Saturday, June 30, 2018

The Life Review of Robin Ludd
By © Anton Vendamencsh, 2017

5 A Few Pithies

In our time
Is become memory
Held at bay
By indiference
To others pain
No insight deeper
Than the frog suit
Of one’s vanity.

    It is ”I”
    Abandoned there
    Failing to recover
    Where unremitting need
Turns every fallen branch
Into fire wood
To cook a fish
I have no qualms
Eating raw and live
As the grizzly does.

    For how long
Can a past event
Remain heir
To the same
Bastard parents?

Wrote Goethe
(author of Faust):
Was du ererbt
Von deinen Vätern hast,
Erwirb es,
Um es zu besitzen.
Was man nicht nützt,

Ist eine schwere Last,
Nur was der Augenblick


Das kann er nützen.

    I love my cats
    For the Augenblicks
They cherish
With tummies exposed
To lightning strikes
Paws upturned and raised
Praising abandon.

for all the saintliness
Of cats
From back then
To here and now
Too, is become
an Augenblick
Set in concrete
    by historians
    on government contract
churning cement
    to coat the arms
of States
With a calcium carbonate

Murder adds
To things destroyed
Just the right amount
Of lime and lie
To justify
Anniversary celebrations
In hell.

A world
Turned upside down
Makes betrayal
And the impossible
A real miracle.

Rich men
Go hunting
And kill lions
To justify themselves
And take pride
In stuffed heads
And in being fools.

    Meek women
    Lay men
    To spellbind
    Their children
    To a wit
As abraised
As the vaginas
Of their mothers.

Is the eternal ”I”
Made by and of such?

Even my brother
The phrenologist
With a Doctor of Philosophy
(plaque on the wall)
Kept to the consciousness
Of vanities
With mind boggling

    His children
With narry a doubt
That God is naught
Still believe
By sleight of mind
In resurrection

And will likely seek
In liquid nitrogen
Even as they pay
The maintenance crew
Of the ‘cemetery’
In fiat currency.

All such truthies
May be traced
To Tsar Peter
Who to save
The Russian land
For the Russian Ludds
Made his capital
In St. Petersburg
Instead of Riga

    The latter which
    A geopolitical outpost
    Of the Sveriges

    (No surprise
    That by 2018
    Riga has been reoccupied
    By Sturmband NATO
And the Post Soviet
Latvijan government
Its mendacious parrot
Is loudly singing
From St. Peter’s spire).

How to get rid
Is the Gordian knot
No sword
But a flash crash
Of city based economies
Will cut.

What happens when
Money loses
Its worth?
Do not the drums
Of nitrogen filled coffins
Does not a life review
Of many centuries past
Drift into view?
    Does no one remember
    That in times out of mind
Used to be inns
Where lambs
And travelers
Found themselves
A straw matress?

    A life review
    A judgement
    Or a scene dismissed
    May remind itself
As suddenly
    As a fig in the eye.

The fig shone
Into my blind eye
The beacon
Of a curse
On the beam
Of a hidden regret.

Last night
In a lucid dream
I met
After more
Than fifty years

Though I had chosen
Not to have a career
And had not committed
To changing my mind
(neither one of us
What this meant)
We were engaged once
To marry.

The dream found Silvie
In Boston
She was in the Commons
A baby carriage.

I came up to her
(As to one long lost)
Looked at her
And asked:
Is that you, Silvie?

She turned to me
And met my eye
And turned again
Away from me.

Taken aback
I said:
I am sorry, Silvie
Take care

And continued
My way
Down Beacon Street
To where it ends
I know not.

The babe
In the carriage
I saw not.

For all I know
The babe was
The child
We had not.

Ai, Silvie
As is the way
of dreams
Had I but lived
In the wood
And been
Like Paul Revere
A smith
Of silver horses’ hooves
I would have
Charged you cunt on
And of the blaze
Would our children
Have come.

But I was ‘ererbt’*
*(made witness to my inheritance)
With a curse
As carved
Into my tissues
As the salmonella
A faked up godmother
Carved into her own
With a poetic justice
I would never
Have thought of.

[It took but 13 days
After Milia’s birthday
For the bug
(At the Surmoga gulag
In Solikamsk, Russia)
To incubate
And hatch

And in an Augenblick
On the 23rd of September
Kill Milia and make her
A sacrificial lamb
To the blink of an eye
It takes a swallow
To catch a flie.]

Saturday, June 23, 2018

The Life Review of Robin Ludd
By © Anton Vendamencsh, 2017

4 The Story of Father

Father’s brother
(Who outpaced him
By eight years)
Uncle Karl
Born 1884

Died 1910
At the age of
(According to rumor
    Of syphillis
    As a student
    In St. Peterburg)

Was the one who
Brought his father
From St Peterburg
(A relay junction
At the time
Of ideas
From America)
That a newspaper
May be published
For pennies
If advertisements pay
For the rest.

Having failed
As a playwright
(He was too much
Of a moralizer
To write other than
A ‘How to’ script
Of how work
Work and more work
Is the tool
That brings wealth)

Took the idea
And shared it
With his paramour
Who (it so happened)
Was soliciting adds
For German newspapers
In Riga.

Mein liebes Schatz
(My dear treasure)
Said grandfather
(Who spoke German well)
Let us start
A newspaper
Of our own
You pimp us ads
I will persuade
The public
That we are
On the up and up
(No alcohol
Or any of that)
I will choose
What we print
And who
Gets paid what.

My prohibitionist play
”In Fog With Alcohol”
Is evidence
Of my forthrightness
And vision

    We will become rich
    As trains carry
Our newspaper
Of news
And the story
Of Tarzan
To Luddies expelled
From the wood
To slave as peasants
    For the barons
And church.

Milia saw
Her opportunity
And answered:

    I will do it, dear

If you but let me be
The publisher
Since you
Cannot be such
Until you make
Enough money
To pay off
Your creditors.

    So offered
    My Godmother-to-be
    Her word of honor
    To her lover
Ensnared by debt
By virtue of
His ambition
To be reborn
As a City-zen
Of consequence.

Once the headmaster
Of the best
Countryside school
Anywheres near about
Grandfather desperate
To join the eruption
Of Tsargrad Riga
Into a City
Believed to have

Took the hussy up
On what he believed
Was a pulp fiction dream
Beyond her reach.

    The rest is history

    He and his
    Got tripped
By diligently
Faked loyalty.

After returning
From the Ukraine (1920)

(where he had learned
Managerial skills
As an officer
Managing a coalmine
A railroad station
And had advised
The would be tsar
General Denikin
On the railway network
In Ukraine)

Father began working
At The Latest News
And continued
the newspaper’s mission—
To bind
A million Latvijan Ludds
Out of the woods
Into City-zens*
*a mental condition
Of ambition.

Whatever his hopes
A man of pretention
And station
Was let down
By his addiction
To intimacies
And painful
To all witnesses
Who had to pretend
As if such was
God’s ‘normal’.

In the end
Milia became
His Harpie
By circumstance
In the seventh ring of hell
On Earth
Where trees are replaced
By skyrises of concrete
Rising into fogs
Of money.

Even his mother-in-law
My other grandmother
Could not shut up
About it
And cawed
(in a letter to mother
Years later)
that tried to cover up
The sale
by her husband
The ambassador
Of their spoiled daughter
To grandfather

Who to cover
His son’s peccadillos
(I have two half-sisters
That I know of)
And his own

Presented mother
To father
And ordered marriage.
He did not cut
Father’s salary
Which maybe why
His conduct
Remained as before.

    Cawed the mother
Of my mother:
    How I prayed
    For you, my dear
    When you married

In need of a vindication
For her own role
In letting children
Be fucked up on her
Did not protest
And let nannies
Raise her children
As if motherless.

Only my younger brother
(Born in the year
Before the world collapsed
And all nannies
Ran away)
Ever lived with mother
Who never mentioned
Father to him.

Which is why
For naked advantage
He slipped his foot
Under my heel.