The Glass Ele-phant
By © Anton
Vendamencsh, 2017
If we are to take our present world and the projections
it makes as to its future, it will not be surprising if we arrive at a model of
reality that has no place for past human experience and no idea how our
ancestors percieved the world.*
*A major misconception about our precursors comes from
anthropologists, who by means of the popular media have perpetrated the notion
that we derive from a people who were ”hunters and gatherers’’. The plain truth
is that these anthropologists are for the most part city dwellers and have
little notion of life in the countryside. A few seasons spent among the natives
followed by a return to the university is hardly likely to eliminate
misconceptions and prejudices that have been accumulaed by living a virtual
life in the city. Fact is that our forebears were ”herders and gatherers”. A huge diference that.
At the very least, this proves that contemporary
humankind is caught up in a realty that simulates the environment created by its misleading
mindset and justifies shortsightedness by calling it by a ‘sainted’ word
spelled ‘science’. The mindset of so-called modern times has no place for the
past and no interest in what really happened there.
When Russia’s President Putin made his observation
concerning ‘communism’ as an equivalent of religion (see above link), he
provoked disbelief among the majority of today’s so-called Christians who are
steeped in Catholic theology, re: that the
Christian world is based on the exercise of coercion by a government that on
behalf of Jesus exercises taxation. This fact alone dates the ‘drang’ of
Catholic theology and the New Testament as a
product of post Gutenberg times, and the history of Christian
religion as a simulation by an academia long compromised by the secular
religious state. When one thinks of it, the early Christians were not
sacrificed in a Roman circus, but the circus is a mirror image of auto-da-fe
performances in medieval town squares.
Evidence of secular origin for the”word of God’’ comes
from the fact that the People were denied access to it, but were to accept the
‘Word’ from a clergy that monopolized it. In
the 11th century the Pope had greater power than the kings, what with the right
of the Church to tax and confiscate the property of pagans (a word that derives
from pa-Jans), who were herders and
forest dwellers. Indeed, the word ‘pagan’ is a word that means herder—not an anti-Christian
bitch or devil*. Linguists and anthropologists, unable to shake off past
prejudices, continue to deliberately misinform the public about the meaning of
this and other words.
*devil—a word that has been demonized by the holders to
Catholic theology. Its origin can be traced to the Lithuanian ‘Dievas’ (Dievs, Deus, etc.). By adding to the word a suffix, such as ‘inysh’
(iņš) in Latvian, the latter became ‘dieveliņš’ (currently written ‘dīvaliņš’),
meaning a man or woman posssed by God. In fact, the oldest cemetary in
Valmiera, the city of origin of the Moravian Church in Latvija, is known as the
Dīvala cemetery. Unfortunately, the origin of the
self-consciousness of the Latvijan people in post medieval times continues to
be denied to this day. The cemetary was reconsecrated by the Lutherans and is now
said to hold the bodies of those who lost their lives in World War 1. While pietist
spirit posessions were ridiculed by neoChristians, those of an older
(preCatholic) tradition prefered to humor such, wherefore the Lithuanian
tradition portrays the Devil as a humorous figure.
No wonder that Islam has gained the uppers hand over a
Christianity.misled by our so-called progressive age and a globalist Pope Francis, who
continues to reword and virtualize the Scriptures from the pulpit of a popemobile. The
excuse for Catholicism that existed in spite of its unwarranted presumptions to
spiritualy govern humankind is that it perpetuates Jesus’s message of love and
kindness, can hardly pretend to be an imitation of Christ by—one hopes—the last of popes. No
doubt, the absence of charisma in contemporary Christianity is one of the reasons
why Islam (an early attempt to communisticize Christianity) is now gaining an
upper hand.
Putin spoke true. However, it is doubtful that Putin understands
the full extent of what his words mean. Surely, he intuits that communism is
the result of a metamorphosis (getting out of hand) of Christianity among believers
after it was denied by its preachers. But he does not understand that for
either Christianity or Communism to function, its leaders must not lead by law
alone, but foremost by personal example. Though Putin appears to be a comination
of a secular and spiritual leader that Russia is in great need of, he has not
preached leadership by example, but only by a failed
and sentimentalized tradition. As I have argued above, such a tradition is a Catholic (aka
Globalist) corruption of leadership. This form of guidance was eliminated in
the West by means of a violent denial of the divine origin of its Kings*. No
lesser denial of the Russian Krivs** was instituted by forcing on the Russians
the Romanov
series of city bred Kings.
*Krivs—according to the rules of Grimm’s Law regarding
consonant shifts, this word translates into the Latvijan word ‘klibs’, which
means ‘one who limps’. Thus, a kriv, which in Latvijan stands for, both, priest
and Krievs (i.e. Russian), leads us back to the story of the limping King
Oedipus. As my early series of blogs on Oedipus Rex (Odipus Rewritten) argue, Oedipus acquired his limp when his father Royus (Layus) tested his
son’s worthiness to become King by exposing him to the elements (and gods) on
Mt. Citheron. In order for the then baby King not to crawl away, he was secured
to the site by having the sinews of his heels bound together by a wire of gold,
wherefore he acquired a limp. In effect, the alleged play by ‘ancient’ Greek
playwright Sophocles argues that the King lost his divine mission through the
offices of his mother, who fails to understand the origin of kingship in harisma
acquired through selfsacrifice.
**See my argument (EC643) that God is a creation of a
would-be Christian community, whose people are in of consolidation.
of popes