Saturday, January 27, 2018

The Glass Ele-phant
By © Anton Vendamencsh, 2017

Chapter 4/Putin’s Comment on Christianity 2

If we are to take our present world and the projections it makes as to its future, it will not be surprising if we arrive at a model of reality that has no place for past human experience and no idea how our ancestors percieved the world.*

*A major misconception about our precursors comes from anthropologists, who by means of the popular media have perpetrated the notion that we derive from a people who were ”hunters and gatherers’’. The plain truth is that these anthropologists are for the most part city dwellers and have little notion of life in the countryside. A few seasons spent among the natives followed by a return to the university is hardly likely to eliminate misconceptions and prejudices that have been accumulaed by living a virtual life in the city. Fact is that our forebears were ”herders and gatherers”. A huge diference that.

At the very least, this proves that contemporary humankind is caught up in a realty that  simulates the environment created by its misleading mindset and justifies shortsightedness by calling it by a ‘sainted’ word spelled ‘science’. The mindset of so-called modern times has no place for the past and no interest in what really happened there.

When Russia’s President Putin made his observation concerning ‘communism’ as an equivalent of religion (see above link), he provoked disbelief among the majority of today’s so-called Christians who are steeped in Catholic theology, re: that the Christian world is based on the exercise of coercion by a government that on behalf of Jesus exercises taxation. This fact alone dates the ‘drang’ of Catholic theology and the New Testament as a product of post Gutenberg times, and the history of Christian religion as a simulation by an academia long compromised by the secular religious state. When one thinks of it, the early Christians were not sacrificed in a Roman circus, but the circus is a mirror image of auto-da-fe performances in medieval town squares.

Evidence of secular origin for the”word of God’’ comes from the fact that the People were denied access to it, but were to accept the ‘Word’ from a clergy that monopolized it. In the 11th century the Pope had greater power than the kings, what with the right of the Church to tax and confiscate the property of pagans (a word that derives from pa-Jans), who were herders and forest dwellers. Indeed, the word ‘pagan’ is a word that means herder—not an anti-Christian bitch or devil*. Linguists and anthropologists, unable to shake off past prejudices, continue to deliberately misinform the public about the meaning of this and other words.

*devil—a word that has been demonized by the holders to Catholic theology. Its origin can be traced to the Lithuanian ‘Dievas’ (Dievs, Deus, etc.). By adding to the word a suffix, such as ‘inysh’ (iņš) in Latvian, the latter became ‘dieveliņš’ (currently written ‘dīvaliņš’), meaning a man or woman posssed by God. In fact, the oldest cemetary in Valmiera, the city of origin of the Moravian Church in Latvija, is known as the Dīvala cemetery. Unfortunately, the origin of the self-consciousness of the Latvijan people in post medieval times continues to be denied to this day. The cemetary was reconsecrated by the Lutherans and is now said to hold the bodies of those who lost their lives in World War 1. While pietist spirit posessions were ridiculed by neoChristians, those of an older (preCatholic) tradition prefered to humor such, wherefore the Lithuanian tradition portrays the Devil as a humorous figure.

No wonder that Islam has gained the uppers hand over a Christianity.misled by our so-called progressive age and a globalist Pope Francis, who continues to reword and virtualize the Scriptures from the pulpit of a popemobile. The excuse for Catholicism that existed in spite of its unwarranted presumptions to spiritualy govern humankind is that it perpetuates Jesus’s message of love and kindness, can hardly pretend to be an imitation of Christ by—one hopes—the last of popes. No doubt, the absence of charisma in contemporary Christianity is one of the reasons why Islam (an early attempt to communisticize Christianity) is now gaining an upper hand.

President Putin spoke true. However, it is doubtful that Putin understands the full extent of what his words mean. Surely, he intuits that communism is the result of a metamorphosis (getting out of hand) of Christianity among believers after it was denied by its preachers. But he does not understand that for either Christianity or Communism to function, its leaders must not lead by law alone, but foremost by personal example. Though Putin appears to be a comination of a secular and spiritual leader that Russia is in great need of, he has not preached leadership by example, but only by a failed and sentimentalized tradition. As I have argued above, such a tradition is a Catholic (aka Globalist) corruption of leadership. This form of guidance was eliminated in the West by means of a violent denial of the divine origin of its Kings*. No lesser denial of the Russian Krivs** was instituted by forcing on the Russians the Romanov series of city bred Kings.

*Krivs—according to the rules of Grimm’s Law regarding consonant shifts, this word translates into the Latvijan word ‘klibs’, which means ‘one who limps’. Thus, a kriv, which in Latvijan stands for, both, priest and Krievs (i.e. Russian), leads us back to the story of the limping King Oedipus. As my early series of blogs on Oedipus Rex (Odipus Rewritten) argue, Oedipus acquired his limp when his father Royus (Layus) tested his son’s worthiness to become King by exposing him to the elements (and gods) on Mt. Citheron. In order for the then baby King not to crawl away, he was secured to the site by having the sinews of his heels bound together by a wire of gold, wherefore he acquired a limp. In effect, the alleged play by ‘ancient’ Greek playwright Sophocles argues that the King lost his divine mission through the offices of his mother, who fails to understand the origin of kingship in harisma acquired through selfsacrifice.

**See my argument (EC643) that God is a creation of a would-be Christian community, whose people are in of consolidation.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

The Glass Ele-phant
By © Anton Vendamencsh, 2017

Chapter 3/ Putin’s Comment on Christianity 1

(Russia’s President Putin does not necessarily agree with me or I with him. Nevertheless, on the surface of it, we are in agreement that “There were those years of militant atheism when priests were eradicated, churches destroyed, but at the same time a new religion was being created. Communist ideology is very similar to Christianity....” The following explains my perspective in greater detail.)

I have argued in many a blog in the past that the notion of God arose from the necessity of a man to prove his capacity for love by self-sacrificing his life on behalf of the life of his community. Were the sacrifice not forthcoming and communicated, the community would die—sooner or later. Once the sacrifice became established, the community gave the sacrifice unreserved adulation, which is why God—by virtue of charisma—also became King. Still, the man was first God, before he became God-King.

In the course of time, the God-King became repressed due to the fact that certain men could gain greater material profit for themselves when the community was divided and its men and womn were at each other’s throats. Unfortunately, the God-King, too, became demoralized and corrupt, and, thus, despised by a large segment of the community. This is most obvious in the case of the French King Louis XVI, who was guillotined in 1793 during the French Revolution. Because no one remembered how the role of the King came about, the rule of kings became passé thereafter, and he was replaced by the most divisive form of government possible: parliamentary Democracy.

While most theologians are likely to dismiss the notion that God arose out of the need to bond humans, it is evident in the fact that the modern community has been torn apart by so-called government of parliamentary ‘democracy’. The major cause of the sundering of the community is the violence of the wealthy and those who seek to become wealthy.

The reason why there is no such thing as a modern community (unless we persist in calling a dysfunctional crowd and its fantasy borne assertion that for all evidence to the contrary it is a viable community) is that wealth—even if it does not extend past that o the middle-class—and not community is everyone’s priority. All efforts by the people to reconstitute themselves as a community born of God and Nature are repressed by various overtly and subvertly violent police actions, which are supported by so-called laws issued by the lawmakers of Parliament. One wealth making effort at the present time is that of the U.S. President Trump, who plans to make (mostly in the face of a rising China and the Clintons’s appropriation of the U.S as its private fiefdom) a failed America ”great again”. And how will that happen? By threatening war on weaker nations such as North Korea, Iran, Venezuela and keeping numerous conflicts boiling in places such as Afghanistan, Ukrain, Iraq, Syria, Lybia, and fostering new conflicts such as between India and Pakistan. The politically illiterate and fascist U.S. citizenry aplauds.

The politically illiterate Latvijans, the people with whom I share a common fate, too, have been persuaded by the American oligarchy that the disintegration of their national community is due to Russia Russia Russia, rather than communism dressed up in middle class city-zen* clothes by their fake leaders. For example, it is more important for the current Latvijan Foreign Minister that the public knows he is gay (Latvijans are expectantly waiting for their Foreign Ministry to be converted to a same-sex wedding palace), rather than take the responsibility for Latvija being occupied by the boots and propaganda of NATO forces under the command of a U.S. General.

*City-zen—a more accurate spelling of the word ‘citizen’, the dweller of a city as opposed a countryman, a dweller of wood or countryside. A city-zen is a virtual being who lives in a city, which is a virtual and human-built environment.

The current native Latvijan is a descendant from the inhabitants of former Livonia, which was occupied by the neoChristian Germans during the 10-11th centuries. As a consequence of the occupation, the native people became both nameless and historyless. While a segment of the population merged with the Lithuanians, who merged with the Poles, the larger portion remained in place and was forced to forget who they were or had been. Their self-rediscovery occured after the Great Northern War (1700-1721) between Sweden and Russia, which war was won by Russia. In that war the northern part of what is now Latvija was devastated. The people who survived, survived because they hid in the woods and swamps of which the area has plenty. In the area of Valmiera (Wolmar in German), some 50 km from the Estonian border, ”only the wolves howl”—so wrote general Sheremetyev to tsar Peter the Great.

The war devastated not only the native population, but sent the ruling German nobility (under the aegis of the Russian tsar) into a panic, because there was no one left to work for them. To save the situation, the baroness (generalin* von Hallart) of Wolmar who was a friend of the wife of German Graf Zinzendorf from Dresden, Germany, went on a visit to Dresden, to try persuade her friend to persuade her husband, who was a supporter and provider of shelter to a radical Christian offshoot of the Hussites (later known as the Moravians). The Graf was persuaded, and in 1729 a number of members of the sect arrived in Valmiera to lay out the groundwork for more arrivals in 1737. The history of Latvijans was set in motion during the Summer Festival of 1739. It was a revelatory experience. My forebears were among the Christian artisans and would be rescuers.

*The title ‘generalin’ was somtimes accorded to women of high rank by Russia. In this particular case, generalin Hallart’s husband had been a highly regarded Russian general at the Saint Petersburg court. When the general died, the Russian tsarina Catherine I let his pension remain with his widow. This enabled the generalin to support the Moravian church, from which support came both the Latvijan and Estonian nations.

What distinguishes the ‘remnant of the Hussites’, who became known as Hernhuters (Cepurnieki) in Latvija, was that they did not believe faith in God was all that was needed to be considered God’s children, but that one had to live in a manner to do God proud, and this could be achieved only by providing others with an example worth emulating. In the case of the Moravians, they persuaded the native nobodies of Livonia to leave the wood and swamp not only by bringing them the word of God, but by working shoulder to shoulder with them in the field. It was governmnt by direct example that provided the harisma necessary to move a forgotten people from violence instilled lethargy.

The Hernhuter movement was so successful that it began to worry the German barons and their Lutheran ministers. In 1743 on their behest the Russian tsarina Elizabeth issued an order (ukaz) that told the Moravian instigated movement to cease all activities. The movement had no alternative, but to go underground.

Slowly, in ways that no one quite knows how, in ways unacknowledged by historians to this day, the movement went up (by 1739 the movement among Latvijans was some 5000 strong), then down (confessions of sin became near hysterical) and revivalist, then secular [secret meetings, with watchmen/ (?armed) guarding against spies and intruders, took place in wood and granaries]. It was out of this by historians unmentioned metamorphosis into a secular movement that the Moravian Christians reemerged as latter day communists, aka Bolsheviks*.

*Unbeknownst to most westerners, the name Bolshevik derives from the name of a mushroom delicacy known as Boletus edulis or as in Latvija by the name of ‘baravike (varabeka=the Power mushroom). By means of a shift in consonant sounds (as per Grimm’s Law), the name came to be pronounced ‘Bolshevik’.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

The Glass Ele-phant
By © Anton Vendamencs, 2017

Chapter 2 / My Father’s Military Record

[The following military record of my father in English by way of my nephew Christopher Abers with the assistance of his wife who translated it from Russian. Comments within brackets [], as well as all links and asterisks are mine (AV).]

1916 August 1—I volunteered [age 24] for military service and joined the Reserves 6th Engineering Battalion and was made part of the 8th Company.

1917.February 21—I volunteered to study at the Constantine Artillery Academy in Saint Petersburg Constantine Artillery Academy in Saint Petersburg and was a 1st level volunteer.
May 23—I was promoted to assistant lieutenant at the war academy.
July 1—I was made head of my class and Sergeant Major of the Battery.
August 15—I graduated from the war academy and was made part of the army/marines, promoted to lieutenant, and was sent to the artillery brigade.
September 4—Did my best to be transferred to Riga and with that in mind accepted a post in the Reserves 1st Mortar Battery, submitting my previous post to another officer. Once my training was completed, I took a two week leave of absence and went to Riga. While there Germany unexpectedly invaded Latvia; with great difficulty, I avoided being captured and returned to Saint Petersburg. There I was sent to the Reserves 1st Mortar Battery.
September 15—In the regiment, I was registered in the 3rd Mortar Battery and was a commanding officer for new recruits of the “Martevoja Battery.” I was a student technician—an official committee member for Moscow’s Military Engineering Academy.

October—From here on out what I write will be based on my memory, for records in Rostov were destroyed.

November—Following the October Communist Revolution, due to conflicting ideology, and having received threats from military leadership, I resigned from active military service and was transferred by the Moscow Military Engineering Academy to the Ukraine, where acquaintances helped me find a job as a manager for the Nadejadinskij coalmine*. This coalmine belonged to the Defense Department; there I worked as military personnel. I began to work in the coalmines in November of 1917.

*I am unable to locate Nadejainskij on a map, though it surely must be located in the eastern part of Ukraine, where most coal mines are located. As I scanned place names on maps, one name stuck, re , as it seems a possible alternate spelling for Nadejadinskij.

1918  August—Resigned as manager [at the coal mine].
November—The Ukraine was ruled by Hetman and German occupying forces. In Kharkov, as refugees, in appalling conditions, lived the four women of my family*. To provide funds for them, I made a trip to Riga** going through occupied territory—Baranovichi and Vilnius.

*The four women could only have been my father’s three sisters (Marija, Anna, Marta) and his mother. Marija, so I was told, died of typhoid fever somewhere in Russia. The others survived and became part of my extended family.

**The funds in Riga were provided by my granfather, who with his second wife were publishers of the best known and largest Latvijan newspaper in Riga, the Latest News (Jaunākās Ziņas).

1919  January—Having received funds in Riga, I headed back with the hope of swiftly returning with my family to Latvia; for I assumed that the Hetman Government was still standing. January was spent traveling to Kharkov.
February—The Communists invaded Kiev  and I was trapped under the communist regime. To avoid being drafted by the communist army, I enrolled in the Kharkov Institute of Technology as a 5th year student and thereby was freed from draft duty.
June 3—The White Army, General Denikin, occupied Kharkov and I was mobilized.
June 6—On my request, I was sent by the White Army to work in the 2nd Railway Battalion.
September—As a junior lieutenant, I worked as a train station superintendent, performing various technical jobs related to train movement. Then I was transferred by my superiors from the 2nd Battalion to the 4th Railway Battalion. There, at Headquarters for Army Transportation, I was ordered to work as an aide-de-camp and was a lieutenant for communications.

1920  February—By order of General Denikin, was promoted to Senior Lieutenant.
April—After the fall of Rostov, as the White Army retreated [it is worth reading the last section of this link, re ”Commanded White Volunteer Army”—AV.] I was made an officer in charge of the technical military train and later an aide-de-camp for several railway defense brigades at Army Headquarters. My frequent requests to be relieved of my duties in the Denikin Army and be given permission to return to Latvija were denied; the same was happening with all military officers from Latvija; for the Denikin Army did not recognize Latvija as a sovereign nation. I also sought the help of Latvija’s representatives to the Ukraine, Jansons and Bahmanis but...

April—General Denikin ordered all Latvijan military personnel to be freed from military duty*. I then left the army and traveled from Novorossiysk through Istanbul and then to Latvija.

*after the Red Army led by Semyon Budyonny shattered the flank of the White Army at Voronezh.

May—In Warsaw, I placed myself at the disposal of Colonel Hartmanis of the Latvijan Military who then ordered me to Riga. There, I promptly submitted myself to military debriefing.

Comments: I gather from the text that my father’s loyalties were with the tsar, if only because with the capture in 1919 of Kiev by the communists, he enrolled in the Kharkov Institute of Technology to escape being drafted into their army, but with the arrival of General Denikin was ‘mobilized’ (apparently willingly) into the White army.

When in 1941 my father was being deported to Russia, his closest companion on the train and at the Astrahan prison, so called Little Kremlin, is said to have been a Latvian military officer by the name of Ozols. Apparently, he found strength in such company. He is said to have commented to his fellow deportees that he expected that his family, too, was being deported.

The dough of the doughnut in the Primal nightmare (see EC642) is sucking into itself, by means of a quantum energy jump, ever more objects. I suspect that the empty core of the doughnut is a visual representation of what the Chinese philosophers call Qi or Chi. Just because the wind is invisible does not mean that it is not there.