I have a new BLOGSPOT. See: http://mywealthvirus.blogspot.com/
This blog is briefly in quiescence.
Thank you.
The painting to the right is a bad photo of a numinous painting by artist Agnese Sietinsone. Title: "Symmetry 6". Ms Sietinsone was born in Latvia, the Valmiera region, and is currently residing, working, and attending school in Norwich, England.
This blog is briefly in quiescence.
The following blogspots center on a variety of subjects, which I have initiated. You are invited to look and respond.
Not-Violence main subject
http://the4thawakening.blogspot.com/ Sacrificial crisis in Latvia (active!)
http://oedipusrexrewritten.blogspot.com/ Oedipus Rex RewrittenThank you.
The painting to the right is a bad photo of a numinous painting by artist Agnese Sietinsone. Title: "Symmetry 6". Ms Sietinsone was born in Latvia, the Valmiera region, and is currently residing, working, and attending school in Norwich, England.