Saturday, April 30, 2016

EC 533

Beginning a new series of blogs:
The Happenstance Witness and The Holy Ghost:
Neither a novel or documentary, but a story that
for the patient reader may, in retrospect, make sense.

By © Ludis Cuckold

A Mind—less Time (1)

But for the lying record of time there would be no history other than our memory.

St. Stalin was one of the most notable victims of this our history, as it were, of lies. Not surprisingly, the saint is the one who began the Great Civil War of our times, the Eschaton of Eschatons, which is a continuation of the Great Schism initiated by Pope Innocent III. Needless to say, the Pope lost all records of his evil deed, and the names were changed on such records as remained.

History books record the date of the beginning of the war as 1054, but given that the Western Pope wished to aggrandize himself, and demanded that the Orthodox convert to Catholicism, which honor the Eastern Patriarch, John Basil, refused, the date might be put off until 1118, when the same John Basil, with his name changed to John the Baptist in today’s history books, was hung on a cross.

Even the hanging on the cross, though real, is a lie in how crucifixion was executed.

The shape of the cross was changed to what is now known as the ‘Christian Cross’.

We may note that the Raphael’s painting shown in the link shows Jesus’s head in the crotch of his arms, which form a V, yet the nail through both of his feet holds them in an unnaturally vertical position, while only his knees are bent (forward), whereas the knees ought be bent and spread apart, or his feet ought be twisted sideways with heels downward as indicated by the position of his arms.

Why are the legs and feet of Jesus positioned incorrectly and do not oblige logic?

The answer can be found by analyzing the reason why the Orthodox Cross is depicted differently. In the above link the image of the orthodox cross is placed to stand over a foundation that has the moon. The moon, needless to say, is a symbol for waxing or waning life, and here stands for both.

The ways of crucifixion are many—as many as any imagination can devise. As if to dispute the image of the moon at our feet, the link above, has the crucified man hang below the crescent of the moon.

For all that, the orthodox cross tells that

  1. The original cross was not of a rectangular beam (these came only with the invention of the saw*), but of natural or round beams or pieces of logs. *The story of the invention of the saw is—unless you like to saw a log with a saw the size of a comb—a great lie. The circular saw was in fact only invented in 1810 by an American Shaker woman. The invention of steel, too, is largely of the imagination: while archeologists find many swords, the far more useful saw is almost never found.
  2. The top or shorter horizontal beam of the Orthodox cross (replaced by the INRI* sign in the Catholic cross) was once, either the moon, or a short bar and a noose/garrote. *Latin: Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum.
  3. The longer beam for the arms used to be shaped like the V of a Y, and held the victim to the cross not by nails, but by rope that was wound around the beam that formed the funnel. The V beams were greased with boar fat, and the rope was (likely) kept from sliding down the greased beam by a shallow notch.  The victim—initially likely tied to the cross by a belt or sash—grasped the ropes and, thus, pulling himself upward, held himself to the cross in an erect position.
  4. The short beam at the bottom of the cross is the foot bar, which is nailed to the cross with one nail. The victim’s feet rest on this bar, one foot resting on the bar on either side of the nail. The feet were not harmed by nails, but—after the belt holding the body to the cross was untied—must keep the bar from pivoting too far to either side lest the victim be surrendered to the forces of gravity and hang.
  5. There were two ways of killing or sacrificing the victim or ‘chosen one’.
a)   By strangulation or garroting, then raising the cross and letting the body rot and disintegrate in sight of the public;
b)  By raising the cross with the victim alive and grasping the ropes tied around the upper ends of the V shaped bars. At the same time, a nose—secured to the top bar—is around the victim’s neck.
  1. When the victim tires of holding himself upright, he has to raise himself on tiptoe so his hands can move the rope over the groove in the wood. That done (either by the victim himself or some helpmates), he would lose balance and the support would pivot. Thus, the victim hung himself. Indeed, the orthodox cross is but an ‘Odin’s horse or norse Yggdrasill tree’: where “I know that I hung on a windy tree/ nine long nights,….[7]
  2. It was left, as it were, to the artist to finish off the crucifixion by drawing the Y as a T.
  3. Of course, the sacrifice could chose to become a victim by simply releasing his hold of the sustaining loops of the rope. In that case, the nose would do its work, but the man’s hands would then hang helplessly and abjectly by his side and he would ejaculate, and out of the ejaculate would grow a mandrake plant, the juice of which is the fluid that sustains our modern and post-modern times.