Saturday, January 10, 2009

What happened to the past in the past? [2]

This is a mini-series of blogs embedded in a greater series of blogs that concern the self-sacrificial religion known as arch-Christianity (as opposed to present-day neo-Christianity. This blog first appeared as a letter to

According to the Russian mathematician and historian Fomenko, Jesus was killed in 1185 of our era (see “History: Fiction or Science”, Vol. 2., Delamere Publishing). This makes the event 824 instead of 2009 years old as presumed (directly or indirectly) by not only the “major religions”, but by almost everyone living today. The death of Jesus (the details described by Anna Comnena in her “The Alexiad of Anna Comnena”) also happens not in Jerusalem (known as Ilia to the Arabs), but Constantinople.

If Fomenko is correct, it makes sense that the 1st crusade (Fomenko doubts if there were any crusades before this, though there were a number in the West later—against the Albigensians, the Balts, and Slavs) took place in 1204, nineteen years after the death of Jesus. Not surprisingly, the Crusaders attacked Constantinople, not Jerusalem.

It is doubtful whether Jerusalem existed as Jerusalem before Napoleon. Early maps of the Middle East used by Napoleon do not show such a city in Palestine. Fomenko points out that after the fall of Constantinople, also known as Jerusalem in its time, was an idealized name for a number of cities after it fell into the hands of “new” Rome in the West.

In any event, after the plunder of Constantinople-Jerusalem (in 1453 the Turks only finished what the neo-Christians had begun 249 years earlier), the West—motivated by economic expansionism—began a war against the East and the rest of the world. The “rest” of the world fell to colonialists from the West easily. However, the East (the lands coinciding with those of the Eastern Empire) was not so easily gained.

According to Fomenko, Russia, was part of the Eastern Empire, but survived its fall to become its heir. Russia was attacked by catholicized Poles and Lithuanians (not to mention the Catholic Teutonic Knights at an earlier time and the Swedes later), and while the attackers did not succeed in conquering Russia, a consequence of their destructive activities made possible the implantation of a dynasty of tsars willing to become the West’s collaborators. This was the Romanov dynasty. It ruled over Russia for over three hundred years—1613-1917.

Though the Romanovs did not always collaborate with the West and even exhibited a will of their own, they did (most important for the imposition of western culture on Russia) force its ecclesiastical authorities to adopt the Western calendar. They also imported a historical chronology that had nothing to do with the Eastern Empire, but was the creation of the West.

Thus, while the Russian Orthodox Church continues to hold that it is the direct heir of “early” Christianity, it has forgot that “early” may also mean “arch”, that is to say, that many of the territories that the West today says were formerly “pagan”, actually were part of arch-Christendom. The Jews, as noted in my post at 12:19 a.m., were part of that arch-Christendom.

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