Friday, January 9, 2009

What happened to the past in the past? [1]

This is a mini-series of blogs embedded in a greater series of blogs that concern the self-sacrificial religion known as arch-Christianity (as opposed to present-day neo-Christianity. This blog first appeared as a letter to
The Guardian has an article this morning (re above) that president-elect Barack Obama is expected to adopt a more even-handed approach to the Middle East conflict when in office. Among those approaches—low level contact with Hamas.

IMO such a move is to be welcomed, but will not go anywhere unless Russia is consulted as well. One of the obvious reasons why this must be is because Russia is a great power in the immediate vicinity. The other reason, more subtle—even unknown to some—has to do with the history of the region, which “power” does not wish to acknowledge because, for the most part, it is brainless.

The reason history is important is because the true stream of history of the region (and one may say for the world) has been repressed by naked power. However, this is like throwing a cardboard box over a fire and saying that there is no fire. At this moment, the fires of history are curling up the cardboard box, smoke is coming through the blackening cracks, and fire will follow in a moment.

The long (and often seemingly confused) version of history is explained by the Russian mathematician Anatoly Fomenko in his many volumed series “History: Fiction or Science” (Delamere Publishing). The “nut”, as many believe Fomenko to be, nevertheless has not only an interesting take on history, but even a compelling one. Hopefully, Fomenko and his school will manage to publish their theory in an essay, rather than spread it out over seven volumes with no indexes.

In short, there exists a version of the history of the world that takes the view that the continuous attacks of the West [the U.S. and Europe (re NATO)] on the East originate in the Crusades and the collapse of an Eastern Empire. In which case, a Holy Land located in the Middle East is nothing more than a myth being perpetrated by the body politic of the West as a whole. One of the difficulties in resisting the West stem from the East’s acceptance of the West’s version of history in the 17th-18th centuries, which version is now difficult to slough off.

Even so, the process of sloughing the myths perpetrated by the West has begun, and we may thank Israel’s presumptuous violence for being a major lubricant to the question: What really happened in the past to the past?

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