EC 419 / God’s War
© Eso A.B.
IT Absents Itself from ITS War
© Eso A.B.
IT Absents Itself from ITS War
As the following clip
proves, the archbishop of Canterbury
has doubts about the existence of God and speaks about it from the pulpit
. While such doubts are not a disaster for God, it appears that it should be a
disaster for my theory that the undeclared war currently being fought in Ukraine is
“God’s War”.
Justin Welby decided to
become a priest, which is to say, he decided to interject himself between you
and me and God after the death of his daughter in a car accident. I can
appreciate the trauma which the man experienced at the time, yet over a time,
it appears that the trauma has lost its sting and Welby’s daughter has lost her
bodily form.
Yet for those of us who are
not iconoclasts and who do not leave their loved ones to evaporate into the
thinnest of mists, but hold on to their reality even when they are no longer
present, the icon
remains a reality of ‘It’. As I wrote in blog 417, Leo of Chalcedon, too,
failed in his defense of the icon and left the iconoclasts claim victory,
because he failed to claim for himself “…such bodily form as Grecian goldsmiths
make of hammered gold and gold enameling ” (W.B. Yeats). In effect, he failed in
nerve it takes to become an “…artifice of eternity” and sing from a golden
bough “…to lords and ladies of Byzantium
of what is past, or passing, or to come.” Archbishop Welby is but the latest
incarnation of such a failure, even though being of a Catholic form of
Christianity such self-iconoclasm comes naturally of the doctrine he subscribes
The paradox of self-denial
is that it leaves reality to assert itself through the ‘insubstantiality’ of
the word. Archbishop Welby’s word—in spite of the assertion of John 1:1 that ‘In the beginning was the
Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God….’, the assertion does not assert that God IS
Word. Welby ducks the waters of the IS of baptism like a duck that shakes its
tail after a swim. He does such ducking on the authority of the priests who
have gone before him, and who, when all is said and done, genuflect before the
priesthood of secular authority which subscribes to taxation and vests eternity
in finite life that impresses itself by being able to build rockets to the
moon. A nice sandbox we have!
Thus, while the war in Ukraine
at this time signals the opening shot of God’s War, it is at the same time a
wholly human war. What drives it is the unholy history of longue durée that has taken a seat not in the mind of
God, but in the mind of a Catholic government owned by a collective of
oligarchs, formerly known as lords, princes, or boyars, wealthy enough to have
themselves daily deodorized by an incense burning chalice.
By labyrinthine paths and a
socialist hiatus two hundred years long, the latter meant to support life among
cities built of concrete, the Holy City of Byzantium lies sunk to the bottom of
the sea. There are at this time few such that would come and raise the Holy City .
The call to doubt God by
the Archbishop of Canterbury is a call to further the doubt among those of us
who have been mesmerized by the teaching of the floating empty Word, the fish
turned into a beautiful girl “Who called me by my name and ran and faded through the brightening air....
(W.B. Yeats).
Though the war is bloody
and kills more innocents than men at arms, I declare it with sentiments no less
traumatized than those of the poet, when he wrote that he as much as I
…will find out where she
has gone, / And kiss her lips and take her hands; / And walk among long dappled
grass, / And pluck till time and times are done, / The silver apples of the
moon, / The golden apples of the sun.
Not least: I doubt that
either Mr. Welby, or Pope Francis, or the Patriarch of Moscow Kirill will ever
be among those who will march with anyone of us to stop the war their words bring.
For a related perspective
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