Sunday, January 12, 2020

Fucked-Up Cities by © Eso Anton benjamins, 2020

Continued from EC724

What about fa-scism and its origins?

What is this –scism? Who first noticed it?

Conventional academic wisdom locates the source of ‘fa-scism’, first, in Italy/ Mussolini  , thence in Germany/Hitler; and theories about its origins abound.  When all is said, fascism or fascist has become a word that is little more than a pejorative that epresses extreme contempt for one’s political opponent. At its most polarized, communists and fascists, both,call each other by this one word. How are we to understand this phenomenon?

This writer believes that the scism has its start with  the violent conversion of a temple complex (Angkor Wat , for example) into a city, where the monolithic authority of the sacred priest-king divides itself into numerous ‘democratic’ factions, all of which make-believe themselves no less monopolistic entities than the priest-king of the temple.complex.

What differentiates the authority of the priest-king from that of a ‘democratic’ government is that the priest-king had a way of becoming God to the people who came under His purview, while a ‘democratic’ authority is too weak (undermined by competing factions) to assert such authority.

The Way used by the priest-king to become God was by ‘voluntary death’, by which public means, He persuaded the people that, indeed, God was real—if only because His death was but a dying into Himself, His own Nature, so to speak.

As the temple became increasinglyconverted into a city, the authority of it priest-king came under increasing pressure to subdivide (from (1)secular king to (2) lords to (3) people). What had originally been one bunle of rods (fasces) became a mob of slaves to politics, young/ student democrats who turn the city into a Tower of Babel , aka Bashington/ Beijing/.etc.

More to follow.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Fucked-Up Cities by © Eso Anton benjamins, 2020

Will wonders never cease?
The first wonder this  morning was the tragic ‘good’ news (via ZeroHedge) that the Iranian government has admitted that by some unintended ”mistake” yet to be known unknowns downed a Ukrainian plane with the loss of 176 lives of passengers and crew .

The second wonder is that the Japanese company known as Toyota has entered upon a new phase of planet Earth destruction by racing to replace production of cars with production of cities ‘of the future’ ..

As readers of my blogs know, this writer believes that the two greatest evils of our so-called Civilization are agriculture and the cities it has enabled, i.e. urbanism.

The third evil is that for all the ‘wise men’ and experts in our academic institutions the Ills of this Civilization’s societies go unnoticed and—if mentioned—are dismissed as irrelevant and products of some long ago discredited observation. More often than not one hears a reference to Sodom and Gomorha, two cities which according to eperts  a nonexistent God of a supersticious people destroyed

The fourth ‘horseman’ is/are the men who replaced the hardships imposed by a life in Nature (which caused humankind to discover God) with an urban construction known as a fort.
It is interesting that it is the ‘fort’, aka polis (with assistance of Grimm’s Law  aka fors—village in Swedish) out of which in the course of time evolved the city. In earlier times the fort had been a holy place in the wood, a place for healing often near a sacred spring known as kulicha in Russian, Kurort in German, church in English, etc.

Apparently such holy places became the envy of certain powerful and armed men and were seized by them for their sole use, which is how Well Street* bacame known as Wall Street . Of course this etymology, in spite of its logic, is denied today by those who have benefited by becoming the usurpers of the well.
*The first settlers who came to New York by the ship "Nieu Nederlandt" in 1624 like all people who founded a new ettlement needed to be close to a source of freh water, which they found somewhere along the route that became known as ‘Well Street’.

For the people of Kyoto, their holy spring was at the Kanazawa shrine in far off Kaname , where to a Merchant married off his daughter, because he had heard there was a well there where leaves of gold rose to the surface from its bottom. Is this where the Golden Pavilion (Kinkakuji Temple) got its gold from?

More to follow.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Dear Greta by © Eso Anton benjamins, 2020

Continued from EC722

From this old man’s point of view, Greta, you have permitted yourself not only to mouthe uninformed presumptions and insult the powers of stars like the Sun, but cheer yourself on as a heroine of a mob of fools born of cities. Your own forebears, the Norsemen, had an answer for yougsters like you: It was crude, but very effective in making one think.

Anyway, many miilions of forest beings were made to die, forests were cut, and huge tractors pulled ten plows to keep city-zens happy driving in self-steering cars singing: .

”What happens to the heart?”

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Sunday, January 5, 2020

Dear Greta by © Eso Anton benjamins, 2020

Continued from EC721

While the ‘scientific age’ does not tire to declare itself as future forever, its historians continue to miss noticing that its Civilization was created by a city sourced and based slave system that forced a once Forest People or Ludds (read Robin Hood), or Leute (DE), or naluds (RU) to become agriculturalists and peasants,

Few care to notice that Stone Henge once stood in a wood and not in the middle of a potato field; or that King Ludwig was king of a people who called themselves Leute; or that instead of ridding the lyudi or narods of their city based exploiters, Stalin killed the very ones who were the real fomenters of the so-called Russian Revolution. No less, a similar phenomenon occured in France, where the king of the people was guillotined by a Paris mob; and in England, where king John I was dethroned by a gang of princes and lords, whose crime is celebrated as a magnificent act (Magna Harta) on behalf of ‘democracy’ to this day.

Why such inability by the ‘priests’ of Democracy to diagnosse the cause of the violent nature of their government?

Can it be that the only true democracy that ever existed or can exist was and is in the wood, and that the ‘democratic’ government of our time is a delusion of princes and lords deciding among themselves who gets to finger and fuck a prostrate Nature first?

Though Climate is the twin sister of Nature, it is not for the rape of Climate that Otus and Ephialtes  are facing each other with nuclear tipped missiles, Greta. It is not that I question the likelyhood that you suffer of the confusions caused by high altitude sickness due to your exposure to the rarified airs of Swedish high culture, but that you, too, suffer of the stomach aches caused by ‘labor free’ access to food in the city.

Does it ever occur to you, Greta, that you have perched yourself as Daedala and your feathers are held in place by the soft wax gathered in flower filled forest meadows by bees?

More to follow.