Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Story Of A Honeless European / A Family Epic                                   
By © Anton Vendamenc, 2019

A Homeless

An poem                       By © Anton Vendamenc, 2019


Introduction         Once Upon A Time

1. How It began
      2. The Story of Grandmother
3. The Story of Grandfather
4. Story of Father
5. A Few Pithies
6. With Wishing Wand in Hand
7. Loop de Loop
8. In Remembtance of Misha
9. Livonia’s Cubed Wonderland
10. A Kebab of lamb
11. Stalled On A Ladder
      12. The Shadow Survives Its Object

In times past poets evoked emotions by summoning images from Nature. One of the better such examples comes from the German poet Goethe and his poem “ Kennst du das Land ” (Do you know the land?) Today such bonds with nature as expressed by the poem have vanished and have been replaced with the sensitivities of a gentrified urban class which is out of touch with Nature in extremis. The shift away from wood and field happened so suddenly, unexpectedly, that the replacement became known as ‘confessional’ poetry’. One reason for naming the shift away from Nature with such a curious name (Wm. Blake named such a shifting as of “dark Satanic Mills” ) was that with Nature removed as a reference, all that is left is one’s inner emotional life, often nakedly sexual in nature. An active voice in the transfer of the past into the present “dark” age was the American poet Walt Whitman with his collection of poems called “Leaves of Grass”. A hundred years later Whitman was succeeded by Robert Lowell, with “Skunk Hour” being his most often quoted poem.

Surealy enough this poet’s brief entanglement with the author of “Life Studies ” (at Boston University 1957-1958) has lingered to bring forth (2019) “The Story of A Homeless European”

Canto 1. How It Began

A reminder
Of the story
Of the rape of
A definition
Of ’fuck’
As in fucked up
As if by some magic
By beings as if
Out of cyberspace
Then discarded
As mere meat
Or piece of fat
Or carion
”For the birds”

Fuckedbu up
Is a phrase
Often used
To describe
The useless
And superfluous
And other deplorables)
No one knows
What to do with

All the same
It i s an wxpression
Of a stuborn
And resilient „I am”.

 was fucked up for
The second time
So to speak

My desperate
And by war
Turned hysterical
And mindless
When she
(Having taken
No interest
In my father’s
Made love to
The young soldier
Of a German
Post Office troop
A leutnant who
of some priviledged German family
Was seeking to escape
the malodorous winds
Of war and slaughter
As desperately
She was.

The only escape
Being shot
By globe trotting
Christian governments
(Of which
Hitler’s was one)

Or by
To death
Hung by
Fake elites
Or military police

Was to forget war
And fuck
All women who
Too, were escaping
By fucking every
Come their way

Love became
Like among dogs
Dog wag tongue
And cunt appears
Before it
A thousand years
Of luddy*
Wedding customs
Were blown away
For a fuck
*Luddy --is an old name that preceeded and has now been replaced by the word ‘people’. It was last used in the English speaking world when so-called Luddites (1811+) took on the English Lords and Nouveau riche. The word remains in use in the german language as ‘Leute’, in Russian as ‘liudi’ (люди), in Latvian as ‘ļaudis’ (lyaudis), and in such names as Ludwig, Ludis, possibly even in place names such as London (Londinium), Luzon, etc. Robin Ludd (a symbolic name for the last of England’s people of the wood) had his last name changed to ‘Hood’, meaning thief. Not surprisingly Robin dies at the hand of fake Christians  .
Expressing love
With an amorous touch
The luddies said
Making love was like
”Tearing the skin
Off the wire”

Use the wire
To bruise, sext,
Masturbate, bless,
And ”skunk with porn
An entire millenium.

Fritz’s and Manya’s
Need for love

No children
Only brusing

    That was
    In 1944
    Seventy-five years ago
    Toward the end of

The officer was young
My mother was young
I was a young boy.

    I saw
    But did not yet
    what I saw.

    Life in the countryside
    Herding cows
Ad sheep
    Kept me naive:

Standing in warm cow pie
In a frost covered medow
Warming my bare feet
Was my idea
Of reality.

At that time
I still believed
Father was alive and
Would survive
And return from
Or Whereever.

I screamed for him
Tantrums of prayers
When alone.

No Buddha
Or Beatle
Could ever
Convince me
Life levitates
On fantasy or dream,
Or some witless
Latvian author’s
Need for notoriety.*
*There have been numerous, government sponsored efforts (story, book, and theatre) in PostSovietLatvia to eliminate the achievements and contribution of my paternal grandfather and his forebears in the creation of Latvia. Whether this is the policy of the CIA’s ‘renewed’ Latvian government, or a mute death wish of a half-dead community (the PostSoviet government has for all practical purposes eliminated Latvian literature, criticism, intellect, and what used to be called Latvian culture) left rotting behind a Potemkin Village facade   --only the future will reveal.
    I did not know
    That in his youth
    Father had been
A Cityzen*
*The poet uses the word ‘cityzen’ instead of ‘citizen’ to more clearly indicate the difference of one from the other.
Of tsarist Russia
Which fact
Turned him
    Into derivative human
    Of government
 (For which fact the tsar and his family, were shot)
It was a time
In my life
when no boy’s father
Could ever be
who could have
Fucked me up
Just for the fun of it
And without

I did not believe
I was of
A joke.

The joke was
Was already dead
A bullet
on the 13th of April, 1942
Through his head
Pants full of shit
Compliments of
Brought up to the deck
in buckets
Of water
Which in one swoop
Dumped the shit
Of Stalin’s victims
Into the Volga
Then drew drink
To slake the thirst
Of haggard tourists
to be boarded
At Astrakhan’s
Little Kremlin

Neither father
Nor I
Knew that
Our woman in common
Left be on a farm
In a government sponsored
God forsaken land

By the grace of God
(or Chance)
Was fucking
A stranger to
Save her own
And her brood’s life.

Which is whyfore
This epic
Of a survivor.

Mother’s behavior
In front of the farm’s
*The poet’s aunt Emma (the owner of the ‘Sokleni’ farm in the Latvian countryside) was the youngest sister of the poet’s grandmother (who was born on the very farm). The poet’s mother, concussed by events, let herself to forget this, when she began her affair before the very eyes of the poet’s father’s relatives. For aunt Emma the humiliation was endured in silence, but deadly effect:  in order not to open her mouth in an involuntary scream, aunt Emma closed her mouth forever, ruling out the poet ever learning the content of her memories.
    Her Wehrmacht lover
    (Embarrassed by
Obvious inuendo)
    To make
    On the Wehrmacht truck
    Next to sacks of mail
For mother, me, and
Sister and brother.

    Even as I
    An incomprehending witness
    That same evening
    With anti-aircraft shells
Over the Koknese
Railroad station
    Saw them meet
To do
    Whatever it was
    They did
    From the other end
    Of the hay loft
    Above the garage
Next to
The railway tracks.

By some thanks
For ever not known
To who
Or fear
Induced caution
We escaped death.

That was
(The best I can
On August 20,
(Click on picture with truck to enlarge. Examine  closely.)

In my stead,
Our white gelding,
Yoked to the wagon*
(*The household left the farm in the middle of a counter offensive a  day after we had gone)
(White neck
Shredded by bullets)
Was killed
By a Soviet plane
The country road.

Mother acknowledged
Her sins
On her deathbed
Telling the poet
In a whisper:
”I have forgiven God.”

For years thereafter
Above us
”a mute heaven stretched”
And ”a mute
Field of flowers lay”
Lyrics from a poem by the Latvian poet J. Peters

It took me years
To grasp and admit
The horror the horror
Of what had

And scrape out of
The pitch
Of painted over
That dead,
By the hand of
Her once husband’s
Much facelifted
Second wife
Intrigue Galore
Was aunt Emma’s
Older sister,
My grandmother

Of course,
The murder
Is hearsay
Nothing special
More something
Who knows when
In company forgotten

But etched on
By half forgotten
Subtle murmurings
And muzz-muzzs
in the ears
Of a curious boy
Who like the sheepdog
Chased after the truck
That took his flock
To the abattoir.
Finds comfort
In the stench of
Calls for ”Help!”
From the legendary castle
At the bottom
Of Latvia’s
Lake Word.

2 The Story of Grandmother

Only the Sun knows
The whyfors

Her forebears left
Or were taken
from Gorgan
And oared
Perhaps as
Prisoners of war
Or fuck flesh
To the north
Of the Caspian Sea
The Volga delta

Where they whiled
in Astrakhan
Fishing for sturgeon
Then were took up
The Volga

Whence they portaged
To the Virgin River
aka Jaunava-Daugava
Then through an
Ice-scoured land
Still rising
Out of the Baltic Sea
To a country
Now called Latvia
Where they were took
To a pirates
A nest of thieves
Like at Troy
Where Helen
Was raped
Then had her body
In a weighted net
And was cast
As food
For Baltic eels

Some of the fuck flesh
Was sold
To Gherman*
At Sheepshead*
A town in Latvia
Called Jelgava
*’German’ is a name with a complex history, one that derives from the word ‘gher’, which means sheep and is related to ‘yurt’, which is a transportable home among nomads in Central Asia. It is likely that in later years they moved West and occupied much of Europe. Interestingly ‘yurt’ translates as ‘yehrs’, which word means sheep in Latvian; and ‘yarn’ in English. The Latvian city of Jelgava may derive from a composite word, re: Jehr/gher (or jehl)+galva = (raw +head of lamb), which may be visualized as a skinned head of slaughtered lamb or a head frowned by a crown of roses. Today ‘gher’ may also stand for fish or prawn ponds in Bangladesh, perhaps in remembrance that the name once stood for a pen of a flok of sheep in the steppes of Central Asia . It may be that overgrazing of the steppes  contributed to the erosion and desertification of Central Asia in the same manner it occurred in the Sahara and Spain.
Which town lies
But 30 miles south
Of Roma-Riga
Which is why
When the wind
Blew north
(The retching leech
Of annorexed Latvia)
As only
A curse
Of a Kriv*
*Grimm’s Law  of consonant shifts enables one to translate ‘Krīv’, an Old Prussian name for priest, as ‘Clib’ (limp or cleft) and ‘Lud’ as ‘Rod’ or ‘Rus’
The clubfoot priest of Ludds
Could make stink.

By pretending
To be charcoal burners
The Iranians
From their captors
backtracked the Daugava
Then the CharcoalOgre River
To Where it
the Charcoal road
that led to Riga
The oven’s.*
*The reputation of Riga as the home of wonders continues to be expressed in a potentially deadly game among schoolboys, in which the strongest boy asks a smaller classmate: “Do you wish to see Riga?” If the answer is “yes”, then the stronger boy seizes the head of the classmate between his hands andthusly holding him, lifts the boy off the ground. Another legacy of perverse Riga is the Latvian word for ‘pity’, re: zhehlot (žēlot), which is derived from the Spanish word ’garotte’  , which was administered to ‘pagans’ by the ‘holy’ Roman fathers of Riga.
The Caspian natives
Then changed
Their name
From Gorgan
To Yuryan
And hid
In the woods
With other refugees
From Jerusalem*Jersika
*Jersika-Jersey used to be the only kingdom in what is now Latvia. The kingdom was destroyed and its temples raised on or about 1209 by Bishop Alberts of Riga, who led the northeastern branch of the two pronged Albigensian Crusade waged by Pope Innocent III against AtchChristians whose word was trustworthy.

Most students of history know the Albigensian Crusade as one against the Cathars of Occitan  , which is part of southern France today. Most academic historians continue paying Catholic Christianity enough lip service for Western history to remain an enterprise in fakery. The poet contends that the Crusade was a coordinated attack against the remnants of archChristianity in southwestern and northeastern Europe. A less mentally constipated scholarship would admit Christianity to have existed in northeastern Europe for many years before it was destroyed by the princes of the Holy Roman Empire . When the poet’s forebears came to the region of Livonia (about 1729), they found there a people still living in the forest, who insite of it had a receptive ear for the message of a Kingdom led by one King John (John Baptist or Krišjānis), aka Jesus.

Unfortunately, the Lutherans and other denominations, all proselatizers of Catholic theology, soon reaized the archaic content preached by Christian David  (the link is a good example of how Catholic Christianity stiil attempts to explain away a different theology than its own ‘holy’ secular version), and  instigated a campaign of genocide  against them in ‘Lutheran’ Latvia. It hardly bears mentioning that by today King John in Latvia has been killed by Christianized city borne Zionists as effectively as king John of England by the Magna Hartist ‘democrats’. Today the victims of Catholic Zionism are not only Moravian Herrnhuters and their descendants, but of the people of countryside the world over.
As Birnam wood was
Once come to Dunsinane
To cover the head of sheep
With fleece.

It was
Where the eternal wood
(still left standing by
The forest Jews)
Makes memory
Stand still
And unnecessary
They awoke from
Of blueberry blossoms
Turning into
Blueberry tulips
Spilling coal
And seed
From their flaming cups
Like rain of fire

It was here
(nee YuriYan)
Met my grandfather
And birthes

My father
Born 1892
The second
Of their five children.

In later years
A coo-coos call
Entangled father
 (as if by some miracle)
With Astrakhan’s
    Swamps and sands

    But it was not
    A thousand year
A roundtrip to Iran.

    It ended
    Where the waters
    Of the Volga delta
Feeds the last
Of the primordial
River’s sturgeons

Though editor in chief
Of Latvia’s
Premier newspaper
Father never issued
A Mayday Mayday Mayday
To the nation

It went
Blub, blub, blub
The way of a bottle
Filled with sand

Intrigue had a pillow
In father’s and
The nation’s face

Take a breath of that*
*What with all the participants in the event of Latvia’s occupation and annexation to the Soviet Union dead by now, the books that ought have been written about the event are no longer possible. Any such attempt is blocked by the ongoing incorporation of the Baltic States into the European Union (EU), which is projected to become a federalized State. Nevertheless, a restatement of the State’s cowardice led by then Latvian president K.U. is needed if anyone is to ever get the slightest unerstanding of the suffering the cowards unleashed. Because my father the editor of Jaunākās Ziņas (JZ) was blocked from doing his job by Intrigue, who projected herself as the coward president’s mistress, father had no authority to project his view on the matter, and was forced—at the peril of being fired—to publish Intrigue’s and the official government’s position.

The event that tied father’s hands occurred when father appealed to Intrigue to help him extract his family from Latvia and she refused. Father’s visit with Intrigue is mentioned by Rolands Ozols, formerly editor of JZ, in his book “The Story of A Last Mohican.” No doubt, in hindsight, father ought have issued a clandestine Mayday edition. He may have thought of it, but the official censor of the State, the Interior minister (AB) were on his case, and had succeeded in getting Intrigue fire him once already. Be that as it may, father apparently he did not wish to initiate an armed conlict with the Soviet Union when he was unable to secure his family a place abroad. When the poet’s nanny of Baltic-German extraction offered to take the poet and his sister (youngest brother was not yet born) with her to Germany, father refused the offer.
Its ozone
By Intrigue
In service of
Latvia’s pre-war
‘Mafia State’*

Today Latvians are
Like picnickers in May
Responding to
A parrot:
“I beg your pardon
What did you say?
That is unbelievable
We never heard
The Latvian newspaper
In the U.S.
Say any such thing.”

Great grandchildren
Prefer the book about Intrigue
By Latvia’s Culture Fund
A transparent
Whitewash job
No mention of
Intrigue’s facelifts
Or betrayals

Who are you
But a shepherd
Gone mad?
Have you not heard
The song about
Mad dogs and Englishmen?

Perhaps grandfather
Too, was chasing down
History’s highway
100 years of
Forgotten deeds
Destined like blood
On the slanted floor
Of the Llubyanka
For the Moskva River?

All the same,
Grandfather’s faith
In Jesus
Gave him the will
To crown himself
With a lamb’s crown of roses
And play the fool.

So much for
The consequences
Of repression
Of a belief
That feared no poverty
And played
The fool

Who am I
To be more?

Father left it
To me
To shake the sieve
And discover
In its debri
Unthinkable second thoughts.

What killed grandmother?
Was it
Poison made of
The Devil’s smirk
That stopped
Her heart
And ripped
Bridal veils
Cum maiden heads
Became crowns
Of roses
On the heads of
Life’s aborted?

The murders created
Misery, strife
And confusion

Yet fate
Mervyless ironizer
Contracted that
Intrigue, too
Died a martyr’s death
And a Saint
To those who
Benefitted from
The murders.

No disputing
The Devil played his hand
Better than
God or Faust

    Irony had no pity
Every one was
With saving
No one
had time
To think ‘heart attack’

As for the question:
Did St. Intrigue kill
Grandfather, too?

The evidence?

Time came when
Grandfather wanted
To divorce her
    Claiming she
More than petted
His bag of
Bird shot and scrots

But made
A politician’s
Jack jack
Had made Latvia’s
President gigolo
To her tune*

*A book by a Latvian writer, sponsored by Latvia’s culture Fund Kultūras Kapitāl Fonds , claims that Intrigue enjoyed liaisons with policemen (?bondage, flagelation, BDSM?), suggests Intrigue was suffering from sadomasochistic tendencies, fantasies, and sexual abuse in childhood. Published in 2005, it was the most widely read book in Latvia in 2006. While the book’s author did some rearch, accurate information is wanting. With complete absence of research into the background of the poet’s grandfather (Intrigue’s 2nd husband), and foregoing any interviews with any of his direct descendants, and completely ignoring Latvia’s history before WW1. The result is a ‘fake job’ from cover to cover. Sadly, the book was published and sloshed into the public arena with the support of the Kultural Fond Valsts Kultūrkapitāla fonds of the state of Latvia. Since such support was revealed only after the book was published, it is reasonable to suspect that the post Soviet State of Latvia had its ‘good’ reasons for sponsorinf it. It tells much about the artificial nature of the post Soviet NATO  propped pseudo ‘Baltic’ nation.
How so I print that?

When grandfather
Asked advice,
Of a  Justice
Of Latvia’s Supreme Court*
(*M. Chakste, the poet’s Godfather.was the son of Latvia’s first president, and an opponent of K. Ulmanis)
He was told,
“Mr. Benjamins
You are out
Of luck.
It was you
To Mephistophele’s delight
played Faust
It was you who
Let yourself
Be enchanted
By Intrigue’s pussy
And to get it
Sheared yourself
Of your golden fleece

A divorce from her
Will shear
Your family as well.

It will take
Lawyers from South Africa
And Canada
(1963 see: CSC Dossier9942)
To rescue them
From poverty.”

    Faust left it
For his grandson
To discover
How Stalin
Came to claim
The Devil’s receipt.

When St. Intrigue
Wanted to flee Latvia
with her gigolo
In tow
To go live
In her Swiss villa
Naught came of
Her dream to
Become Latvia’s 
Queen in exile.

When death threats
Reached my father
By report of
A delegation of
Editors and writers
Still loyal to grandfather
*Event is described by Jānis Kārkliņš book, re: “Preses Karalis”

Father went to Intrigue
Hat in hand
And was told:

“Get lost
I have George,
my stepson
To take care of.”

    When father responded
“But are you not
Also Godmother
To Anton, my son?”

Intrigue laughed
“Don’t be naïve!”

“Your mother
Would make me
(A well-reamed woman)
A virgin yet
For eighteen years
(Such were  the divorce laws of the day).
By not giving
Her Lamb’s arse
A divorce

“It is George
My sister’s son
Who I chose
To endow with
My benefice.”

    George will have.
    Anton will not.
    Your mother go fuck
Ghosts in the wood

    May you all
Die there.

You still have
That piece of land
On Midsummer’s Eve
(So I have heard)
Boys go
Count the haystacks
With ladders
Drawn up
Then stand below
And whack off
To cries of ecstasy
Up top?

Intrigue’s ridicule
Was cruel prophecy

For when
Mother climbed
The ladder
And fucked me
And father
For the love
Of a soldier.

By a murder
No one dared imagine
Looked on from above
And sang hymns
To the glories
Of the crumbs
On the grid
Of her grandson’s
Sieve of memories.*
*Intrigue Galore had two sisters. Both—like herself—were involved with the world of theatre. Of the three sisters Intrigue had made the least successful of choices, but with her body at 33 yo still in bloom, and seeking rescue from a ‘dead end’ actor husband, the deep end of the wardrobe room was the perfect place to touch mens scrots. Pretending, she was unable to find their coat, she then had them come look for it themselves. Grandfather, a newspaper editor and budding playwright, came to visit Intrigue several times.

Grandfather believed she could help him find an outlet for “Miglā”/In A Fog, (a How to do-it-for-yourself play), he had written. The play proposed that giving up alcohol (a plague in Latvia then and now), one could come to prosperity. The Saint working in the wardrobe of Riga’s New Theatre (founded 1902) introduced grandfather(44) to the powers that be in the world of theatre.

Unfortunately for grandfather, his play was too populist for Riga’s  ghermanized Latvians who idolized their Gherman burghers and preferred Riga’s version of Wagner’s  trendys grand opera style. In short, J. Rainis   , a Latvian poet and playwright of the Wagnerian ethos, suited the Latvians of the city better. The gulf that separated J. Rainis from grandfather (a countryside teacher) is a good illustration of the distance that separated Riga Latvians from those living in the countryside. J. Rainis and his Bolshevik brother-in-law, Peter Stuchka   were part of the city-bred Zeitgeist shared in also by Joseph Stlin.

3 The Story of Grandfather

After the Vikings
Known in Latvia as
Cum sviedri, the sweats
Or Sveriges
From ‘Svarīgie’
The ‘importants’

Failed to subdue
The spirti of the Ludds*
*Ludd is an old name for ‘people’. Robin Hood, first known as Robin Ludd, was someone the English nobles sought by all means to eliminate from public memory. Even so it was remembered by the Luddites . English textile workers, when they rose against the English industrialist class, which (still under the control of a power and greed obsessed nobility) was trying to eliminte them by introducing a society dominated by mashines (today it is by AI). Aided by Grimm’s Law regarding consonant pronunciation, we know the name remains imbedded in words and names no longer recognized as to their origin; for example: Rude=Lude, possibly ‘Jude’, Reddy=Luddy; in German as Leute, etc. The name also still lingers in ‘lieutenant’ (from German Leutnant), the junior or lowest grade of conscripted government officer.
Whether of Russian
Or Balt origin
The survivors
Of Sweddish carnage
whether by slash, burn
And then sweep
Under the rugr
And steam brain
With lies
Until out of memory
The Ludds s
Would not leave
The wood.*
*As the links (above) tell us, the Elites of the Swedes were—as their Gherman cousins—masters at impoverishing the people under their control, then persuading the needy to help further their own repression. The ‘forest Finns’  simpoverished by enslavement to the Scandinavians wrought great damage not only to America, but throughout Eurasia (as forest Jews, aka Jewish loggers), and the Eastern Baltic. The culture of agriculture, a culture that benefits mostly the Elites, emerged from what had been a gatherer and gardening culture. Hunting was nowhere near the proportions today’s academic apologists try tell us. It was limited to need for warm clothing and shoes. Agriculture encouraged the development of towns and cities, and encouraged the development of a merchant class. Also, it was easier to trade grain than wood. It increased hunting to the point it devolved into outright slaughter of wild life, enslaved people to fur traders, ‘business’ men, various types of lords, barons, and, ultimately, to as government Capitalism. The Swedders made a ‘great contribution’ to the transformation of humankind into a beast (Godzilla  ) of city fame. As  terrible  as the immediate effects were, the worst part was the spread of agriculture, an industry that enslaved the countryside to the city. Ethnic cleansing , like the masacre of the Gnadenhutten Christian Indians of Ohio (USA) who had been converted to the Christian faith by Moravian missionaries (many of whom came to America after their repression in Livonia) is directly attributable to the cynicism of Swedish elites. In 1921, the German arms manufacturer Krupp AG purchased the Bofors Company of Sweden, which sold arms and munitions to Hitler’s Germany during WW2  

Following the trauma wrought by the Swedes and their Ghermanic allies, a fornerly forest based civilization was forced to re-occupy and re-exploit the forest for all their needs. One may argue that the ‘’forest Finns’ were a precursors of Stalinism. In any case, the Balts of Livonia were hard to convince to leave their refuge of last resort. It took the likes of the Moravians and other Hutterite influenced Christians to persuade them to leave the forest and try form their own Johnsland cum Gotland ( note the Moravian ‘coat of arms’). Unfortunately, they soon met with as like genocidal cleansing at the hands of Lutheran Catholic theologians as the Gnadenhutten Indians had in Ohio, America. Today’s Latvian government not only fails to acknowledge that future generations of Latvians built theit communities on such forest and pietist foundations,but  and that the sovereign state of Latvia (founded in 1918 and betrayed by NATO installed post Soviet provincial Latvian government of 1991), but cynically does all it can to deny its history altogether.
With most Latvians
Forest brothers

The German barons
Were short on labor
And about to expire
Of poverty.

What to do?

The whore of WolmarValmiera
Magdalena von Halert
(A descendant of
The Livonian forest people)
Elevated by
Fortunes of war
To the post
Of Generalin
By her sister in trade

    The descendants
    Of martyred
    Jan Huss
    (Where they
Whiled unemployed
And waiting
For some such
‘from God’)
    To come and
The survivors
Of Jerusalemaka Jersika
In the woods
of endlesly
Raped-over Livonia:

Grandfather’s forebears
Were among
The Moravian
Robin Ludds
And Gosts
Came with
Made of birchbark
And rhubarb stems
And shared
In the labors
Of the Latvian Ludds

And tried revive
Prehistoric Christianity
Denied them
Since the Crusade1209
Against the CatharsĶeceri
Of Jersika.

The story of
King John Ludd
Riding a donkey c
To come watch
Himself put to death

The forest Ludds
Of Livonia
Into the open.

The Moravians
Did not know
The Pope’s lies
Had created
A toothless history
And diplomacy was
Holy writ singing
Praise to lies

To wit:
The faked up theology
Of emperor Alexius I
Who had authorized
The incineration of Basil
The Bogomil Physician1118
Whose followers
Were to proclaim
Self-sacrifice to be

The likes of Macron
encourages arhitects
To replace the roof
Of Notre Dame
With a tourist attraction
An open-air highrise
Swimming pool.

Kings, Princes, and Lords
Worked hard to
Prove the Peace
Of Westphalia1648
A cynic’s dream.

Needless to say
The forest Ludds
Did not know
How deep the conceit
Of those who claim
To have discovered
The poor
To receive prasies
For being generous:

The Moravians of
Today have
Forgotten that ubless
Dead of starvation
The forest
Never knew
Any poor

Nature never
For its ways:
The hurts of memory
Are cushioned
By rooves cushioned
By mos and
Crystals of dew
Tinkling in the sunrise.

With no skunks
Of urbania
Sticking their heads
Into cups of sour cream
Whence Tarot
never short for words
Read to the
The forest Ludds
Of Livonia
words of comfort
Never before heard
In their  530 year1118-1648
Struggle against
The Elites
For a sovereign status
For themselves

Which they
In Wetphalia
De facto, but

But the Elites
Took away
By de jure means alone.

    Impressed by
    One Gusts* Wendamenc1766-1829
    A forebear of this poet
Born to
    Name unknown
*the name ‘Gusts’—though assumed to derive from Gustav (a Swedish king), is more likely derived from ‘Gost’  a title for a Bogomil or Cathar clerics in Bosnia  ; a name which was—as so many names of prehistoric Christianity—vandalized and edited by Catholic monks in an effort to denigrate historical antecedents and impose on future generations a short changed version of histoty. In effect: ‘Gost’ is not a name lost, but is now  spelled ‘ghost’. The name  retains its earlier spiritual maning onlt in German, where it is spelled ‘Geist’, meaning Spirit.
    Passions of the Ludds
Violently repressed
Were with great passion

A new nation
Was the goal of
The liberated Ludds
Of the wood.

But the Romanov
Kings of Russia
Would not have it.
Caholic and Lutheran clergy
Supporters of Nikon
a pro western monk
Were unleashed
By Tsarina Elizabeth
    And a new war of religions
Began (1743+)
(Russia was not a signatory of the Westphalia Prace Treaty).

The Ludds of Herrnhut
    Were denounced as
    Populist rabble
    And terorists.

The secular state
Of the 17th century
Unloosed acts of
Religious violence
Aka ’pogroms’*
*The poet submits that the pogroms were directed not only against Jews but also the Moravians. In spite of this 1st Holocost, the Jews survived, but not the Moravians—at least not to any significant extent. Thr religious violece or war lasted for more rhan a ventuty.
Leaving these
A matter of convenience
To those in chargeof
De jure powers.
Great-grandfather’s inn
Was put to fire1860
And grandfather
Born (1860)
Still in swaddling clothes
Watched the blaze
From his craddle
Left in a pile of snow
Just across the road
As his mother
Dshed about
Trying to extract
From the flames
Some blankets.

    After Great-grandfather
    Died (1868)
    his widow
    (called by her grandchildren
(Derived from ‘papucihtis, a name endearing father)
    Made a living
    Future harvests
    Of the barons
    With cow manure
    At the end of
a pitchfork
and darned
Grandfather’s pants
So he would not go
To school with
Bare knees showing.

Did not forget
The violence done
His father and mother
And swore
By the force
Of God’s lottery.

The Devil liked the odds.
For him the results
Would be worth
A laugh
Especially if it came
At the expense of
Future generations.

Assured of ruin
And embraced
By rejection
The DevilDieveliņš
Had plenty of time
To wait for
His ”Ha, ha’’ moment.

One such
Records grandfather
Telling merrymakers at a pub
”someday I will become
A millionaire.
Though sooner
He sang with them*”:
*(Lyrics by Imants Ziedonis: ”Šī Dieva zeme.../ Par verga algu es tajā sirgšu,/ Par indes malku es viņu pirkšu....” Fragmentary translation by the aauthor:)
If Gotland
Will rise...
I will gladly live
Off crumbs
And swallow
A draught of poison
If it buys Her
A day in the sun.
May the Devil go
To perdition.

What evil wit
Put teetotler
Into the pub?

Faust’s Gretchen
and her double?
No doubt

When she played
First Lady
of Latvia

It was expedient
To claim
To be Grechen and
Not a millionaires.

Her object of affection
Was Latvia’s President
Karl Hansel Ulman
Who let the people
He governed die
So he and she
Could live*.
*K. Ulmanis  was the President of Latvia, when the Soviet Union occupied the country. Ulmanis seized Latvia’s government reigns in a coup in May of 1934. The coup was surely justified, because ‘democracy’ has brought social and economic chaos. However, Ulmanis did not demonstrate that his coup was based on some special conviction about the destiny of the State of Latvia or her people. Instead, Ulmanis proved himself to have been an all too naked clerk of a nascent state’s bureaucracy, when he surrendered to the Soviets, excusing the surrender by claiming Latvia  was too small and weak to offer resistance and engage in an ”unwinnable war”.

Unlike Hitler, who pretended to take responibility for his reign by committing suicide (real or fake—no one knows for sure), Ulmanis agreed to Exchange his presidency for an agronomer’s post at a kolkhoz in Stavropol, Russia. He also abandoned his ‘actress’ concubine, who served as cover to his homosexuality, and with whom he planned his life in exile in Switzerland. Ulmanis’s cowardice and forfeiture of responsibility left the Latvian people with an inferiority complex that has led the current ‘renewed’ state to an illigal  surrender of sovereignty to the European Union, the latest incarnation of The Holy Roman Empire.
Following the occupation
Of Latvia
By the Soviet Union
Hansel und Gretel
Believed they
Could ‘elope’
To Switzerland
Where Gretchen
Had a villa
And could play
Baba Yaga the witch
A second time around.

If grandfather
Ever bragged
A concievable
For braggadocio
Could have been
At an inn
where herders
Gathered following
Globalist sermons.

Once out
The church door
The paYahns
Cum ‘pagans’
Went to the nearest inn
To clear their memory
Of lies
They had been forced
To listen to
They drank dry
All barrels of beer.

The ambition
To become
A millionaire
May have been
The result of an effort
To escape
Becoming raw meat
To the
State bureaucracy*.
*The 1905 Revolution in Russia (and what is now Latvia) had a distinct anti clerical tilt. Latvia was founded in 1918 as a secular state. Currently this is interpreted as a movement againt religion  (see p85 ffl). However, in retrospect the atheistic tilt can be viewed as led by Lutheran infoctrinated elites. The elitist perspective gained prominence, because the political leadership argued that secularism (democratic liberalism) would lead to economic development sooner than religious belief. However, the secular orientation led neither to economic development or community solidarity when facing cadres of violent city borne socialists.
Grandfather bet
He could survive
Another bankrupcy.

He did not wish
To leave
His grandchildren
To the mercies
Of the lottery.

It was for the worry
Of this bet
Against  the devil
That Intrigue murdered

Baba Yaga’s
Tarot cards told
Grandfather was to
Gretchen’s ‘Bingo!’

And grandfather would
Raise studs
And hold on
To the illusion
Horses would outlive

Even as Intrigue
In 1939
(In his name)
The Latvian government
an escadrille of biplanes

That same year
Blood stopped flowing
To grandfather’s legs.

The poet
Still holding the hand of
His nanny
Bringing him
A bouquet of

Pretending concern
Sent a biplane
To Helsinki
To bring him pennicillyn.

It was of no help and
    Grandfather died
His heirs with
Two bags:
    One empty;
The other full of lies.

4 The Story of Father*

*With his father sometimes referred to as ”a lamb’s soul”, father was not going to go chasing after the coffins of the past, but went to St. Petersburg to study enginering. Perhapshe wished to build railroads and bridges. No one knows how he or who financed his education. Maybe it was by choosing a military career. The beginning of WW1 finds him at St. Petersburg’s artillery school. (After coming to America, the poet, too, took a similar path of how to pay for his education—by joining the US Marinē Corps during the days of the Korean War.)

With the days of leading one’s own band of thieves in the past, one way for a poor man to advance himself was to join some king’s or lord’s military services and by excelling as a leader advace above others. Another poor man among the poet’s forebears (on mother’s side) is one Colonel Johann Gotlieb (Beloved of God) Rall   who led a band of Hessian troops at Trenton against General Washington during the American Revolutionary war. He was mortally (1776) wounded on the battle at Trenton. In Russia the Ralls are dicovered among the knazs.

Following the 1917 Revolution,, father was commandeered by General Denikin, the commander of the White Army to the Ukraine front, where he was put in charge of railroads. Apparently father was not a happy about the assignment  and managed to resign, whereuon he was made manager of the Nadejadinskia coal mine. That is where he was at the end of the war. Because Latvia had declared independece from Russia, he was able to return to Riga, where a job was waiting for him at the daily newspaper Jaunākās Ziņas Latest News (JZ) of which his father was a founder and editor in chief.

Because the  origin of the newspaper involved some chicanery (the subscription list of the newspaper’s original owners had mysteriously disappeared) some juridicial risk could never be completely dismissed. Thus, the exact nature of the end of the newspaper’s German editions and origin of Latvian version was never revealed.The ‘secret’ was kept a secret with the connivance of various individuals and without the family. Before JZ was liquidated by the Soviets (1940), its founder was always presumed to have been grandfather, while subsequently (following 1991, after the State was ‘renewed’ under US and then EU sponsrship) the kudos were transferred to his second wife—Intrigue Galore (yes, s fictitious name).

By 1932 father took over his father’s position and became the newspaper’s de facto editor-in-chief, and by hard work brought the newsper not only international reknown (incidentally, making himself unpopular by a militari style management), for which achievement he was prompted (1936) to the position of editor-in-chief de jure. With circulation of the newspaper reaching 200,000 and with each copy (according to statistics) read by up to six people, the newspaper out did even the London press.

After grandfather died, Intrigue exercised her power as Publisher and had father fired from his position. More than likely, this was done on the suggestion of then Latvia’s Propaganda Minister (Minister of the Interior0with prezident K.U. support. Nevertheless, father was quickly reintated as no one else could fill his shoes and the newspaper was about to  suffer financial losses. It was at this time that Intrigue also resorted to other ekstra ordinary actions-such as murder and the nation’s betrayal.

When Soviets occupied Latvia, the newspaper was seized by the Communist Party, and father lost his job. This is why he took everyone to the farm of his aunt Emma, his mother’s younger sister. Thereafter, the the Soviet authorities forced him to return to Riga, where he was arested and subjected to interrogation by the Jewish Bolshevik** controlled Cheka, which had him deported. As for the reasons why Latvians and Russians were terrorized by Jewish Bolsheviks**, see Solzhenitsyn’s suppressed book ”Two Hundred Years Together , and note the draconian repressions of Latvian peasants (primarily by the Baltic Germans and their Latvian ally, the Lutheran Church) during the 19th century and their subsequent flight to the Russian Orthodox Church and emigration to South and North America.

**From the poet’s perspective, the Jewish (and Latvian) Bolshevik was as likely a descendant of the Jan Huss religious movement in Bohemia  and its branch among the Latvian Herrnhuters. For political reasons still in effect most historians neglect the likelyhood that much of the socialist and communist movements in the 20th century arose due to the repressions of Civil cum Peasant  societies that followed the Westphalia Peace Treaty of 1648. The treaty’s major beneficiaries, the Catholic (its secularly tilted theology and fake scriptures were never challenged by Luther) and Lutheran churches hastened to repress the smaller popular factions which had provided the fuel for the Religious Wars. Indeed the ‘Religious Wars’ were part of an ever recurring ‘permanent’ Revolution from ‘below’ against the elites who had ensconced themselves as s superior class. The Westphalian ‘Peace’ put but a temporary end to an ongoing uprising of archChristians against urbanist Catholic cum Globalist/ Ecumenist seizure of society. The faked Peace was shattered when a yet relatively ‘wild’ Eastern Europe and Asia refused to conform to the dictats of urbanist led ‘age of Enlightenment’  it gave rise to, and in the 20th century challenged urbanism with the ill-fated ‘Communist’ Revolutions.

Clearly the poet’s background comes  of the same endlessly faked histoty of all humnkind: it’s like a ball of yarn cut into short pieces then rolled and compressed into what vaguely reminds of a vall again.. The poet’s position with regard to European history: it begins with fake ‘historical’ books (among which the Bible is foremost) during the 4-6th centuries or  so-called ‘dark ages’, introduced by nomadic herders called Huns, aka Gans or Yohns/ Johns, who were led by one John The king (Gengis Khan);iIn the course of the invasion, the leadership of the horde passed to the Goths , who as the Gherman people went on to occupy most of Western Europe. If historians were not so timid and orthodox, we would have realized long ago that the desertification of Central-Asia began with sheep overgrazing  the Central Asian steppe. The overgrazing continues in Western Europe through the fanatical apetīte of human sheep raised in barns called cities

The Holocost that visited the Herrnhuters—who came to Latvia on or about 1729— after the Great Northern War, began in 1743 after Tsarina Elizabeth forbade the members of the movement to meet, and who were therefore forced to go underground, in what the movement called ‘The Silent March’. One of the hopes of the Herrnhuters was to establish for themselves a territory they could and would call ”Gotland/ God’sland Dievzemīte” However, the Herrnhuters were quickly repressed and eliminated by the German, Swedish, and compliant Latvian led Lutheran Church. In Latvia the Herrnhuter movement splintered with some taking an interest in Judaism and the Kabbalah ; while others joined the Russian Orthodox Church; and yet others become communists. The history of the Herrhuter movement continues to be challenged and denied even in the 21st century. Anecdote: When the poet attended (2018) a lecture at the Valmiera Public Library (advertised as a lecture on the history of the Herrnhuters in Valmiera) and asked the lecturer, a Lutheran minister, why the Valmiera Lutheran Lutheran church was standing, but of Deacon HillDeakonāts –once the center of Herrnhuter activity—except for the name, nothing remains, the minister abruptly turned his back to the questioner and left as if the question had insulted his intelligence.

In the case of the poet’s forebears, greatgrandfather’s inn was (deliberately) destroyed by fire in 1860 by forcing him to accept and propagate a story that that it was burned down by his wife, because she was foolish enough to pour candle wax over a hot stove.

With the opportunity to develop their own movement in Latvia denied them, and Catholic theology incapable of improving the human lot except by promoting a so-called ‘upper class’, grandfather became a teacher, tried his hand as a shopowner (which  forced him—perhaps through malice—into bancrupcy), then—to escape the fences built about him—moving to Riga and becoming a newspaper editor there.

The repression of the Herrnhuters in Latvia resulted in the continued exploitation and transformation of what had essentiallyn been a forest dwelling community into an agricultural society on the back of which  was constructed (eventually) a city oriented welfare and entitlement based parlimentary democratic State—the kind that Socrates and Aristotle warned against. The current state of Latvia and its leadership, reestablished after the fall of the Soviet Union (1991), has lacked the will to be sovereign, anf has no ability to understand what sovereignty is about. The current State finds the excuse for its dilletantist democracy in the nature of the fragmented and, thus, relativistic Latvian community. The State is dead to the notion of cultivating psychologically persuasive authority, and the community responds by treating the State with such homour as is due a tumour. As a consequence Latvia is but a ‘third world’ province of the faked-sup European Union (EU), and—not surprisingly—regards itself as no better than a name on the map.

Older brother
(By eight years)
The first born1884

Died in 1910
    Of syphillis
(According to
Family hints and hushes)
    He contracted
    As a student?
Or military man?
    In St. Petersburg.

    The ‘sin’
    Let Karl be forgot
    His grave site
Until this day
Remains unknown.

Yet Kahrlis
Was the one
Who brought
From St Petersburg
To Riga
Hard to come by
Printers ink

(Before 1905
And in subsequent years
Ink was a tool
Of revolutionaries).

In prewar days
St Petersburg was
(as Moscow is today)
A relay junction
For ideas
About how to get more
For nothing

And the notion
(Imported from America)
That news
Might be published
For next to nothing
If advertising
(About where to buy
The best boots in town)
Fills the newspaper

Having failed
As a playwright
And having turned to
Believed the idea
Was worth a try

Intrigue took charge
And became
a pimp for ads.
The whore atracted
Many costomers

Compelled by circumstance
To skate the knife’s edge
To his populist notions*
*The difficulty with taking a pro-populist position, though a’Christian’ thing that identified grandfather  with the people of the country side, is that it fails to note that by the time it moves to the city, it sas a radically transformed nature. Though populism of the country side had been the dominant political tilt for thousands of years, once its space of operations became the city, its nature changed almost beyond recognition.

For one, while every child of the countryside knew that if you wanted to eat wild strawberries you had to go to the wood or field and pick your own, a city-zen could get them only if he-she had money. Unfortunately, money could be got only (if as in the case of Spain)  one invaded the realm of the Incas, killed the Inca people, melted down the garden of gold of their sacred  God-King, symbolized by the Sun, and shipped the gold to Spain.

In short, whereas populism of the countryside was based on self-reliance and gathering the fruits of the wood nd nature, populism in the city is based on theft. Grandfather’s misfortune was that he did not understand what difference this made, and how it would effect his life when he abandoned the countryside anf moved to Riga.
Even so betrayed
(fell on
The knife’s edge)
When naively
He shared the idea
A failed actress
A walking selfie

(It happened)
Was married to
an actor
Who had no future
And (to make ends meet)
Was procuring ads
And looking for
A Cuckold.

Said grandfather:
Mein Schatz
Let us starts
A newspaper.

You procure the ads
I will edit the news
And preach
Against the use
Of alcohol.

By making
Shopowners wealthy
We too may
Become wealthy

I will raise the flag
Over Gotland
You sponsor plays
Where you
And your sisters are
The leading actresses.

Wagner’s apostle
Who wants to become
Latvia’s president
And Aspahzija
The poetess
Who remains a virgin
Even though Rainis’s bedmate
Will legitimize us
By seclaring us
Their antagonists*.
*The antagonism between grandfather and Rainis is never mentioned in Latvia, though the Index of Rainis Collected Works (25 volumes) give unmistakeble evidence that the relationship was a difficult one. This poet discovered evidence of this only after a countryside village library threw out its collection of Rainis’s Collected Works, and a copy found its way to the hopper of a countryside john.

Her opportunity
To divorce her
Actor husband

    I will do it, dear
    I will pet
Your Moravian
If you trust me
To be publisher
you pay off
Your creditors.

Cockolded by
Intrigue’s twirks
A drama
To last
For generations
And heard
The Devil
Clap one hand
In God’s face
Until God awakens
To the dare
He has boastfully made.

To join an
‘Enlightened’ age
And turning
Up side down
All things born of
Mother Nature

Let trees erupt
As Gothic buildings
And cities
Stretching their
3600 fingers
all over
in surprising ways.

Lulled to sleep
By success
Let the actress
Do his shtick
A full century
Before ‘Lolita Express’
Made orgasms in
America’s skies

    The rest is history:
    He and his’n
    Got fucked
Not only by Latvia’s
Kiska v Izobilii Pussy Galore
Made up
As the First Lady
Of a peasant country
But has Intrigue
His first wife who
A keyhole to
The ongoings
Knew too much and
Had not sworn
Not to tell that

Intrigue had the president
Of Latvia
By his balls
But the one to
Squeeze them
Was a granny
Just waitind for
The court to let
Her be witness.*
*After grandfather died his two surviving daughters were prepating a suit against Intrigue that would contest their father’s Last Will as unfair in Intrigu’s favor. Grandmother was to be a witness whose testimony could swing the outcome of the suit in her daughters’s favor. The Soviet occupation of Latvia prevented the suit from going forward, but gave Intrigue and president Ulmanis time to kill grandmother, then hide the deed among the chaos consequent to the nation’s loss of sovereignty to a Communist style government that hac san entirely different concept about the distribution of material wealth.

As editor in chief
And resposible
For the public Word
That held
The Latvians community
Was in no position
To tell
What he knew

All he could
Hope for
Was he would live
Long enough
To write a book
How life
Came to be staged
As a cocamemie scene
On a Wagnerian scale.

Except for
The poet’s
Poetic license
That is where the story
Was meant to end.
*When truth becomes a lie, history is inverted. Nowhere is this more true than the poet’s country of birth, Latvia. Even in 2019 few Latvians know that the origin of their country is to be sought in the pietist movement brought to Livonia from Bohemia and Moravia after the great Northern War fought between Sweden and Russia at the beginning of the 18th century, or that their countrymen and women played a significant role in the 1905 and 1917 Russian Revolutions.

Instead the postSoviet government of ‘renewed’ and NATO propped-up, but no longer ‘sovereign’ Latvia, continues to be esctibed as the result of a movement—the ‘New Current’—arising from a Russian and German educated atheist Lutheran student elite. This orientation covtinues to producē an uptight and constipated police state elite-led ‘culture’ that is as secretive in post-Soviet Latvia as it was in times of the Soviet Union and preceding.

Though the evidence for the poet’s allegations of the murder of his paternal grandparents are circumstantial, the circumstances are telling. Some significant dates and circumstances:

1.  The infamous Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was signed on the 23rd of August, 1939.

2.  However, Chamberlain betrayed Czechoslavuam and  by March 1939 Hitler had already occupied Czechoslovakia and taken over the ‘Klaipeda region’ of Lithuabua. As per arguments by History Professor Michael Jabar Carley of Montreal University , in hindsight, the Western powers were not necessatily unanimous in opposition io such a pact.

3.  It is not generally known that the Latvian ruling elite had foreknowlege of the coming occuption. For one, the poet remembers, his father and maternal grandfather (formerly ambassador to the Soviet Union) walking in the family garden following his sixth birthday (26 July, 1939) party, and  discussing  the coming German attack on Poland (1 September, 1939) and near certain Soviet occupation of the Baltic states.

4.  The suit against Intrigue was initiates by grandfather’s daughters soon after his death in June, 1939

5.  Among friends of Intrigue’s greater family was Ribbentrop, Hitler’s Foreign minister, members of whose family remain friend to this day (see Sestdiena, 16-22 March, 2018 ) with Intrigue’s heirs. Ribentrop allegedly arranged an interview for Intrigue with Himmler, who is said to have denied her the right to emigrate to Germany as a Baltic German. The reasons for the denial remain unclear, as Intrigue was known to be sympthetic to the German cause and had supported the cause in 1919, when Bermont-Avalov’s led ‘Special Russian Corps’ of mostly Gherman volunteer soldiers occupied Riga One suspects that the Gherman spy network in Latvia was well informed about the shadowy s side of Latvias’s government.

6.  In 1939 Intrigue was sometimes referred to as the First Lady of Latvia, an unofficial assumption tolerated (likely deliberately encouraged) by Latvia’s dictator President K. Ulmanis. This is encourages the notion that my grandparents murders were for reasons of State convenience, and for that reason yet remain a State secret that justifdies the spreading of lies through the sponsorship by the State culture Fund of a fake family history   

7.  Grandmother died on the 17th of October,1939, little more than three months after the death of her first and only husband. Her death occurs at time when her daughters, both with ties to the Latvian government, are planning to bring a civil suit againt Intrigue.

8.  Grandmother’s participation as a court witness would undoubtedly have revealed many family (and other—state) secrets.

5 An Augenblik

Consciousness is
But the shadow of a dream
By vague memories
And vanity.

Even the poet Goethe
Forgot that
Feeling and emotion
Preceeds it

Wrote Goethe
Himself son of
Job or Faust
The prototype of
And, therefore
A beneficiary
Of Divine intercession
When things go wrong:

“Was du ererbt
Von deinen Vätern hast,
Erwirb es,
Um es zu besitzen.”
(Auth. trans: What you inherit from your fathers, inherit it in such a way as to possess it)

“Was man nicht nützt,

Ist eine schwere Last,
Nur was der Augenblick


Das kann er nützen.”

(Auth. trans: What one does not use of one’s inheritance) becomes an unbearable burden that survives for but the blink of an eye.)

The unbearable angst of
Chasing after the truck
That was taking
Heer charges to
The slaughter house
Is no longer recognized
As a sacrifice

But the owner of
The sheep
Enough reward
To buy
enough bottles of vodka
to become drunk and
go hang himself

for which cowardice
The village’s ‘lacquered fist’
The kulak
Does not attend
His funeral
But on the very day
Marries off
His daughter to
A ‘very rich man’

Goethe knew
Is embraced by
The trumpet’s
Sentimental blare
Of taps
For the babe
Suckling milk
at the breast of
Das Ewig Weibliche

A tune
That reaches
God’s ear
As the Devil’s
One hand clap

Is this why
Wolfgang* led
His German sheep
Out of God’s sight?
*Wolfgang is a German name that Grimm’s Law translates as ‘herder of wolves’, though originally the name probably meant ‘guardian of the herd from wolves’, i.e. ‘shepherd’. Goethe was baptized ‘Johann Wolfgang’. ‘Johann’ is a variation of the word ‘gang’, which comes from names such as gans, hans, huan, ivan., ian, jean, john, etc., all the names are cognates that recall the names once given to herders. Be that as it may, it is this poet’s guess that Goethe’s subjectively identified himself more with the occupation of his ancestors than German intelligentsia of the 18th or 19th csenturies.
    I love my cat
    For the Augenblicks
He cherishes
When he collapses
Next to me on the bed
And in praise of life
Minces his nails
Into my chest
I cry ”Ouch!”
And unconscious of
the meaning of
Rumyancov’sThe Wanderer’s
push him to the floor.

    Not surprisingly
    In an Age
    Where human lemings
Unconscious of
immortal waters
Seek death
En masse

    History is become
an Augenblick
A wave
by virtue of being
Set in white plaster
    by historians
Making themselves
Believe masons
    Of fortifications
For a civilization
    Founded on
    Foreshortened lives

That shields
Cities and states
From consciousness
About the superiority
Of Life
That feels and lips
Birthday songs
Sans remembtance
Of one’s forebears.

Ours is a time
That renames
For tanners
And drives
Gatherers of wool
Off rosebush stalks
Go scrape
for a living.

Desperate women
    Fuck desperate men
    To spell
    With a wit
As desperate.

Psychologists and
Doctors of Philosophy
Hold on to vanity
With convincing conceit
No one knows
To what end
They they believe

    Or why
Their children
With narry a doubt
That God is naught
And was created
By some suicidal poet
Desperate for
An audience.

Last night
After more
Than fifty years
I again met Silvie
Who I was once engaged to

My dream found her
On a street in Boston
A baby carriage
I asked her:
Is that you, Silvie?

She turned to me
Met my eye
And turned away

Taken aback
I said:
”I am sorry,
Take care”
And continued my way
Up Beacon Street
To where it ends
I know not.

Thirty years
Came to make
Their round
And became
Nearly forgot
Before another 30
Came for their turn.

By some grace
The face of
The babe
Of Anne’s miscarriage
I saw not.

Moments of
A foreshortened life
Life skids out
From under one
The eternalest
Of curses.

As is the habit
of dreams
It awakened me
To another day:

Had I but lived
In the countryside
And been a cobbler
Of horses’ hooves
And Silvie a maid
In my aunt’s kitchen,
We would have remained
All over her each other
Till our
Kingdom in bed
Was aswirl
And the
Honey and cream
Of a mother’s breast
Fed courage
To another generation
Of innocents.

6 With Wishing Wand in Hand

Our Blue and policed
Is an event
A ‘Christian’* and
Industrial complex led
Gang rape hid
Behind the screen of
A faked-up history
telling of
Deeds pleasing
To angels and God
*The so-called  ‘religious wars’ (essentially wars of resistane against the relentless encroachment of Christian ruled cities in the process of seizing the resources and domicile of wood and countryside dwellers for their exclusive use) did not end with the faked up 1648 ‘Westphalia Peace Treaty’.The origin of the ‘religious wars’ were in the attempt of an artificial and ego based (Catholic) religion, to destroy religion informed by the biologic spirit of the Garden of Eden. No better examples of the ego vulture at work than the elimination by Rome of the Cathars of Occitania and Aztecs and Mayas of the Americas; and the Catholic-ecumenic United States hegemonizing with fake ‘freedoms’ the world in our own days.

The Westphalian Peace has in fact no more to do do with peace than the Versailles Peace , whereafter, 20 years later, war (WW2 ) broke out. The reinforced corruption of history that followed the Westphalian Peace still awaits a new school of historians. Because WW3—means certain death for our artificia and cowardly civiization—it is likely that only a collapse from within will result in the existential revolution that is necessary.
An heir
The holy hooligans
A mindless kid like me

Stole my trust
And at age eleven
turned me
A sovereign
For life
In a toilet
Of the Gdansk
Maritime University
Where a remainder of
Peasants and
Their city-fied offspring
From Riga
The ecumenic
At the Ostfront*
*Chritian ecunemism, delayed for nearly 300 years (since the Westphalian Peace Treaty of 1648), became transformed into a city led communist mob that vents its rage against the human instinct to live as a community, via a war in which mostly the civilian populations suffer and die, even as almost no one escapes mental trauma.

Still, the war ended prematurely, without ecumenism (led by the Soviet Union) gaining a clear victory which it believed was its due. Since the West, due to its stronger economy was able to put forward the notion that the winner of WW2 (Normandy landing) was the West and capitalist America, the issue lay dormant until the economic capitulation and fall of the Soviet Union and emergence of the European Union (EU) as the sole model of factory (ecumenical) capitalism. Interestingly, this happened because of the economic success of the laissez faire nature  of  so-called ‘free’ western capitalism.

Even  though the Cold War was won by the west, nevertheless, it, too, was forced by the Soviet sacridices to accept the notion that Common Man was due his part in the victor’s bounty. In the West, this common man’s surplus was expended on the promotion of a fake democracy and ‘free speech’ (not unlike the propaganda campaign that promoted the overthrow by the Lords of King John ). Today the faked-up fistory by the West is able to exploit computer technology (though a militarist invention) as an invention of to its benefit by attributing it to its superior freedoms. Alas! Once the technology became developed, it revealed just how profoundly the human psyche had been dumbed down by the city-fied nature of capitalism and communism disciplined by its factorification: released of the self-discipline once imposed by the do-it-yourself economics of wood dwellers, ‘free speech’ became a carousel   that began to turn so fast, it shed its seats and America’s unicorn  lost both its horn and head.

As we pissed
Into the toilet
My friend asked me:
”Do you know
What a cock is for?”
I suppose
I answered ”No”
Whereupon my friend
Took my little cock
In his hand
And and whacked it
Inhis palm
Until I cried: ”Stop!”
And my knees
Went limp.

I surely was enlightened
And never let
Another such male
Bully boy
Near me again.

War is to educate
In ecumenism:
Soldier, city-zen
And peasant
All meat screaming
Of patriotic galore
Blowing off steam
Through ten storey chimneys
In Washington
Or Fukushima

Ecumenism used to be
A ceremony, a sacred feast
A last supper
Joining past and present

But is now transformed
Become like a table
Spread with tarot cards
A thousand uncertain egos
With stories of how
On the other side of the keyhole
Gorgon Medusa
Waits with spread legs and
Tongue hanging
From a face enraptured
By the glories of sex.

The poet sees
Intestines hanging from
Dead horses
Drawn by craness
From Sanka’s
deepest holds
To be dropped
Into jellyfish crowded
Gulf of Gdansk
To float
Until punctured
By bullets
blowing bubbles
Until sink

In sight of
Amber mines
Of long ago
Oldprussian kings
The krihvi* or
crippled God-Kings of
Herder (pa-gan) tribes**
Of the Oldbalts
*By the rules of Grimm’s Law, ‘krihvi’  or priests also may be spelled ‘klibie’, which means ‘clubfoots’ (in Latvian). Such ’klibie’ were the sancient Man-Gods of the Balts.

We may remember that Oedipus, the King of Sophocles play OesipusRex/ ”Oedipus the King”, was a clubfoot. It may be more than a coincidence that Jesus, too, is said to have had nails driven through his feet, which—following his resurrection —would have made him appear to Mary-Magdalene, his mother, and disciples as a man with a limp. However, none of the authors of the Gospels cares to recall this. Why with a limp? Because a limp was the sign by which a man was identified as a self-sacrifice to the Great Spiri. The limp was the result of of the future God-King having been secured to his cradle with a chain hat went through the his heel tendons and was secured to a ‘rib’ that formed the sides of the crib or feeding trough of donkeys at an inn for travelers. The limp identified the Man-king as a man destined to become God.

The sacrificial ritual has ancient roots, and is exhaustively described by James Frazer in his book ‘The Golden Bough’. Indeed, the word ‘golden’ may be because the vine of the mistletoe may have served as a chain. All kings who succeeded the sacrifice were deemed Divine beings—as a similar self-sacrifice was expected of them.

The last Divine kings in what now are domains of Western civilization are:
1. John the Baptist;
2. Jesus, created by western Romans;
3. Cuauhtemoc  (Mexico, 16th cen.), murdered by the Spaniard Alvarado ; and
4. Kings John (13th cen,) of England and;
5. Louis XVI (18th cen.) of France.

Though self-sacrifice had been replaced with murder by the time of the last mentioned, the myth about the Divinity of kings remained (confirming its profound roots in the psyche of living beings) among the common people, who confirmed this as late as 18th centurt by dipping their scarves or handkerchiefs in the blood of the King Louis XVI, who was sguillotined by Robespierre .

incidentallyr, ‘pagan’ does not  mean ‘godless’ as is commonly believed by twenty forgotten generations catholicized Christians, but ‘herder’. Ancient tribal people earned their livelthood not as ‘hunters gatherers’ (as catholic anthropologists tell us), but as ‘herders, gatherers, and gardeners’. Pagan is a word that consists of two parts: the prefix ’pa-’, which diminihes the word + ‘gan’/ herder that follows it. The deliberate mistranslation of the meaning of ‘pagan’ (to the  shame of all academic linguists) is like turning a virgin named Agafia/Agapia  into a whore named Intrigue.

Along the shore
Of now
Baltic sea

The first Krihv
Who tried to save
His tribe
Of esperate Oldprussians

The Ghermans
Come declare
First fuckrights
For some Junker
(singing: ”Alle Menschen
Werden Brueder
Over every Oldprussian’s bride
Gaining the West
‘Lebens Raum’
By claiming the bride’s
Firstborn as his own
Thus, alimony for rape
By adding a bit of
Prussian land to
The juncker’s estate.

In Weimar
I entered the milk shop
With raised arm
Heiling Hitler
And watched
The theatre burn
Flames bursting
Its arched windows
A man
From a Buchenwald
Clearing rubble
Fell before me
On his knees
And begged for
A bread
He had spotted
In my shopping basket

    Indoctrinated by
Our hosts
    I refused him.

Made love
To a Luftwaffe Officer
From Munich
Come to visit
His parents
Who carried
The sign of the wheel
Of the counterclock Sun
Yet took no offense
At our Jewish sounding
Nor asked
Whether I was circumcized.

I already knew
How to make a drill
Of my hand
And piss
Into a pile of sand
In the attick
(Put there
To douse the flames
In case
A phosphorus bomb
Fell through the roof).

    Hans, the pilot
Accompanied us
    The night
    The bombs fell
On Luther’s Ehrfurt

    As we watched
    Dresden burn
Behind a rose red horizon
Sitting next to me
Mother’s crotch.

All that remembrance
Was sodered
To me
By angst
Where it sits
As a clump
Of rusted iron
And reminds me
Was du ererbt (hast)
Wolst du besitzen
Far into
The future
And like rust
Beyond removing
Makes recall
The scream of sparrows
I killed
When (age nine)

by offering them seeds
Next to
The rose bush
On the trigger
Of a rat trap.

No one stopped me.
The need to kill
Was like a law
Of nature
To be taught
One’s children.
Raising me to be
A man
Presented me
on my 6th birthday
with a toy rifle

Which he raised
To his shoulder
To show me
How it worked.

I know not why
As if by some foresight
I cried ”No!”
And refused the gift
I never forgot
But forgave
When I screamed
A tantrum of prayers
(When sure
Was at the other end
Of the house)
I bounced
On my bed
Begging God
To stay him
Among the living.

There were days
I fucked mother
No lesser
Then watched
Her face
Twist in agony
For what reason
She had been
Fucked by her
Lack loved

Who ran to
Her side
And tried revive her
By offering her
Sugared water
To cover up
His sin.

War is a
Billion year mystery
No mother
Of any nestling
When from
Between the cat’s paws
She screams ”Spare me!
I have nestlings”

God does not come
(as you may think)
To her rescue
But continues
To die
Over and over again.
”There is no other way,”
He says:
”You bear the burden
Of the kitty
Who brings you
A dead mouse
As a gift....”

Cindy said
I was
A macho male.
Silvie said
I had
A beautiful soul
Divine Rusalka
Sings yet
A ”Song to the Moon”

It leaves me
Wondering, why
The needfire for love
Of abandoned cats
In post-Soviet Latvia
Their step-families
Gone off
To England
To pluck feathers
Off chicken bodies
In chicken factories
Where only Muslims
As throatcutters of
Christian raised
Seek me out.

Is it because
Beside the hole
In the ground
I say a prayer
For us?

A reprieve
In a life gone wrong
The feline found
In my shed
A shredded
Cardboard box
With a torn towel
To lie on and
To die on

And made me feel
Like a host
Worthy of a citation
For hospitality.

7 Loop de Loop

The train came
And took
A few hundred
A few days  before
The Bolsheviks
And brought us
By wasy of numerous
Railway stadions
Turned ammo dumps
A military camp
(To this day)
In a wood
Threwn all about
With two feet long
Phosphorus bombs

Vilseck was
For the unwanted
After being
Hastened to
Try save their heirs
From being unschooled
Had the poet
Age 12
Finish 5th grade
In 3 months
Remembering which
74 years later
Brings to mind
The ama zing will
The deplorables show
For survival

It was spontaneous
*Pareidolia is a form of mental activity (sometimes it said to be a ‘fake religion’—seeing and hearing things  ) that in our age of ‘science’ and murderous razor-edged vision is denied legitimacy. Pareidolia is used by smart ass ‘losers’ to escape a head on attack by making a side step and letting the killer crash and eat dirt
That  spelled
‘Kasern’ as
‘al quasr
And have
A refugee choir sing
 “And is the Lamb of God,
On our pasture seen?”

While official slander
Twists and makes
Yarosalem be of ‘pagans’
A congregation of lambs

And causes the English
That ‘yarn’
Is of a lamb
And King John The Baptist
Of Ludds
From Luddon
Was replaced with
A boy king
And only the poet
William Blake dares mention
That England, too
Had a Jerusalem
Where on a mattres
Of a straw threwn floor
And luddies
from Nottingham
Turned out of barn and home
By merviless missionaries
Found a respite
From the peril of lords.

Then by way of
Anberg, Bamberg
To a room
At 12 Beutauklingen Strasse
In Esslingen am Neckar
Whence on to New York
And Boston
Where a couple
Keeping a house
Full or orphans
Gave me room and board
In return for
A helping hand
In the afternoons
While the orphans slept
Ol’ Smittie and I

If I won the game
Smittie was succored
(To the chagrin
Of Delores)
by Nellie
In the attick bedroom.

Had Nellie
Hasnthe courage
To lay me
Perhaps I would have
Stayed on
But it was
Not to be

From next door
Listened to me
Play the harmonica
And spoke
The nicest words
I ever heard:
”I am ready
For you, Robin!
I am ready!”

I did not ger
To take her either.

The world
Continued to turn
Upside down.

News came
Who knows
By what whisper
had died1941.09.23
Of diarrhea and
Stomach cramps
At the Solimska saltmines
A Soviet gulag
In my mother’s
Mother’s arms

To celebrate
her birthday1881.09.10*
*Salmonella poisoning takes more than a week before one dies of it.
She had bought
A can of sprats

I found myself
In Inchon
—Three days
After the armistice
Of a United Nations

I was among
fucked-up men
like myself
Serving humankind
Born of asphalt

Like all
Stared bewildered
At bare breasted
Korean peasant women
Walk ten paces behind
Their husbands
Who flicked the vipers
Come sun
On the dirt road
Back into the
Rice paddy.

Still, I read the
Standard issue Testament

And when
In our tent
Destitute daughters o
Destitute peasants
Went from
cot to cot
Selling the troops
Their pussies of
Not so fresh meat
Between their legs

I turned
to my other side

My brothers-in-arms
Soon called me
(On himself).

Helped by a sock
In the darkness of
My sleeping bag
I did my best
To remain

Months later on ‘rest
And recuperation’
In a Japanese
In Kobe

asked me
”Will you marry me?”

I blunted ”No”
Then embraced her
We both wept.

Maya took me
To the shrine
For fucked-up children
Dressed up
As pretty dolls
On the temple’s shelves.

    I fully understood
    Maya’s despair
Only decades later
(when by way of
Loop de loops)

I was back in Latviain the 1990s
And asked
A fiftyish hitchhiker
What she thought of
The country regaining
Its independence,

She looked at me
Touched my hand
(not my thigh)
And replied:
”I am almost ready
To become
A whore.”

No Latvian churchman
Knew to teļl
The story of St. Agnes
The raped Roman lamb
But ler
The deplorables of
A renewed country
watch her
Dragged along
The highways
And byways of
And prove that
In Latvia
All Moravians
Were long dead
By hands of
A murderous
Germans and
A consenting
Latvian Lutheran church

Done serving
In Korea
I told a sargeant
Pulling rank
”Go fuck yourself!”
And was sent
To dig a hole
To be filled
With shit
By my replacement.

I returned to Boston
For reasons unknown
Boston University
Refused my application
To study theology.

The doormen
Of the department
I was capable
Of telling them
To go fuck as well.

I took to English
And signed up
For a poetry seminar
Given by Robert Lowell
Who had written
Prize winning
”Lord Weary’s Castle”.

Though I had
heard of
Herzog Bluebeard
I had never heard of
Skunk Hour
Or ‘confessional’ poetry.

Yet by some fury
a poem:

Will become
Life again”.

I could no more
Make sense
Of words.
My incoherance
Seemed beyond cure.

I was too young
To be a poet
Of my time.

Life demanded
I live it and
Rethink it
Before I dare
Paraidol it.

    So, here I am
    At age eighty-six

As the Greek vase
pictures it:

Spit from
The serpent’s gut
Like a fish
In the steams
of Cities
gone mad.

8 In Remembrance of Misha

As T. S. Eliott wrote”:

“..., do not ask,

'What is it?'

Let us go

and make our visit”

We will see

If denial
And inversion is
The haze that
Drifts through
The Kremlin’s
Dining rooms
The White House
Oval office
And other
Heavenly places
After the arrest
Of minds of men
In Superman suits

Truth is
No one knew

Until Nadezhda
Had enough
Cried Alleluia!
Committed suicide
And proved St.alin
But a shaggy dog
sniffing his way
Across an alcohol
Moscva bridge
Early one morning
Hunting the last
Sovereign ghost
Of some escaped kulak
Or his wife

To have them come and
Wash with vodka
The blood splattered
Leather kilts
Of the butchers
Slaving away
In the cellars
Of the Lyu-b-yanka

Raising the Tsar or
The Soviets
Their empire*
*The horrendous Truth of the matter is that like Tsar Peter, St.alin understood that to successfully resist the bloodsuckers come from the West, one had to square their methods, industrialize, and risk  one’s self becoming like a vulture pulling food from the intestines of the dead never to be redeemed by the clock returning things to as they were. What is the future of piggish Moscow?
Though a Soviet
Need never have
More kolkhozniks
Than fifty finks
And a choir is
Big enough
with six voices

So much
    For steel
Tempered in
City waters:
We think,
And temper
The laws we want
The way we want
The country
Be damned...

    Let the bitch
Lie naked
Under the dining table
With her skirt drawn
And wait for a stakhanovich
To draw aside
The table cloth and
Come down on her
On all fours
And give her
A fuck.

    After Nadezhda’s suicide
    St.alin was reborn
    As a living dead man

Who heard
her ghost liken her suicide
To the murder
Of their children

Left to himself
Went on
    To become a portrait
Of a Man-God*
    Free to kill anyone
    Who found himself
In the line of sight of
Whereever its gaze fell
    And awakened
*When Nadezhda killed herself, she did for Stalin what he, because of his indoctrination in Orthodox and Catholic globalist theology (that religion is a tool of the State) did not dare or have the courage to do for himself. Because she had been Stalin’s intimate, Nadezhda intuited that the Man-God orientation of orthodox Christian theology had reached its nadir in St.alin, and decided to return Divinity to the Great Spirit by committing suicide and turning into a Goddess. Needless to say, Nadezhda proved St.alin’s subjective self to be cowardly. On the other hand, once he was emptied of Nadezhda’s presence (1932), St.alin’s subjective self (freed from having to kill Nadezhda) felt free to become God of Terror as only the Book of Revelation forecast it (Click 35:00)

With God dead, and the search for His successor a failure, city dwellers began to identify with what came to be called ‘naked humanity’. Unfortunately, this movement was preoccupied with and limited itself to City borne Nature and became identified with featherless chickens  . Because City dwellers fail to recognie themselves as radically different new species, Nadezhda’s self-sacrifice means nothing to them, and a thousant mutants of St.alin seek believe themselves to be geniuses for wamting to emigrante to Mars instead. Though the movement received suppor from the main stream media, even a total deforestation of planet Earth could not pay for it, and Earth became even more uninhabitable (note how the profesor of truth believes that more air conditioning will solve all problems) than in the day of holodomor . Interestingy the subjective mind of the human collective believed that it credible that the problems on Earth were caused by Martians as early ass 1938 . With most of Humankind living in cities, it is no surprise that cityfolk found it relatively easy to identify with overheated featherless chickens running short on chickenfeed. Countryfolk, too, influenced by radio were subject to increaing anxieties. Tshus, with expectations of Doom becoming inevitable, many turned to the Bible, expected Armageddon , and the return of God as Savior.

**While the Great Spirit was—more often than not—perceived as feminine in its nature, God on the other hand was seen as masculine. Why? The answer is simple: Women are mothers of children and birthe the human race; men, on the other hand, are seen as the protectors of communities (families, tribes, countries), which circumstance causes them to sacridice their lives . As pointed out at above (*), God is consequent to the sacrifice of life by a male inividual more often than of a female.

***It is worth noting that The Great Spirit was for the most part believed to represent Life in the wood. Once the self-sacrificial male was metamorphosed into God, Life was replaced by Consciousness. Consciousness dressed in a suit is subject to failure and death more often than Lifein the wild; and was squared, when in the course of time, men began to convert God to the ends of human institutions. God lost His man-God charisma, and Nature came to be replaced with reichs, empires—and was led by the likes of St.alin.

    City tempered
In globalist ice-waters
His ice-water
Stiffened body
And mind
Among the living
By forcing awake
Memories of
Thousands of
Death sentences.

Death to the peasants
Shouted countless
Let there be
And trips to the moon

Who cares if Misha
Dies an alcoholic.
We need the levy
On gin and vodka
To keep our cities

Let ants replace
The Romas’s* of birds
With concrete towers
Reaching into the clouds.
*Just as the word ‘pagan’ is derived from the word ‘gan’ (meaning herder, and originaly pronounced ‘yan’/jan), so ‘roma’ is derived from an old anf now forgotten word, meaning nest or cradle. When the warlords introduced agriculture, and began deforestation, many people who dwelt in forest Romas, in order to escape slavery, fled from their millenium old habitats. The flights took place on foot, and in horse drawn boats or wagons. While today it is believed that the Roma (gypies, zigeuner ) originated in India, it is more likely that they are of any number of ‘Romas’, a name appropriated by the Catholic Church for its sole use. In the poet’s country of origin, Latvia, there are records of hundreds of place names, once homesteads in the forest, called ‘Roma’. True to the contemptuous attitude of the post-Soviet Latvian government for all things of preindustrial age or Russian, the original homesteads of the Latvian people are  a matter of indifference for Pop-culturalized city-zen bureaucrats.

Gypsy culture
Every time
The city sociopaths
Create a new category of
The poor and
There is a shortage
Of bananas

Which reminds me
That the swallows did not
Return this year
To their Romas
Under my roof
Or their proxies
Killed them
In their bloody wars

Stalin cleansed
The Cheka
Of Latvian
Sovereign kulaks
(The fists)
And beat to shit
Without exception
All living bodies
Horses including.
*When in 1932 the poet’s grandfather (72) retired, he bought a neglected country estate in hopes that he could spend his remaining years raising horses. Unfortunately for him, Stalin’s factories had already began to mass produce tractors that would replace horses. Intrigue, his wife, ridiculed grandfather for his oldfashioned orientation and proposed that he build a modern farm instead. Because at the time, 80%+ of the Latvian people were still holders of family farms and used horses to plow their fields, they were unfamiliar with the idea that a farm could be turned into a factory. Thus, this effort, too, flopped. Intrigue then turned the assembly hall at the entrance of the mansion into a reception room with two ornate floor to ceiling antique clocks flanking the gathering place in the middle. Sadly, grandfather died alone in a small basement room at the back of the house that was located next to the closet that housed the mechanisms that ran the clocks upstairs. All that remains today of granfather’s regard for horses is a story he wrote in 1880 at the age of 20: ”A Horses’s Memories’’.

Misha was a
Village alcoholic
Everyone knew well

Once a Soviet era
Countryside policeman
Misha did
What he could to
Avoid work
And to enjoy his job
The star at
Every village
Cocktail party

What with
The police car
A vodka ferry when
In early morning hours
The wells ran dry

It was then
Misha summoned Stalin
To his side
As an authority.

Sad to say
During one such party
Misha’s partner laid
His wife
Which is why
Misha punched him
And was
Fired forthwith.

    Saving one’s soul
    By the side of
    One’s coffin
    (touch Misha’s
Folded cold hands
Covered by sister’s
    Is not an endeavour
    Worth mention
    Unless he had
    The affection of those
Who came to say
Good bye.

When Tsarina Katerina I
Let Generalin Magdelina
Keep the pension of
Her husband (d. 1727)
She may
Or may not
Have done it
Imagining she could
Through Magdelina
the mother
So to speak
Of raped over Latvians
from whose midst
She, Katerina,
—Turned by
Ways of war—
Into a whore

Would emerge
200 years Later1918
As a republic
Destined to be
Again fucked
By its own orphans.

(following failed
Armageddon 1),
No one gives
Or Magdalena credit
But erases
And belies
18th century
Latvian and
Russian history
For the sake of
A kingdom
On the Moon.

    A post-Soviet
    ‘renewed’ Latvia
    (a subject province
The European Union)
    A province that denies
    its history
    and its wood

    But lets
Cityfolk in Riga
Filled to overflowing
By Russian and Latvian
Fuck them up
To high heaven of lies

And blow money
On fireworks
And military parades
With old Abram tanks
And advertisements
Calling for
While celebrating
A its 100th
Anniversary Year
Remembering nothing.

A 100 years ago
There wasl
Some pretention
that Latvians
Had ancient roots
And to prove it
Most children knew
A 100 folk songs.

(become subjects of
The European Union)
There are none
Such children
But ‘beat-the-rich’
Rappers with
”Too much money in the bank”

History has been
Assimilated into
A faked story
Where the past is
Like God
Who returned
But because
no longer needed
Was soon killed.

Nine tenths of
The luddies
Who once lived
Where I live now
Have been driven
Off the land
Into cities
Where pornography
(Big screen
In everyone’s
Adam saying to Eve:
I love you,
I need you,
I want you
To sit on my face

Until I get a raise
And hire the Great
Whore Babylon
And fuck her
In the face.

Never mind
The ‘blessed’
Violent men
And women
Of government fame

Who curse
With conviction
All that is Russian
Tsarina Katerina
Who Tsar Peter
Took from
General Sheremetev
(To restore her dignity)

As the Pope
Fried ”live”
Jan Huss the Ludd
And listened to him
and said:
”Enjoy your LuckLaima=Karma,

10. A Kebab of Lamb
When I returned
To Latvia
(after a 51 year absence)
I was surprised
To hear
(Who came visit me
Looking for summer jobs)

What are you
Doing here?
Why are you here?

    The poet’s reasons
Were a mystery to them
They knew of no past times
    They had no memory
    They knew no history

There was no song
That sang
“For auld lang syne,
My jo,
For auld lang syne,”
My dears

For a buck
Most young girls
Were ready to
And did fuck

If I did not
An Afghan
In London was
Sure to do it.

It was fuck
Theft and lie time
In Latvia
Uninspired politicians
Former baskeball players
Pretended to be of
Noble birth
And collected rich dividends
Off alcohol licenses

While everyone everywhere
Was having an orgasm

The community
Had to bear
Parliamentary democracy’s
Unzippered dickheads
Sucking up the stage
For eyeing.
    Was such ignorance
In response to
God-man come bang
Mary Magdalene
In the arse?


    The young had
Never heard
From their
Alcohol besotted fathers
Or screams of mothers
At the tear
Of the vulva
By a child
Born feet first.

In St.alin’s Paradise
They had been
Shelled out
As avocado seeds
In greasy pulp
Turned on a pantry shelf
Dry and black

I had to let
The question become
I had to ask myself.

Only after leaving Riga
And moving to live
In the countryside
Did I realize
How faked
And fucked up
Renewed Latvia was

I had returned to
A people who had
Come into the present
In a land
Sans syne

Though I was of
Syne was no longer

By virtue of aging
I had turned into
A ghost
Better dead
Than spooking the young
With stories
From thence and syne.

A psychologist from Canada
Was president
Ulmanis was a forgotten
Intrigue was negotiating
A new career for herself
As a believable phantasm

To this day
The US embassy
(10 minutes by cars
From the Riga airport)
Cannot tell a bull
From a cow
But flies
The flag of trannies
With U.S.’s own

The emabassy
May well smirk:

Having emptied craniums
of memories
Everyone’s guts disemboweled
And innocence
Of young
Shredded to rags
Adorning scare crows

Gladio in Latvia
Like Jesus
From the bones of
John the Baptist
(Or Eve from the rib Adam)
On the remains
Of the KGB or CIA
A spotles
Renewed shadow
On the other side of
Coming from thieves
Deemed unworthy of
Having their
Pain remembered*.
*The poet believes that thieving is as natural to humans as it is to a hungry magpie , and that the two thieves who were crucified along with Jesus were blameless and ‘framed’ or put in the picture for drama’s sake. This is not to say that thieving by humans is desirable if one wishes to become part of Divinity, which is why humāns have consciousnes, But it does say that so called ‘ethical’ behavior by atheists is little else than bravado ny the satiated.

His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjusts

The vaccinations
Against pain
Were by way
Of orgasms
Induced by

After the blood
And screams
One knew
Had been
Pain, death
And whatnot

But was
Made forget it
By multiple
Anal orgasms
And welfare
Catalyzed out of
Decaying Divinity.

To the
Gladio agents
Whether from Chicago
Or Boston
The Romas* of
*Romas were homes, camps, or hubs of the forest people such as Robin Ludd, aka Hood, around which, turned the Sun and the daily life of a community. Though Catholic Christian dogma has monopolized the name, it retains a presence in our speech through derivatives such as ‘rite’, ‘ritual’, ‘recite’, ‘rythm’, ‘rise’, ‘ring’, ‘roam’,‘run’, ‘return’, ‘round’, etc.
Their forebears
Are but mounds
Of dirt
In the middle of
A potato field
left over
Amelioration of the land
By Soviet robots
To make room
For a pigfarm
Or turning
Rivers into
Straight ditches

    The young
Saw no sense
    To ‘father’ or ‘motherland’.
    They preferred
Celebrate his crotch
‘Hound Dog’
And called
Their forebears
Ever subtler
‘Rooster’s Song’*
One for children
(*”Where goest thou,
Rooster mine?

I go to awaken
The village maids
Three times acrowing....”)
Leaving the celebration of
Morning love rituals
On styrofoam filled mattresses
In bandoned garages
To rich
Sex starved Madonnas
Strumpfbands showing

The wonted
‘Singing revolution’
Of the Baltic Nations
Was but
Gladio propaganda
On behalf of
The next occupation

By fucked up NATO ‘heroes’
Trained to kill
In America*
*The ruling elites in the Baltics of today form the Gladio-CIA sponsored post-Soviet  castrated sgovernments (its memberhip tecruited from among American-Latvian and NATO-Latvian aģents), even as native Latvians are encouraged to ignore and lose memory of the history of their homeland in favor of ‘western valuess’ being extended to ‘other people’ .

Though the ‘baricades’ (of 1991) expressed real emotions and desires of the people of the Baltics to renew their extinguished nations, the intellect of that desire came to be represented by western intelligence agencies and quislings seeking lucrative employment. There was no follow through or critique by a Latvian government; and by 1993, one protested the ‘renewal’ with suicide  at the foot of the Freedom monument  The suicide note of the sacrifice was said to be of no importance and its content has never been revealed. The Blue priests of the ‘renewed’ (but not sovereign) Riga governed formerly sovereign Latvia with banners waving
The Black horseman of
The Post Soviet
Latvian government
Whoring and theft
Forest decimation
Was loosed
By the
Riga based
Saeima of
Government bred
Paraisitic wasps
That scorcheded
the countryside
And left it to die.

    Erasure of memory
Was spread
Over the minds of
The survivors of
A once nation
As a mouse trap
To the brim
With drowning mice

Of course,s
The degree of
Sadism employed
Is a Top secret
Of the Latvian

Dissent is silenced
With spectacular
Public ceremonies
Where licking of
Of fake documents
And books
Takes place
With erotic intensity.

When the 100th
Of the last 100 years
Was celebrated
history was neglected
In favor of
History exuded as porn
By Bruxells and Riga.

In ‘renewed’
Post-Soviet Latvia
History is
Like a kebab of lamb
On a Viking’s spit.

11 Stalled On A Ladder

What is the sense
Of living on
Earth’s blind
When America

Lost of mind
Bombs in hand
Some nut in California
Proposing nuke Mars
Uncle Sam’s
Finger poking up
Government employed
Shits arse
Inspiring cries
In turned blue Latvia:
Poke me more
Fake more
America !
We belong to
The West
We gasp
In amazement
At your conversion
To Catholicism

In our neck of
The wood
Silence reigns
No cries of
”Youoo-whoooo !”
From berry pickers or
Mushroom gatherers
Ululates across
The cranberry marsh
But the whisper
Of a wind
Swings in the trees
Baba Yaga’s iron teeth
The chainsaws of
The executioners
In Bruxell, Moscow, Washington
And Riga
All rip ready
At each others
Children stand
First in line

Real politic rules
The lands
Once spoke
The gentlest languages
Of people
On Earth:

Dear this
Dear that
*The Latvian language (a language of a people who give evidence of coming of tribes that used to make  home in the wood) suggests that it is of a people who are a remnant of an aboriginal population that went extinct in the Middle ages with the aurochs .. both of which (auroch and homo sapiens)  ‘animals’ were taken down in the fierce battles between the Western and Eastern orthodox Christian churches and their secular sponsors. Despite its rugged nature, the environment of the wild also nurtures , and enables the evolution of a language in which every noun can be endeared and verb gentled. This language—now subject to the cynical environment of concrete encased cities which nurture caprious egoes, is becoming as extinct as the wild, the wood and its divine inhabitants.
A song of mutes
Begs to hear
Itself sing
A nightmare

Even so
Are shouted down
By shithead billionaire

Media sucking up
The radiations
Of shit
To the stratosphere
All who hog
The news
With praisies and whines
For a U.S. and NATO
Genocidal democracy.

Not only
The language
Of fathers
And lullabies
of mothers
Is forgotten

Cause for Anger
Is denied
As hate
And love
Is fucked up
By rabid
City malcontents
In vulture ministries
Lick arse
Before speaking.

Dreams and hopes
Of refuge seekers
And exiles
Find home again
In some wannabee homeland
Are lost in
The deep dusk of
Wine-dark dreams
That flow from the sky

The steps of
A Maya pyramid
With a mob of
Migrants on its steps
At the 11th hour

To find me
Sitting next to
My deceased brother
Confessing to him
My loss of fortune
As if he can help

When he shakes his head
And tells me
He remembered nothing
Of the tale
How I saved the painting
With the girl
From Capri
With the jug of water
on her head
As the noise of war
Contested August heat
And all around
The bloodied
Wounded crowded
What used to be
Our bedroom

We climb down
The pyramid
Cross the street
Enter the throat of
The city
Find my apartment
Where I remember
I have promised
To pick up
My wife
At work at 11.
The clock shows
5 minutes past.

I cannot remember
My wifes’s number
John is no help
And though dead
In dream
Remains a know nothing
We rush
To my car.

I get it started
But its headlights
will not turn on.

Which is why
I pull to the curb
And turn to John.
He says:
”Don’t you remember
You’re divorced
You have no wife
But one of believe

You did not
Fuck up children either
Try calling
Joan of Ark
The milkmaid
Whose womb
The Pope reamed
With sticks of fire

She saved France
Did she not?
She will not flinch
From the sight of
Latvia’s intestines
By Latvian hyenas.”
”Our sister
Full of pickled
Christian righteousness
Could have done
save something
Left no road marker
At her grandmother’s

But took what
She called
Her ‘property’
To America
Trusting the Letts
To survive
Fishing for trash and

I nodded astonished

With American exceptionalism
Handy in seconding
Lilith’s animus
Her faked up ovsession
With Christian love
Let bless
Everyone with guilt
And left the road
With collateral damage
Not of her doing

My brother and I
Sit entombed
In my car
By the curb

I turn the dial
The radio
And am surprised
To hear sing
”1812 overture”
(Mighty Lord, preserve us from jeopardy.
Take Thee now our faith and loud crying in penitence.
Grant victory o'er our treacherous and cruel enemies
And to our land bring peace.
O mighty Lord hear our lowly prayer,
And by Thy shining holy light.
Grant us, O Lord, peace again.
O msighty Lord hear our prayer
and save our people
Forever, forever!)

The htmn sung
The announcer speaks:

”...just in
A 40 river barge convoy
Carrying thousands of
Fleeing the civil war
Embattled American Midwest
Down the Missisippi River
Was attacked last night
By shorebased torpedoes

Several barges were struck.
Thousands are believed
*After Americans living in the central part of their country had had enough of the city based socialist led insurgency for ‘free everything’, and began to resist by asking the cityfolk to pay for their food a fair market price, it was not long before armed convoys of cars manned by gangs of Antifa began ‘blitzkrieg’ attacks on inland farmer communities. Thanks to the Second Amendment  of the American Constitution, the people of the American countryside—unlike the Ukrainians during the Stsalinist caused holodomor —not only met the attackers head on, but with Russian and Chinese support were soon attacking the anarchist inhabitants of the city, by blocking food and energy supplies to cities, and by advocating that cities be put an end to or holomobilized. Unlike in the case of Latvia (1919), where a similar proposal by Latvian country people was sabotaged by city (Petrograd) borne legalist Leninist Stuchka  , the  oposition movement of American farmers and their countryside supporters was almost immediately successful. As Russian and Chinese rockets and navies blocket ships carrying food supplies from reaching American coastal cities by sinking them in international waters, and President Trump, leader of the anti-urbanist forces, enticed city dwellers to desert to the countryside by offering them subsitance level gardens in the countryside, American cities quickly became islands of chaos, and holomodor visited those who had once exported it.

These events began the thousand year long period of peace (predicted in the Reveaton 20 s). It is a period during which the forests on Earth are regrown, wildlife is reborn and reestablishes irself, rivers ceased to glow in ditches, and men cease to fear death. Also, ‘democracy’ is discarded as a force that encourages disunity and iss once again replaced with sacred kingship.
The pheromones
Of Lady Death
Overwhelms my nostrils
The Lady
Approaches the car
I roll down the window
Her odor gags me.
She hands me a beaker
Filled wine
I gulp it with one swallow
My knees buckle
I see me
Into a fault
Of plowed earth.

The air fills with
Seagull screams
Come gather worms
And free me
Of my flesh.

12. The Shadow Survives Its Object

By coming into
The light
Memory takes revenge
By remembering nothing
Death overwhelms it
With a nirvana like

No surprise that
Hung men die
With an erection
and Muslim heaven is filled
With belly dancers
and Roman guards
roll dice over
who will
receive God’s
loin cloth, and
Judas acknowledges:
Though John the Baptist
Is my father,
Jesus, too, is
become God
And I must
Hang myself*
*Judas is one of the great mysteries presented by the story about Jesus. As the poet has pointed out in other adlibs, in his analysis  the so-called New Testament discovers that Jesus is a person deliberately introduced by a Catholic priesthood to destroy an earlier form of Christianity that promoted a self-sacrificial King as means by which humankind was to govern itself. Because of the universal respect received by this King, He came to be ragarded as the highest possible incarnation of a human being, i.e. God. In Latvia of old such a King may have been one Vissvaldis of the Latvian kingdom of Jerusalem (now convincingly diminished to a nonentity by having been renamed Jersika).

A series of murders of Sacred Kings in once Central Europe (round about the Black sSea,25.6282163,1920291m/data=!3m1!1e3 ) took place about the 12th century of our era—even though the Catholic clergy that served succeeding secular kings, has pushed the date back to a fictitious date of 32, the alleged age of the crucifiction of Jesus).

In Western Europe kingly rule lingered well into the 20th century, and ended with a series of cowardly secular rulers (Leopold/Belgium, Hitler/ Germany, de Gaule/France, Franco/Spain, Mussolini/italy, Ulmanis/ Latvia, and others). Though Ulmanis of Latvia is a little known fake ruler, he stands out—because of his narcisisms—as the most cowardly of the lot: as the poet has pointed out elsewhere, K. Ulmanis used Intrigue (a career prostitute, in many areas of endeavour) now renamed—with the help of Latvia’s Cultural Fund as Latvia’s ‘First Lady’—to destroy beyond retrieval an entire nation of which the poet is a member.
Though redeemed
John’s son
Was the last of
The assembly of
Able to bear the weight

Alas! In what tatters
It’s time
To go

-   30 –