Tuesday, March 8, 2016

EC 524
Upon Whom the Ends

of the Ages Have Come…

A fantasy for an Apocalypse
© Ludis Cuckold (2015)
33 Addendum 5

Disengaging from Consciousness

The Eschaton is not an event, but a process. The process is like a shallow sea. One may walk out onto the strand, dabble one’s feet in tepid water, and then walk for a hundred yards or more into the sea and be no deeper in water than one’s waist. Who knows when the drop into the deep occurs? One may even doubt that there is such a thing as the Deep, which is to say: “The shallows you see is all there is!”

In a world run by governments, there is neither God nor Devil. What you get instead is a water logged faggot drifting across the surface of the waters. The thing has two eyes. Unbeknownst to us, it is a living terror. If you approach it closely, you will discover it is a crocodile.

Of course, I am not talking of a shallow sea, but trying to create an allegory for history within the absence of meaningful time, a dubious ‘yes’ within a not so dubious ‘no’. Given the circumstances of our time, the absence of history like the absence of the deep may hide terrors, too. If the terror of our shallows is not a crocodile, it is a drone come to ream our bodies of our souls.

History as well as the absence of history is a man-made cultural environment. When human beings lived in the wood and off the land (off the gifts of nature), life went unchanged from generation to generation. Life adapted itself to the limits imposed on it by the physical world and discovered that the physical world had room for consciousness, and consciousness was not fearful to make a place for death. This is to say, life solicited the aid of consciousness, which it called, at first, the Great Spirit and, later, God. Not surprisingly, consciousness demanded of itself considerate behavior, which behavior it called moral law, and which law imposed on human beings self-discipline.

After thousands of years of life in isolation in temperate climates, consciousness and isolation evolved their own forms of culture. This was done by means of languages, which thrived. As long as there were trees to climb and hide among, languages and consciousness thrived. Unfortunately, there was to come a time came when life and consciousness were surprised by bad news.

A sudden change in temperature, from temperate to deadly cold, exposed the multiplying tribes to a sudden die off. The moral code of consciousness was overturned by those who put their individual lives above the consciousness of the collective. The malfunctioning of consciousness put into effect a life-style known as the “survival of the fittest”. It challenged the nature of human beings before their creation had fully evolved, and overthrew—at least for a time—the evolutionary Reason that had been Nature’s own.

That the mechanism of natural selection should favor a consciousness rising to ever greater violence, and favor only those who own up to ever greater cruelty, is a tragedy for God and Goddess and their Creation alike.

This is the time when there begins a braiding of consciousness, history of the fittest, and Christianity into a common strand. Christianity proposes to challenge those who put life before consciousness; the violent ones propose a return to the order of feudalism; while consciousness must learn to trust itself and not fear death. One leading challenger was John Basil of the Wood (who was later to be compromised by Jesus Christ of Catholic creation). John proposed that his life of self-sacrifice serve as an example for those who came after him.

However, because the ‘fittest’ had survived the freezing cold by institutionalizing killing (some call it war) as a social norm, in order to better combat the Christians, who continued to think of themselves as creations of the Mind of Evolution—which they equated with God—the ‘fittest’ created the 11th Commandment “Thou shalt pay taxes and establish government”. It was to be the role of government to regulate competition and, if need be, augment it with killing.
Ever since the fall of consciousness, which had God, the logic of Nature, and evolution on its side, the remains of fragmented consciousness has had to question its sanity. On the one hand it has had to question the moral premise of consciousness, on the other, it has done all it can to create a history that contradicts the Christian (not Catholic) sense of reality: that human beings are born to live to govern themselves; which form of governance they enforce by the example of self-sacrifice in a time that has no need of history.

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