Saturday, June 24, 2017

The Great Grandson of God and City Monsterzs
By © E. Antons Benjamiņš, 2017

It has  come to be that the atheist-controlled community of government has become the fake Godhead over the community of Nature. Likewise, government has made itself to become the People.

America The Hysterical

Sometimes for seemingy inexplicable reason children in some schools experience spells of hysteria: suddenly all or most students start laughing, screaming, or having fainting spells. Often this is explained as a result of some satanic force, and exorcists or parapsychlogists are called to expel the evil spirits. In fact, the cause of such hysterical occasions may be the result of hidden stress experienced by children rebelling against school discipline or hidden violence in the community.

Such hysteria has seized the Democratic Party in the United States and is making its way through the arteries of all segments of American society. It is making its way to the lost heart of America (wherever it may be hiding). The immediate cause of the hysteria is over the loss of a presumed presidential victory by Hillary Clinton to the Republican candidate Donald Trump.

America’s hysteria expresses itself in many ways. The most frequent cause given is “the Russians”, with who Donald Trump, the Republican victor and now U.S. president, is said to have collaborated “against America”. There is no evidence of such a collaboration, and much of the American public has a laugh at the expense of the Democratic Party. Nevertheless, President Trumps victory was so unexpected by the establishment that much of the American main stream media is playing along and is passing the hysteria along to as many sectors of American society as it can. Most of the hysteria is picked up by left leaning students and politicians.

The developing hysteria is impressive in its scope, and the following is my take on it.

First, one should note, that the Democratic Party in the United States has long ago morphed into a ‘leftist’ or socialist party. Alas, there is no Joe McCarthy around to frighten the party with accusations of collaborationism with the Communists. The morphing of the Democratic Party into a Socialist Party is attributable to the Frankfurt School, the teaching of which is generally referred to as Cultural Marxism. Instead of Communism per se, cultural Marxism is communism gone over—thanks to its predominance in city environments—to an urbanist environment where it has become Virtual Reality.

The cross-over from Reality to Virtual Reality is, indeed, a drama that leads to the denaument of three hundred years or so of the Industrial Era. Virtual Reality arrived almost unnoticed, at least not noticed to the degree as to raise alarm among the majority of cityzens. No doubt, the story of the Ludites is another story (see ‘ludies’ and ‘Ludites’, EC 594), but the Ludies were of the minority left behind by those in government hypnotized by the fool’s gold of wealth promised to all by the English media. Even today the alarm comes not direct, but through the phenomenon of hysteria.

An analysis of the repression of Reality and its reconstitution into Virtual Reality will, no doubt, take many books and many centuries digesting. All this author can do is to note the most obvious direct expressions that accompanies America’s collapse: students screaming, the politicians and press acting as up tight clowns, and listing some of the facts behind America’s (and the World’s) economic collapse.

As pointed out in the Foreword to “The Grandather of God”, the play “Oedipus Rex”, allegedly written by a Greek named Sophocles more than two millenia ago, takes for its theme the turning of sacred cities of the people of Nature into secular cities. A similar theme is repeated in the biblical story of “Sodom and Gomorrah” (Book of Genesis). While the story of the latter dwells on the subjects of vice and homosexuality, the theme of the former was incest. In short, there was an early perception that cities that have another than sacred function are sources of perversion.

Needless to say, most academic scholars, while acknowledging the perception of cities as nests of corruption, claim not to understand why this should have been so in the distant past. Some simply put the blame on another word  (inhospitability) or risk scholarship become simplistic and blame it on sewers.

It is likelythat scholars know well enough that simplistic explanations will not stand, and, therefore, try to excuse Virtual Reality centres (cities) by diverting the public’s attention by engaging in labyrinthine explanations that escape direct explanations. Those who are curious will find complex verbal maneuvres,such as “[this book] is a [study of] hermeneutic phenomenology of transgenderism”. True, hermeneutics may be the appropriate word. Nevertheless, the question remains: is it ‘hermeneutics’ according to people living close to nature or according to people of the city who leave us plastic filled oceans? The following interview illustrates a typical new world order absurdity for anyone who has inherited and speaks a language not yet despoiled by Catholics, globalists, elitists, or transgenderist pseudo intelectuals.*

*it is worth noting that the willfully imposed (church) Latin language (no, Greek did not fall into ‘disuse’, but was deliberately discarded), was not of Ancient Christianity. Catholic Christianity, originating from a subculture of lords and ladies, did all it could to eliminate the former by violent denial (burning of old records) and overwriting.

One may presume that a male or female who has no problems identifying with his or her gender and comes from a country that speaks a heterogenderist language, will not enter into an argument with a person of transgenderist ideology, but ask: Why should a person living in a Virtual (city) Reality destined to collapse sooner than later have the right to destroy the cultural heritage of a person who lives in a society that continues to identify with Reality that comes of Nature? Surely, the Reality of Nature is not as vulnerable as presumptuous (?) Virtual Reality worshipers insists it is.

The seeming superiority of our violent Technological Age fails to be persuasive. It is, therefore, not surprising that our governments try to maintain themselves by military means. Yet military ‘solutions’ come with great risk and are hugely destructive. This is why at this time North Korea is proving the U.S. to be a bombastic power that ultimately proves itself to be unsurse of itself, and why it may be moving the nations of our planet toward a Civil War rather than WW3.

This is where the author returns to the subject of hysteria as not only a sign of an inner and hidden social disturbance, but the initiator of socital civil war that at this very time is degenerating into a military war. In effect, it is worth remembering that socital war first emerged as a human rights movement, one that has degenerated into a movement of -isms, re: women’s rights = feminism; black rights = reverse racism; religious rights = predominance of secularism; freedom of speech = hermeneutics or the right of virtual reality to appropriate and attempt to destroy natural reality and turn federalism and political correctness into not only geographical, but verbal imperialism.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

The Great Grandson of God and City Monsterzs
By © E. Antons Benjamiņš, 2017

It has  come to be that the atheist-controlled community of government has become the fake Godhead over the community of Nature. Likewise, government has made itself to become the People.

The Great Grandson of God (a play)
(A retelling of the story of King Oedipus)


(The following text, an Addendum to the play, to be distributed by means of a leaflet.)

The retelling of the story of Oedipus (actually the rewriting of the play “King Oedipus”) brings to light themes or revelations that analysts have heretofore ignored:

The first revelation asserts that God is not incarnate (as the Bible would have it) in the Word, but in the self-sacrificial deed of a human being out of the need to create a community. This assertion* had God replace the ‘spirits’ that up to the time dwelt in trees, streams, and rocks.

*Such a ‘God’ must believe in Himself to be convincing. As Robespierre said about Marat: “The man is dangerous: he believes in what he says”. Not surprisingly, such men were not allowed to rise to power in an age when thieves disguised as merchants had the upper hand and had (and have) replaced the reality of Nature with a virtual reality of their own. Both Robespierre and Marat were executed before either had a chance to engage themselves in the life of the society that was to follow their ‘resolution’ to execute King Louis XVI and unleash Revolutionary Terror on behalf of ‘public safety’. (More on what is meant by ‘public safety’ in the next blog).

King Oedipus is a would be God who for a number of reasons fails the community he was born to serve. The remnant of this God was castrated by America after World War 2. The castrati continues to live in Japan to this day. Alas, the Japanese emperor is worse a symbol of God (the Japanese writer Yukio Mishima tried to save His honor) than our consumerist society’s ‘Her Majesty’ of England.

By the time of the appearance of the Monotheist doctrine, the sacrificial King as God is a figure that has already been bastardized. Putting two and two together suggests that the monotheist God, a derivative of consciousness sans subjective sensibility (law vs philotimo), is a God Who sooner sacrifices other beings rather than Himself. The phenomenon of mass murder as holy sacrifice (beginning with Mord by governments of soldiers, and ending with the ‘collateral murder of children and rape of women) is off and running and all of humankind is caught up in it.

The second revelation or theme, deliberately stated in Sophocles’s play, but rejected by our times for that very reason, dismisses the idea that turning sacred cities into secular city-states is desirable*. Experience shows that the joining of communal entities (federalization—such as the joining of southern states to the northern states in the American Civil War or the unification of the German states by the descendants of the Teutonic Order, as a result of the lessons learned while repressing the Old Prussians) results in the destruction of social order based on philotimo (see link above), depersonalization of communities until they turn into cities, which then dominate the interpretation of reality. Our current civilization is in the grip of such a federalization process (the attempt to federalize Europe into a European Union in order to Anschluss the Eurasian subcontinent and more to the U.S.).

*A deliberate denial (a denial denied that it it being denied) of the status of a sacred city was the destruction of the capital city of the Kingdom of Jersika in 1209 by Bishop Albert of Riga, who waged an extension of the Albigensian Crusade in Livonia. Latvijan anthropologists and historians, inhibited by Jesuit dogma even in the 21st century, have refused to explore the notion that ‘Jersika’ is a colloquial word that stands for ‘Jerusalem’. The rejection is on the basis that it is ‘far fetched’, and that there is no overt evidence (so far) that the Cathars had extended their influence to the European northeast. Instead, the word ‘kheceri’, which most likely stands for ‘Cathars’ is believed to stand for Haloween pranksters. The ancient tradition of singing ‘sutartines ’ and dancing ‘sudmalinyas’—most likely ritualistic holdovers from ancient Christian traditions--while still remembered by the Lithuanians is denied by the Latvijans. The latter have instead invented a neopagan fantasy tradition (Dievturi as of the 1920s).

Of course, the globalist federalization project moves forward in great secrecy, and its facilitators [the Vatican, the U.S., and Polish governments, the latter in the guise of Polish president of the European Council Donald Tusk, and the late Polish born U.S. National Security advisor (1977-1981) Zbigniew Brzezinski]*. The Prime Mover of the depersonalization process is exceptionalist America’s much wonted unacknowledged ‘fake’ Democracy.

*The American-Polish connection goes back to the American Revolutionary War of 1812. Much overlooked and kept mum about, Polish nationals continue to play a significant role as Vatican-American agents in facilitating the spread of the ideology of globalization. Globalization is, of course, but another word for Catholization.

The third theme is that reality at the present has been put in a state of rigor mortis, aka status quo. This is partly due to the self-abasement of academic historians to political expediency. Not surprisingly, academic history results not in an understanding of reality or real events, but in a virtual history in which reality plays little or no role. The interpretation of the ‘ancient Greek play’ “King Oedipus” by Sophocles, the interpretation of which today is limited to a story of incest is an example of what happens when historians and literati memorize a story created and cast by an Intelligence agency (the Inquisition?) of globalizers. Thereafter the story is not rethought by society for a long time—even if its life depends on it.

“Oedipus Rex” is not limited to the above revelations. One may venture that a fourth theme is that the story is connected to the notion of The End of Times or Apocalypse. This connection is best known through the New Testament’s Book of Revelation. As readers may know, Revelation deals with the consummation of time, and ends with a revelation of what this consummation (cum rape) consists of. One may argue that consummation is the coming of time full circle, which in the case of King Oedipus means a return of God into the bodies of the Kings of the Wood in the post-WW3 age that’s just ahead. Besides King Jesus (a carpenter of palm wood), we also have Robin Hood, a descendant of the Sacred King reduced to a playmate of children, and many others.

Yet another revelation is that the relationship between of King Oedipus and The End of Times exposes our incoherent historical continuum as a continuum the incoherence of which is denied by the city controlled media. Like the lie that proclaims Catholic Christianity to have preceded or to be synonymous with Christianity itself, the United States has donned the Catholic cloak and continues its bloody and presumptuous Crusades to liberate a Jerusalem that never was where fake scholars claim it is.

Not least is the fact that life is of a moment. It is not the event a story teller may spin of it. Sophocles had his version of the King’s story, Sigmund Freud had his, and this author has scripted it his way. Once a moment passes into memory, comes another moment, and spins the moment into memories ad infinitum again. In effect, the moment and its memory are the object and wave of what scientists call quantum mechanics.

Could it be that consciousness is ever the memory of a heroic (alas! painful) deed? Could it be that when lacking heroic deeds life is ever a morass, a plague, and dead end?