Monday, December 31, 2018

Year End Message 2018
By © Eso Anton Vendamenc, 2018

Year End Message 2018

Even the so-called alternate media and conspiracy theorists keep quiet about the fact that

The so-called West ends the year 2018 in a state of hysteria and collapse.

The year 2019 promises to witness nothing less than a HEIGHTENED form of hysteria and collapse.

Yet only a few seem to have the ears to hear and the eyes to see what and why this is happening.

I will set out a few of my own (here unexplained) reasons for believing these things to be fact.

1.  The Cities—the world over—are now in control over countryside and Nature.
2.  While only 55% of the world population is said to be living in cities as of yet, the control of city and urban populations over that of countryside populations and Nature can be estimated to be 99%.
3.  The disproportionate influence of the City has been achieved by the communications media. The latter began with the discovery of electricity, where after were invented the movies, telephone, radio, television, Pop music, internet, nuclear and hydrogen bombs, and stories concocted by some fake flying Virgin (in collaboration with NASA no doubt) that humankind is destined to shortly fly around and soon live on Mars.
4.  Not only is the City in control of human consciousness —such as the city generates—but it has destroyed most of the natural world by cutting down the woods, poisoning our waters, filling with garbage our seas and oceans, and killing wild-life dependent on Natural things to sustain itself.

No doubt such enumerations can go on. The alternate media is filled with an endless list of the ills of our ‘civilization’. Yet few if any mention that the collapse of ‘Western civilization’ is due to disbelief it is of the wood and the God thereof, and that when the hullaballoo is done humankind will find itself back in the wood attending with Robin Ludd (just back from the Crusades) the funeral of the Sheriff of Nottingham.

Sorry, I did not mean to leave out the governments of the U.S., EU, UK, Russia, China, Japan, and, not least, Latvia, the nation I was born in. The government of the latter (rescued by the West from the Soviets and now the ‘Russians’) has not only decimated its native language, history, and population by sacrificing it to the gods of commerce residing in Brussels, wherefrom it is ‘democratically’ seeded by shock, propaganda, and the military might of the U.S. and NATO.

In any event, my message today, the last day of 2018, is that the state of hysteria our ‘civilization’ finds itself in is due to having talked itself into believing we are not of Nature and our future lies with the political struggles of the transsexual ‘snowflakes’ in the zoos of our cities.

My New Year’s wish to all those still sane is that we avoid going to see the Fireworks, fall asleep for a hundred years, and awaken in whatever New Year under a green birch with our buckets (left there empty and waiting yesteryear) filled with birch juice pumped to the brim by no other force than that of a new spring !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, December 29, 2018

King Cain
A Short and Never Before Heard History of King and God
By © Eso Anton Vendamenc, 2019


The Christianity of our day (2019) is based on what is known as Catholic cum Globalist theology (Mathew 24:14) as expressed in a book, said to be sacred, called the Bible, of which the New Testament is, so to speak, the last chapter. Hid between the lines of the New Testament is the ideology of our times.

The Protestant Reformation (1517-1648), which coincides with the German peasant revolution, did not change Globalist (aka Catholic) theology, the malfunction of which had precipitated the reform and revolt. One of the Catholic theology’s institutionalized ills was called ‘indulgence’. The Church alleged that with an indulgence one could buy one’s way out of the half-way house of Purgatory into the Afterworld of Heaven no matter how great one’s crimes against fellow humans. The theology of Christianity, written at an unknown date, but close to our times, is the same for all Christian denominations, even that of the Russian Orthodox Church. Unfortunately, the Luther’s Reform did not reform.

The hutzpah that allowed the Catholic Church to propose that an ‘indulgence’ was believable and real, attests to the kind of disinformation practiced at the time. Its present equivalent—an artifact through and through—can be found in the notions of ‘democracy’ and ‘globalism’. Both notions aim to repress civil communities in order to control same by secular governments and educational institutions under government control.

Today the tenets of Globalist Theology remain as they were since the foundation of the Globalist Church, and may be summarized, re: the traditional community is to be replaced by that of a universal government, which is to be known as The Roman Church with its headquarters to be moved—in due course—from Rome to Jerusalem (relocated to Israel). The orientation was confirmed, when Pope Francis recently expressed ‘concern’ rather than ‘opposition’ to the moving of the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Nouveau Jerusalem. The Western Pope is not against either changing the facts of history or the war that this move by the ‘democratic’ U.S. government brings the world closer to.

While the narrative about Jesus Christ resembles that of a fairytale in the post-printing press age, its purpose is to persuade people uneducated in the specialized language of theology about what the theology deems its sacred premise—the ideology of centralized rule for one and all of humankind. The difference between religion and secularism is blurred by perverting language into what has to become known as Newspeak (the term first appeared in 1949 in “1984”, a novel by George Orwell). Newspeak is a term for a phenomenon that perverted  what people believed to be religion into secularism centuries ago.

Though in its early days the ideated universal Church was not a United Nations, universalization was its most important doctrine. It began with the attempt to Romanize Christianity and remove it from its roots, which were imbedded in Eastern orthodox auto cephalic churches. While the attempt was not entirely successful, it did succeed to the extent that no sooner had the world discovered ‘Newspeak’, it was eliminated in favor of ‘Fuckspeak’ common among the rudes* of our day.

*rudes—a word derived from ‘ludes’, a word that stands for ‘people’, once known as ‘ludds’ or ‘luddies’ in England, ‘Leute’ in German to this day.

The reason for choosing Rome (1377) over Constantinople as the ideological headquarters for a universal government is due to the insecurity of Constantinople, which after the Roman instigated Great Schism of 1054 continued to be the headquarters of the Eastern half of the Christian faith. In spite of the plunder and weakening of Constantinople by Western crusaders in 1204, the Holy City (aka Jerusalem) remained holy to the Christians of Eastern Europe and Asia Minor. Because Eastern Christians were of an indigenous people, they thought of themselves as separate from their pseudo Western cousins, brought into existence by warlords. The warlords were not indigenous to the lands on which they built their nations, but were princes and kings by the fiat of killing off indigenous people.

An earlier Great Schism may have occurred in 330 CE, when a fictitious emperor of Rome, Constantine, is said to have conquered the Holy City of Byzantium*, and renamed it Constantinople. Constantine himself was not from Rome, but is likely to have been a native quisling. Be that as it may, 1204 CE is something of a repetition of the 330 CE event, which suggests that 2019 may see its third and like manifestation.

*Byzantium is derived from a word meaning Basilicum, re: a meeting and gathering place.

Just what precipitated the 330 CE events remains a mystery, the causes of which we are forced to guess. Still, it is likely it has to do with a natural catastrophe several thousand years earlier*. The catastrophe may have forced the Vikings, aka the Wandering herders, to flee from the North and seek shelter in the South, where they had originally come from.  This movement turned the shores of the great rivers (the Danube, Dnieper, Don, Volga, etc.), which were dotted by fishing settlements or villages, into Killing Fields that link the times to our own.

*The catastrophe (one or more) was remembered for many millennia afterward, though the time of the event(s) has no chronological date(s), because a starting point or age has not been discovered yet. This is why uncertainty, guess work, and switching time forward and backward was a phenomenon the people were used to, gave little attention to, and was later taken advantage of by unscrupulous forces. Incidentally, the Viking boats or battleships may have had their origin as cattle transports, which are remembered in the story of Noah’s Ark.

It is likely that Constantine (whoever he was**) was expelled from Constantinople as soon as the people of the Black Sea region recovered from the unexpected invasion(s). The Vikings were driven back whence they had come—by then the lost grazing lands of Doggerland. Though Doggerland was under the sea, many communities in the northwest of Europe and its lowlands survived the great floods intact.

**Constantine—the key word here is ‘Con’, which (by the grace of Grimm’s Law of grammar) translates as ‘Chon’ or John or King, also as Constantinople, re: Chon + stand + ofal/offal –The King’s Home or the place where the king spills his guts or shits. The latter fact is remembered by the English speaking people in the colloquial word for an outhouse, re: John. In Russia this is remembered in the so-called Pushkin jokes. When Pushkin makes his visits, the host inevitably exclaims: Pushkin, I know that you have made a shit, but where? After the host looks all over the place and finds nothing, he—at last—lifts the plant on the window sill out of its pot. And there, indeed, is where Pushkin has made himself at home.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

LIECINIEKS (citas vēstures stāstam)
Autora tulkojums no angļu
”THE WITNESS—The Life Review of Robin Ludd”
By © Eso Antons Vendamenc, 2018

My blogs have come to an end. I have deliberately skipped a few entries in order to leave this last of the series as if unfinished. It has never been my philosophy that 2 and 3 necessarily follows 1. So it is with some amazement that I note blog number 683. Perhaps it is no accident that 6+8+3=17 = hexagram 17 , which is called “Following SUI”. I especially like Richard Wilhems interpretation: “An older man defers to a young girl and shows her consideration. By this he moves her to follow him.” This would be a very generous gift from the Great All for sure.

In any case, I am making a belated side step to give what is left of time to painting. A long time ago (60 years) the poet Robert Lowell called me a surrealist. I have come to interpret that word as meaning ‘pareidolist’, as I tend to think not in a linear 1 2 3 fashion, but make side-steps to get out of the way of the onrushing future. The IChing, also known as the Book of Changes, is a master of this art. It may at times have confused those who have read my blogs. At the same time, it has helped me to avoid becoming immobile, even though there are some compulsive characteritics of behavior about me. One of these has been a pronounced animus against secular governments, which I believe to be nothing other than war parties of one kind or another.

This last blog, I present in its ‘raw’ and unfinished form. Which is to say, I may at some point return to it,and replace it with a more finished (whatever that is) text.

13 Dieva un Kazāra Derības

Kad Dievs
Saderēja ar Velnu
(Savu konkurentu,
Kurš vienmēr zināja
Par Dievu labāk)
Un abi
Piedalījās lugā
Kurā tika izsmiets
Dieva mazdēls
Mazais Džovs

Dievs deva Velnam
Un pilsētniekiem
(Dievs atbalstīja
Cilts saites)
No Džova atņemt
Ne tikai viņa
Koka zirdziņu
Bet māju
Un ģimeni.

Ierastai pasaciņai
Vēl nebija
Vai cik
Bet tikai
Astoņi gadi.

Velna palaistā
Izlaida faktu
Ka Džova tēvs
Jobs tika
Nosūtīts uz Astrahanu
Kur pārmācības
Mēģināja vairākkārt
Viņu pierunāt
Bet kad tas neizdevās
Pielika Jobu pie sienas
Un turpat

Līdzīgi notika
Ar Džova mammu
Kāda krievu kņaza
Piespieda Džovu
Būt lieciniekam
Kā mammai
Nācās mācīties
Džova tante Žeņa
Mācoties izprast
Globalisma kaprīzes
Attīrīja zivis
No zvīņām
Jenisejas upes deltā
Lai 5000 globalistiem
Būtu ko ēst.
Džova vecmāte
Palika dzīva
Tikai tāpēc
Ka tante Žeņa
To pagrāba aiz jostas
Un aiz sevis
Pa laipu
Uz kuģa klaja.
Kuģis bija
Tā gada rudens
Uz Krasnojarsku
Kur tomēr siltāk
Ka virs
Arktikas joslas.

Un tā tālāk
Un tā tālāk....

Līdz pilsētnieki
Izcirta mežus
Un tā
Nocirta meža ļaudīm
Un tiem pie pleciem
Piesēja pilsētnieku
Papes ideoloģiju.

Auroja Krievijas
Un visas pasaules
Desmitiem tukštoši
līķi krita
dziļās gravās.

Pēc kam
Amerikāņi ar
Humanitārām pretenzijām
Nāca glābt Džovu
Un globalizēja viņu
Uz Amēriku.

Velns palecās
No priekiem
Un iesaucās:
Tagad Džovs
Labi mīkstināts
Zaudēs ne tikai
Dabas Paradīzi
Bet arī prātu.

Dievs atbildēja:
Velns, tu
Tik un tā

Nav nekur
Citur kur iet
Bet nākt
Pie manis
Atpakaļ uz mežu.

Vai neesi dzirdējis
Ka mežs
Ir vieta
Kur piedzimu
Es, Dievs?

Mani piesauca
Dzīti vārdi.

Mana saime
Mani sauca
Glābt viņu
No cilvēkiem.

Tā tas
Arī notika
ar Dieva mazdēlu.

Mazais Džovs
Un globalistu
Haosā ierauts
Prasijās un kauca
Pēc Dieva.

Kā par brīnumu
Džova dabā.

Ha, ha
Velns smējās
Kā mazs bērns.
Tas viss
Par velti.

Stāsti ko gribi
Džovs zinās labāk
Kā tev ticēt
Kad uzzinās
Tu viņu māni
Ar gaisīgiem

Toties sociālisms
Dod visu
Ko vien
Tie vēlās.

Velnu loterija
Džovam patiks
Kā muškāres
Tava meža dārzā.

Es Džovam došu
Atom bumbas
Ar ko spēlēties.
Viņš arī
Iesauks sevi
Par Bolševiku
Neies Džovs
Vairs ogot vai sēņot
Nezinās viņš vairs
Kā dēstīt
Ceļos viņš
Uz Venēru un Marsu
Kur atgūs visu
Ko zaudēja
Kad Kains
Izcirta Paradīzi.

Re: desmit Ievas
Nāk viņu pist.
Loteriju viņš
Katru piektdienu
Un katru piektdienu
Džovs sapņos
Ka ir dzimis

Pie manis
Kā kunkst
Tavu jēru
Gana ķermenis
Iebāzts maisā

Palika skumji.
Viņš saņēmās
Un atbildēja:

Tev taisnība.
Cik bija jauki
Kad desmit
Saules meitas
Centās mani atrunāt
No sevis
Izčakarēt Dievu.

Mēs iedzērām
Sarkanvīnu un
Pornogrāfiskās gaidās
Ar lielu prieku
Cēlām ugunskuru
Kam lēcām pāri
Kā kūsa
Vien svīla.

Ar to
Tomēr nepietika
Cilvēciskās tieksmes

Pirms Dieva radībām
Arī sociālisti
Sāka viens otru
Bija tik daudz
Ka nezināja
Kur tos likt.

Amerikāņi atzina
Ir attaisnojams

Man žēl
Ka neesi
Pēc Dieva tiecies.

Dievam ir jābūt.
Man Dievs ir.
Dievs kļuva
Man sevi atdodot
Kā kaķis
Sava Dieva
Nieka glāstam.

Saules meitu
kura nāca
Mani augšāmcelt
Un pār manu līķi
Sāka plivināt
Savus ceļgalus.

Vai tu, Velns
Kad Džovu
Par bolševiku kristi
Vien savai pipelei
Ādu nenodrāz?

Vai tomēr
(Lai tie—
Vai kapitālisti)
Un tevi, Velns
Sev paņem līdz
Lai no bērzu sēklām
Jūs audzētu
Bērzu birzis
Kur tagad
Ņujorka, Maskava
Un Beidžinga

Velns atbildēja:
Ko teiks Džovs.

* * *

Es, Džovs
Kazāru slavēju.
Es vēlējos
Būt miljonārs
Man vienalga
Vai es
pie miljona tieku
kā zaglis
Loteriju biļešu
Vai kapracis.

Konkurence man
Bija liela:

Velna pēcnācēji
Tika uzpisti
Visās malās
(Pat 30 miljoni
Vienā pilsētā)
Un ķīnieši
Solījās pist
Vēl lielākas

Lai vien kur
Prasijās pisties.
Visi vēlējās
Kļūt par miljonāriem
Par brīvu
Pasaule bija’
Pilna ar zagļiem

Tikai Dievs
No neviena
Un zināja mīlēt
Ar glāstu vien.

Dievs īpaši
Mīlēja kaķus.

Dievu neiedvesmoja
Betona meži
Kaut betona alejas
Bija pilnas
Ar vīriem
Kuri lūdza Ievas
Atver pežu
Lai dotu viņiem

Atradās uz
Katras Rīgas ielas.

Tracis bija liels.

Vainu gāza
Uz Vahhābu Mohamedu
(Tu, Velns, grauji
Tu kastrē serbus
Tu izcērti mežus
Tu iznīcini
Visu ko vēlies

Bet ne Velns
Ne Pops
Ne Princis Mohameds
Ben Salmane
Ne demokrātija*
Tāpēc labojās.

Gan kastrē
Tikai 49 procentus
No vaļiniekiem
Bet 51%
Tiek atstāti
Kur izmisums
Kā zārks
Tukšs un
Bailēm pildīts
Bez Dieva
Tiek piedzīvots
Kā pēdējais
Dzīves notikums.