EC 521
Upon Whom the Ends
of the Ages Have Come…
A fantasy for an
© Ludis Cuckold (2015)
30 Addendum 2
Law Out On a Limb
A secularist culture dismisses
the Ten Commandments with sniggering comments. The secularists titter “Though
shalt not…” and laugh, because the commandments command in no uncertain terms. For
example, one of the commandments teaches not to kill. That also means not
killing animals. However, for
secularists “though shalt not kill” is applicable only to themselves or those
in government offices. It does not apply to those who cannot afford to buy
medicine, or must earn their daily bread by signing up to fight in a fascist war,
or must live all their lives in a demoralizing ghetto of the poor, or are born
cattle, chickens, or sheep.
As far as secularists are concerned,
they forbid ‘religion’ (see blogs 10,18, and the infamous Westphalian Peace
Treaty; the so-called
Reformation—Catholic, Lutheran, and Calvinist did not forsake Catholic theology) to compete with their institutions.
This is because for them virtual reality is more ‘real’ than reality.
As for murderers (on ghetto
streets or in government employ), a secularist culture presumes them its own
and punishes them accordingly—with imprisonment for life or absolution by
secrecy. I recently read on an internet site that one such prisoner had four
children by four female prison guards, and was making up to $15,000 in a bad
month in drug sales.
In any case, today none of the
Ten Commandments are in effect.
Though “the Law” has support from
governments, “the Law” all too often provokes and legalizes chaos. As pointed
out in a number of instances in above blogs, the law rules not by distisnguishing a
living thing from a dead thing, but by making things ever more rigid things. Thus,
there never are laws enough to make things thing-like enough.
There are no lack of instances of unjust
convictions or miscarriages of justice in either Europe or the U.S., or
anywhere else. A militarist government in Egypt, while admitting it was a
mistake, recently condemned a four year old to a
life-time in prison. The Pentagon is considering--in the event of a war--drafting
women. The point is that governments can pass whatever ‘laws’ they wish at any
time they wish, while old and unenforced laws pile up in books to be reused in
case a precedent is needed.
Though my observations in the
field confirm that in times of need and poverty, to find someone who is not a
liar, a thief, or a prostitute is a rarity, for some unknown reason (?divine)
hope persists. It is for this reason why my suggestion is that at
such times we return to prayer, which—all things considered—is much like
playing the lottery*: neither all prayers nor all lotteries fail, but both bring
hope. No wonder there are such things as prayer wheels and gambling games
everywhere in the world.
The coming of the Eschaton (be it
today or the day after tomorrow) necessarily brings with it a break-down of secular
Law and a return of Eastern Christian (not Orthodox) Religious Law. All
lawyers who this makes laugh ought tell how to turn concrete into biscuits and
water into gasoline.
Of course, no lawyer today
believes that “the Law” has run its course or has come to an end. Indeed, some
judges are believed to be like gods, because God has by chance placed them wherever
it is they are at. As St. Paul, the presumptive Jesus, says: “…In his forbearance [for judges to write laws] he
left [truth untold so that] the sins committed beforehand [should go]
unpunished [until a later time]”.
The question of “the Law”
is contentious, not least in the New Testament itself. As Paul says in Romans
3:31: “Do we, then,
nullify the law by this faith? Not at all! Rather, we uphold the law.”
As I have pointed out in blogs 2,18,etc.,
the collection of taxes is not because of human faith in them or because God
wrote them, but because Paul—bought off by secular ruffians—nullifies faith and
decrees taxes (Romans 13:1-7)
and secular law to replace faith with.
All said, Paul
places himself not only as one (of 13*) of the twelve disciples, but most
likely is a writer of the New Testament, which put the words of Jesus (aka John
Basil) in his mouth.
*According the the moon calendar,
there are thirteen months in a year. When the number of months was reduced to
12, one month had, so to speak, nowhere to go. While sly Eastern Christians
assigned it to Paul, Paul tried to take advantage of it by turning himself into
the 13th disciple.
Paul’s rhetorical question: “Do
we, then, nullify the law by this faith?” was not rhetorical before Paul voiced
it as such. When oral communication prevailed, the Ten Commandments were obeyed
through faith in God. Then Paul’s cynicism got the better of him and turned God’s
faith in human character (which God had helped create) into question. Today Paul’s
disbelief is aped by psychologists who, because they know their talk is not
persuasive, treat the things they create with an overdose of mind cripling pills.