefinger across my thigh, but when I failed to respond, asked to be let out, and as she was getting out of the car asked what I thought of prostitution. I did not have time to respond, and she probably did not wish to hear my long explanation. Still, I was shocked to hear that the situation for countryside people has got so bad, that almost ALL young women from certain regions feed themselves and their children, even keep their husbands supplied with alcohol, by prostituting themselves.

Nevertheless, I feel sorrier for the bees robbed of their gold AND let die.

I feel yet sorrier for my community, which a century ago lost tens of thousands of young men to gain sovereignty, then once sovereign, was punished for trying to get on its feet by doing what everyone else was doing. Lenin said that what they did was criminally wrong and needed to be undone by a ‘vanguard’ of revolutionaries that he brought together. . As a result, many, even those Latvians who were among Lenin’s body guards, died in the gulags or were shot for being a potential source of resistance.

In spite of being mass murderers, Lenin’s ‘vanguard’ survived only to betray itself. Among the traitors are many of my countrymen, one of the turncoats even today urging us to begin manufacturing arms .

Which brings up the worst of questions: Can human beings ever be trusted to abide by their answers?

To those who oppose Lenin’s notion of a ‘vanguard’ of revolutionaries, the 47 Ronin (if they are ever able to come together on behalf of their community) should prove him wrong. In effect, if self-sacrificial death can break the fixation on death by one’s own hand as a forbidden act (because it then becomes permissible to ask the leadership to suffer consequences for its acts), government should experience significant improvement. However, the billionaires and millionaires remain in power by advertising all things autoerotic, and our species appears as drawn to it as a dog to a cat if brought together at a young age.

In other words, society needs to give greater attention to the consequences of training its young not just reading, writing, and arithmetic, but habits that bring about a community that fits in with nature better than our urban nightmare does. Just as young stallions made into geldings will patiently pull the plow, so human society (esp. the A personality) gelded in time will leave the wood remain, instead of turning it into an urban desert.

The advantages of a biocentered society are best illustrated by the beehive. A hive stands as an example not only for a community, but for many communities living next to each other without conflict.

The Queen of the hive receives unquestioned allegiance from her daughters, who will sacrifice their lives to keep their mother unharmed. However, this comes at a price: the hive expels its drones when the fall comes. In spring it breeds new drones (relatively few) for future mating purposes. The drone comes from the egg of a ‘laying worker bee’; her egg is unfertilized. All other bees are from the fertilized eggs of the queen and are born females.

In human society, in the distant past, anthropologists report that the Queen preceded the King as well. However, practical matters of regeneration, i.e., live birth instead of eggs, presented obstacles to the Queen becoming a permanent fixture. This caused nature to put the reproductive priority on the human male, but at the price of confusing Father with Mother. This change forces human beings to learn which sex has priority from experience, because apparently the mind retains the imprint of the Mother being its Creatrix.

Human beings to this day do not accept this change, because it suggests that while the male is necessarily the Father and King, biologically the male is unnecessary except as a seed bank. This was recognized in earlier ages, when human males strove to overcome their sexuality by castrating themselves or even cutting off the entire ‘works’. This practice did not survive, because it encouraged the princes, the natural competitors of the King, to replace the King with urbanized ‘democracy’, within which they declared themselves necessary in as great a numbers as the females. To make another analogy with the bee hive, a city could well be the equivalent of the mind meme that causes the drones of many hives to congregate in a ‘drone congregation area’ (read link), which, when visited by a female, lets her determine her worth, but leaves the majority of the males ‘wet’ their pants. In the city the ‘drama’ of choosing the King gets replayed as a sterile ‘pairing off’ ritual.

Unfortunately, anthropologists, caught up in the prejudicial conviction of gender equality, pay no attention to the tilt of the mind phenomenon and remain perversely sexist. Not surprisingly, society continues to favour thieving Princes and their pseudo ‘democracy’ over the King and Queen.

But maybe the evolution of thieving civilizations is destined to encounter road checks by ‘surprise’ road controls. For example:

What if the current tendency of governments to classify its citizens as ‘homo sacer’ (naked life)(as the NSA’s spying on everyone’s privacy proves) is turned around by the citizenry against the State, because depriving a citizen of privacy can in no way be seen as bringing him-her of ‘naked life’ the ‘good life’, which is the sole justification for the existence of the State? What if it is the State that comes to be seen as ‘naked life’?  Does not the ‘body guard’ under the protection of which the State is constantly under prove that, indeed, it is the State which (come the autumn of the seasons) fears itself discovered by the working bees to be the true ‘homo sacer’—in no way touchable as a sacrifice, but subject to the curse, as I suggest, of the ’47 Drones’?

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Eso’s Chronicles 284 / 10
The ‘Knellen’ of EU Nations
© Eso A.B.
All comments appearing within brackets [ ] are editorial in origin.

Deaded in Megalopolis

No word is as overplayed and overused today as ‘creativity’. There is but one reason for it: the violence and lack of creativity within the urban sprawl, aka megalopolis .

One of the earliest critics of urbanism was Lewis Mumford . In his book, “The City in History” (1961), Mumford, born at the end of th 19th century, was not yet so brainwashed by banker-led and urbanist bred capitalism that he did not perceive that the capitalist ‘white ship’ was being blown by the ill winds of advertising for the gates at the edge of the Seas, under a sign that read “Beware Megalopolis—A Dead End Labyrinth”.

Our modern Theseus has no golden thread to borrow from Ariadne to escape the trap . All evidence in our modern times proves that once in the labyrinth, there is no way out, because advertising is so accurately attuned to our autoerotic needs that no heterosexual love or need of community can prevail as long as there is money that can buy it in the shape of an artifice. We all know that frustrated housewives of wealthy husbands go shopping to lower stress.

Yet, as I wrote at the end of my previous blog, there is such a thing as autoerotic death with the community acting the lover. In ancient times, before the institution of marriage was forced on us, it was women who acted the role of the community, and the King never lacked their attention or love. With the modern State and media continuing to pay lip service to the institution of marriage, ‘democratic’ sexuality, aka sex between consenting adults, coexists with the paradox of ‘marriage’ and prevention of the emergence of a spontaneous kingship or priesthood through vicious condemnation of paedophilia—though the stress provoked is clearly autoerotic on the part of media subject to the superego of the law.

The ‘dead end’ of our times is synonymous with the kind of ‘closed circle’ that does not know the circle as either kirtimukha or Mobius circle . In short,what I am trying to say, is that the plain or ‘materialist’ circle is for idiots. It does not provide for transmigration of thought become character as the links—entrance to temple and mobius strips==show.

Our contemporary civilization is stuck in a perpetual groove that it cannot get itself out of short of a catastrophe. At this time, a catastrophe is in progress as the Finance Bubble shows , even as ‘proud atheists’ build themselves monuments. The problem is that atheists may be able to multiply 2x2, but do not know what 2 squared is. Which is to say, that belief has nothing to do with God or Gods, but is knowledge that thought fills the universe and that whatever the reality that one has transmigrated to may be, it is too demanding of our attention to escape except through prayer.

This leads me to think that the ongoing catastrophe will continue and our commitment to ‘democracy’ will disintegrate right along with it. We are, so to speak, being tenderized.

Men who work in the wood destroying our Latvian woods tell people who I know that whole regions of young women (such as remain and have not left the country) go to ‘work’ to the capital or roads leading to it as whores. One such, who rents an apartment from someone I know and fell in arrears, paid back the rent multiplied by one and a half. She explained that because her husband had fallen sick, she had gone looking for work and had found a good ‘job’. I am told that the going price for one who knows what she is doing is about fifty Euros an hour. Latvia joined the Euro twenty days ago, and got praised by Van Rompuy and Barosso who came for a visit to tell how smoothly our political jerk offs did their ‘job’. Our young women are getting rich, what with equal rights and singular character, but their children are born screwed by absentee mothers and never know it, while young men grin obscenely and bear it.

As someone once famously asked: What is to be done?

While presently unimaginable and beyond our community’s ken, I advocate that the ’47 Ronin’ among the elderly become a permanent phenomenon. After all, only humans with a lifetime of experience have the ability to replace the ‘what is’ with ‘what was’. Were it to be so, though it would bypass becoming a political party, except for an ‘exceptional time’ when one recognizes one’s self by killing one’s self as “homo sacer” , it could little by little  discredit and chip away at ‘democracy’ as artifice and return to a democracy of the wood, where human beings are delimited to a Guantanamo prison renamed Washington and Brussels, where they re-elect the King, who as in former times, is a fairy-tale.
Saw Cross


Saturday, January 18, 2014

Eso’s Chronicles 283 / 9
The ‘Knellen’ of EU Nations
© Eso A.B.
All comments appearing within brackets [ ] are editorial in origin.

The Charisma of Kings

Though many readers will agree with those who insist that a ‘nation’ is not a natural conglomeration of individuals, but wholly artificial, with which perspective I agree to some degree, though I lean toward accepting the nation as a fait accompli (of whatever forces were at work: ethnic, happenstance, war) and permanent—unless the nation itself or someone within it, wishes to go their own way and is adamant about it [Spain (Basques), England (Scots), etc. for example].

While in my own country, Latvia, a failed post-Soviet formerly sovereign State, the notion of a King is laughed off and ridiculed by just about everyone, the State’s failure to maintain a viable and strong-willed nation can be located in the ruling elite’s inability to imagine that the Super- or Federated States could possibly have been wrong or that consumerism is little more than the fairy-tale of the magically self-setting table become a reality for a period of time that cannot last.

The likelihood that the artificial community, the nation, is necessarily a closed circle socially and an autarky economically, and that to survive, the community must be willing to sacrifice in ways unimaginable to a violence prone federated mega-State, appears at this time an idea under chloroform.

Even so, we all are used to living in one house, one apartment, one room, or one shack on a more or less permanent basis, and we adapt to the circumstances and take them into account. We do not allow just any stranger onto our premises, let alone invite him or her to stay the night unless there are some extra-ordinarily compelling circumstances.

To ask anyone to stay on what we consider our private and privileged premises—as Ms Vivian Reding of the European Commission insists we do (whether Englishmen or Latvians)(see Intro blog 275)—happens only if we as a nation and a community have long been broken up by the likes of Ms Reding or her predecessors, who used tools (money, violence, and law) not accessible to us to defend ourselves with.

What the EC is doing is viking (wading up or down river) violently into the midst of Europe’s national communities and breaking them up by forcing them by the authority of federalism to lose jurisdiction of what used to be sovereign territory. At present only England appears to be resisting.

For the nations of the European Union the gradual loss of sovereignty through stealthy action by the Centre is a relatively new thing, but inserting immigrants in former independent nations was a widely spread practice throughout the Soviet Union, remains a practice in the current Russian Federation, is true in China, and has just about extinguished the authority of American States.

Unfortunately, once sovereign authority is surrendered, it is impossible to get it back by juridicial methods (it has not yet happened) . New methods need to be devised and implimented.

One of the methods is to insist on the autocratic economic model. The following is an article on ‘Autarky’ that I find interesting , even though the writer writes about it in the context of a federated (U.S.) State. He also cannot imagine life without economic ‘progress’ and is clearly not prepared to make his ‘art’ or culture become the medium of exchange, and he rather be dead and urbanized than self-sufficient in all things.

The following link is a pretty good illustration of what happens when the Vikings fail to learn to survive in the environment they come to as their final destination: It is clear that they DON’T and make for a capitalist system that step by step leads from on war to another. Many Latvians of elite pretentions, and used to being federalized in the Soviet Union, now eagerly try to persuade all and sundry how wonderful it is going to be when we are part of Federalized Europe (FE). They have managed to get Latvia included by choking off (knelling) any prolonged debates or critiques of what losing sovereignty means and, unlike England, run to the bosom of EC’s Ms Reding for mother’s milk.

As the Basques have learned ‘democratic’ procedures will not get one out of the clutches of even a minor federation such as Spain, anymore than Lombardy will get out of the clutches of bunga bunga Rome, or Scotland rid itself of the dusty English Crown.

Either the economic and financial crisis currently stalking planet Earth ends in a thorough collapse of society the globe over, or society finally perceives that globalized identity through personality inversion (and perpetually expanding ‘human rights’) cannot sustain society unless manna from heaven fallas an everyday event. What is needed is the King.

Obviously, in the beginning there is not going to be an actual King, but the community has to begin to mutate into a monarchist party that argues for the end of groupie States not by violence (as Moslem terrorists), but by refusing to commit suicide as it is currently forced to do through out of control community break-downs: alcoholism, drug overdose, obesity, helplessness, homelessness, and desperate (eyes closed) suicide. None of which has any positive results as far as ridding society of Bilderbergers and like human wonders is concerned.

I am not speaking in the accustomed language of revenge or violence that one resorts to when up against a perceived enemy. I have long written about the missing of self-sacrificial acts in modern day life and how this has destroyed the life of community except as a left-over of past times. The primary fault for this surely lies with the political leadership that has waged wars without repercussions on its own self. There is no way this can be turned around except by voluntary actions of individuals or, preferably, groups of individuals. With regard to the latter, the Japanese story of the “47 Ronin” or Samurai explains it best—of course without the sacrifice of Kira Yoshinaka , who we will leave be master of ceremonies, which is all our governments are capable of doing. Somehow, they need to be isolated in their own Vatican, where they can talk human rights, practice gender equality, have endless supplies of manna, and bunga bunga all day long without the presence of a lurid media spoiling the fun.

Save the Ancient Wood!
Saw Cross