Copyright E. A. Benjamins aka Jaņdžs
26 The Whence of Zion
The story of Zionist Israel is a copy of the history that ground down the Jews in the past, an event that had its inception following the rise of neo-Christianity and the repression of its arch-brethren, the arch-Christians. The latter are still known as the Children of Johns among the Latvians, though the Latvians know nothing about the history of these “children”. Zionist Israel is real for sure, but the history that legitimizes it is no more valid than the one created for themselves by the Latvians sans the Children of Johns.
Here is one of the problems to the problem: while the word “Zion” echoes to Ion, Yon, John, i.e., Zion=Y(i)on, the Jews pay it no attention. Instead, we hear of archeological digs that discover old walls, but a potential archeological find of John as a statue a thousand feet long buried under the ground at Bamiyan ( John or Yan of Bami) or nearby in Afghanistan, is paid no attention to—either by Israelis or Latvians.
Whatever one wishes to believe about the existence of an ancient Israel in Palestine some twenty-eight centuries BE, it would make greater sense to seek the origin of Jews among gift collectors (later tax collectors) in the service of the temple and sacred kings. As servants of the kings and princes, the Jews enjoyed the protection of their sponsors (at a later time such protection became devious and exploitative). The relatively recent emergence of Jews as a people has more to do with the emergence of neo-Christianity (serving promiscuous secular power bent on eliminating opposition from arch-Christians) than it has to do with the lands or beliefs of the Semites. This is made clear by the fact that neo-Christians did not intervene in any self-sacrificial manner when the killing of arch-Christians began. Not surprisingly, neither did such intervention occur when the target became the Jews.
As argued throughout these blogs, Jews and neo-Christians, emerged from an arch-Christian foundation that has left traces of itself on all continents. Alas, these traces are simply ignored. It is worth remembering that the word “Christian” consists of two segments: cross + yan, and that Christ is a mythological meaning grafted to the word “cross”, leaving “yan” to become its “live” modifier. In other words, Christian derives from Cross+Yan or Krishyan [another possible spelling: Crnichan]. In 14th century Bosnia the name of an arch-Christian leader, Krishyan, is a personal name in some European countries to this day.
At the same time, the arch-Christians of Bosnia in the middle ages are themselves but a branch of the Johns, whose origins are to be traced to the “gans” (yans—herders) of animals in prehistoric times. The appearance of the Johns as Jews (or Hebrews) has more likely to do with the time when they were engaged in the transport of embalmed corpses from Europe and Asia for burial in the sands of Egypt. As gift collectors, the Yevreys (Jews in Russian) were most likely entrusted with the items that were to be buried with the corpses in Egypt. It is likely that they also became knowledgeable embalmers themselves. The transportation of the dead put the Jews in position of becoming knowledgeable in the ways of the body, not only embalming, but the art of healing as well. Their earnings (an excessive accumulation of gifts) enabled the Jews to enjoy a spiritual overflow (or esoterica of the mind that comes with leisure) that resulted in the Torah, the Bible, and other mimesis of “holy” writ.
The Jews—a caste within the arch-Christian tradition—became Judaized only after their arch-Christian base was repressed. It was only after the Jews, protected by the king let us remember, experienced a numerical surge due to the flight of arch-Christians seeking refuge from neo-Christians, that they became a political threat. The neo-Christians resented the sudden numerical advantage gained by the Jews, which caused them to attacks Jews also. The path of resistance by the Jews (really the Jews + the Children of Johns) resulted in the Judaization of arch-Christendom in the sense that “judaization” is a synonym for demonization of arch-Christianity. When the demonizing ceased, Judaism (the refuge of Children of Johns) became a catch-all for neo-Christianity’s ills: it forgot its John-Jewish roots, became a heretic hunter, and made violence rather than self-sacrifice (equally for all human kind) a trait of its political culture.
When the neo-Christian kings rewrote the story of John-Basil and made its hero Jesus, they simultaneously began a “holy” war against the Johns and their followers. The Albigensian Crusade (1234) is one such war. The crusades against the Slavs and Balts are other such. While there remain legends and poems of the Albigensian troubadours, all that remains of the Balts and their Children of Johns are some songs and—among the Latvians—the name, re: the Children of Johns (Jāņu bērni). The fruits of the neo-Christian victory over the Balts and arch-Christianity continue to be exploited by the neo-Christian Church even today. For example, neo-Christians in Latvia continue speak of the Johns Festival as St. John the Baptist’s Festival (which would be fine if Johns were to be understood as the college of sacred wanderers of whom Jesus was but one) or neutralize Johns Day by calling it “Summer Solstice Festival”. The Children of Johns chose the midsummer solstice as their high holy day, because the Johns were indeed not only the sons of the Sun, but the remnant of those wanderers who after their wanderings returned home.
With all the instruments of repression working against them, how did the name of the Children of Johns survive?
1) The Balts and Slavs were for the most part people of the forest. Forests and swamps covered their vast real estate. The Catholic neo-Christian Crusaders had a hard time penetrating all the nooks and crannies of this vast forested country. The “Day of Johns” continues to be celebrated by Latvians, who once upon a time on this day understood themselves part of a Children of Johns community. Unfortunately, the mind locks of the 20th century silenced the sacred in favor of a family picnic and/or sousing one’s self on beer.
2) The elimination of Johns Children by neo-Christians among the Balts was not as immediately fatal as it was among the Cathars of Albigensia. The Children of Johns in Latvia apparently survived for a while, perhaps along the lines of the Bosnian Church, which had its own hierarchy, and whose leader swore an oath to none. When neo-Christians began to persecute Johns Children as social deviants and anti-Christs, heretics all, and invented or, better, overemphasized ancient pagan mythology to replace arch-Christianity, the natives escaped death by hiding among a sect that was part of the greater Children of John community, the Ivreys, who were were the king’s tax collectors, which was why the king protected them. The Children of Johns began to call themselves Ivrejs or Jews. Since it was the tax collectors who invented writing (by way of keeping records), the other (exiled) Children of John picked up the art of writ of the Ivreys by osmosis and necessity. This was, psychologically speaking, a mind-locking, tongue-biting, and depressing time in the life of all who belonged to the Johns community. Eventually, the community, lacking written resources, succumbed to the neo-Christian ethos, and left the survival of its truths to the human psyche to sort out.
While at its foundation, 80% of Israelis were Ashkenazi Jews from Slavic and Baltic lands, few question how they got to those lands from far-away Palestine. The truth is that they were the inhabitants of the Slav- and Baltic lands all the time. The same goes for the Sephardic Jews. Their origin is the same as that of the Children of Johns among Latvians, but they come by way of North Africa and Spain.
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26 The Whence of Zion
The story of Zionist Israel is a copy of the history that ground down the Jews in the past, an event that had its inception following the rise of neo-Christianity and the repression of its arch-brethren, the arch-Christians. The latter are still known as the Children of Johns among the Latvians, though the Latvians know nothing about the history of these “children”. Zionist Israel is real for sure, but the history that legitimizes it is no more valid than the one created for themselves by the Latvians sans the Children of Johns.
Here is one of the problems to the problem: while the word “Zion” echoes to Ion, Yon, John, i.e., Zion=Y(i)on, the Jews pay it no attention. Instead, we hear of archeological digs that discover old walls, but a potential archeological find of John as a statue a thousand feet long buried under the ground at Bamiyan ( John or Yan of Bami) or nearby in Afghanistan, is paid no attention to—either by Israelis or Latvians.
Whatever one wishes to believe about the existence of an ancient Israel in Palestine some twenty-eight centuries BE, it would make greater sense to seek the origin of Jews among gift collectors (later tax collectors) in the service of the temple and sacred kings. As servants of the kings and princes, the Jews enjoyed the protection of their sponsors (at a later time such protection became devious and exploitative). The relatively recent emergence of Jews as a people has more to do with the emergence of neo-Christianity (serving promiscuous secular power bent on eliminating opposition from arch-Christians) than it has to do with the lands or beliefs of the Semites. This is made clear by the fact that neo-Christians did not intervene in any self-sacrificial manner when the killing of arch-Christians began. Not surprisingly, neither did such intervention occur when the target became the Jews.
As argued throughout these blogs, Jews and neo-Christians, emerged from an arch-Christian foundation that has left traces of itself on all continents. Alas, these traces are simply ignored. It is worth remembering that the word “Christian” consists of two segments: cross + yan, and that Christ is a mythological meaning grafted to the word “cross”, leaving “yan” to become its “live” modifier. In other words, Christian derives from Cross+Yan or Krishyan [another possible spelling: Crnichan]. In 14th century Bosnia the name of an arch-Christian leader, Krishyan, is a personal name in some European countries to this day.
At the same time, the arch-Christians of Bosnia in the middle ages are themselves but a branch of the Johns, whose origins are to be traced to the “gans” (yans—herders) of animals in prehistoric times. The appearance of the Johns as Jews (or Hebrews) has more likely to do with the time when they were engaged in the transport of embalmed corpses from Europe and Asia for burial in the sands of Egypt. As gift collectors, the Yevreys (Jews in Russian) were most likely entrusted with the items that were to be buried with the corpses in Egypt. It is likely that they also became knowledgeable embalmers themselves. The transportation of the dead put the Jews in position of becoming knowledgeable in the ways of the body, not only embalming, but the art of healing as well. Their earnings (an excessive accumulation of gifts) enabled the Jews to enjoy a spiritual overflow (or esoterica of the mind that comes with leisure) that resulted in the Torah, the Bible, and other mimesis of “holy” writ.
The Jews—a caste within the arch-Christian tradition—became Judaized only after their arch-Christian base was repressed. It was only after the Jews, protected by the king let us remember, experienced a numerical surge due to the flight of arch-Christians seeking refuge from neo-Christians, that they became a political threat. The neo-Christians resented the sudden numerical advantage gained by the Jews, which caused them to attacks Jews also. The path of resistance by the Jews (really the Jews + the Children of Johns) resulted in the Judaization of arch-Christendom in the sense that “judaization” is a synonym for demonization of arch-Christianity. When the demonizing ceased, Judaism (the refuge of Children of Johns) became a catch-all for neo-Christianity’s ills: it forgot its John-Jewish roots, became a heretic hunter, and made violence rather than self-sacrifice (equally for all human kind) a trait of its political culture.
When the neo-Christian kings rewrote the story of John-Basil and made its hero Jesus, they simultaneously began a “holy” war against the Johns and their followers. The Albigensian Crusade (1234) is one such war. The crusades against the Slavs and Balts are other such. While there remain legends and poems of the Albigensian troubadours, all that remains of the Balts and their Children of Johns are some songs and—among the Latvians—the name, re: the Children of Johns (Jāņu bērni). The fruits of the neo-Christian victory over the Balts and arch-Christianity continue to be exploited by the neo-Christian Church even today. For example, neo-Christians in Latvia continue speak of the Johns Festival as St. John the Baptist’s Festival (which would be fine if Johns were to be understood as the college of sacred wanderers of whom Jesus was but one) or neutralize Johns Day by calling it “Summer Solstice Festival”. The Children of Johns chose the midsummer solstice as their high holy day, because the Johns were indeed not only the sons of the Sun, but the remnant of those wanderers who after their wanderings returned home.
With all the instruments of repression working against them, how did the name of the Children of Johns survive?
1) The Balts and Slavs were for the most part people of the forest. Forests and swamps covered their vast real estate. The Catholic neo-Christian Crusaders had a hard time penetrating all the nooks and crannies of this vast forested country. The “Day of Johns” continues to be celebrated by Latvians, who once upon a time on this day understood themselves part of a Children of Johns community. Unfortunately, the mind locks of the 20th century silenced the sacred in favor of a family picnic and/or sousing one’s self on beer.
2) The elimination of Johns Children by neo-Christians among the Balts was not as immediately fatal as it was among the Cathars of Albigensia. The Children of Johns in Latvia apparently survived for a while, perhaps along the lines of the Bosnian Church, which had its own hierarchy, and whose leader swore an oath to none. When neo-Christians began to persecute Johns Children as social deviants and anti-Christs, heretics all, and invented or, better, overemphasized ancient pagan mythology to replace arch-Christianity, the natives escaped death by hiding among a sect that was part of the greater Children of John community, the Ivreys, who were were the king’s tax collectors, which was why the king protected them. The Children of Johns began to call themselves Ivrejs or Jews. Since it was the tax collectors who invented writing (by way of keeping records), the other (exiled) Children of John picked up the art of writ of the Ivreys by osmosis and necessity. This was, psychologically speaking, a mind-locking, tongue-biting, and depressing time in the life of all who belonged to the Johns community. Eventually, the community, lacking written resources, succumbed to the neo-Christian ethos, and left the survival of its truths to the human psyche to sort out.
While at its foundation, 80% of Israelis were Ashkenazi Jews from Slavic and Baltic lands, few question how they got to those lands from far-away Palestine. The truth is that they were the inhabitants of the Slav- and Baltic lands all the time. The same goes for the Sephardic Jews. Their origin is the same as that of the Children of Johns among Latvians, but they come by way of North Africa and Spain.
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